Schiit Lyr 3 Tube rolling thread.....
Dec 11, 2022 at 10:27 PM Post #5,026 of 5,228
Once you got the adapter, just connect it to your car battery. Simple as… a simple thing?
But.... How am I gonna put my car on my desk??? :thinking:
Speaking of adapters and looking back a few posts…
You ever get that socket saver out?
Lol I got side tracked since Santa sent me a box of tubes to try so I've been tube rolling on Solstice and now I'm looking at this problem again.

I did some weird hack just now it seems to do the trick, better than melting my hand on the socket and pull LOL.





Dec 11, 2022 at 11:32 PM Post #5,027 of 5,228
But.... How am I gonna put my car on my desk??? :thinking:

Lol I got side tracked since Santa sent me a box of tubes to try so I've been tube rolling on Solstice and now I'm looking at this problem again.

I did some weird hack just now it seems to do the trick, better than melting my hand on the socket and pull LOL.





I love how you taped the needle-nose shut rather than just use a pair of vise-grips:clap:
Dec 12, 2022 at 10:47 AM Post #5,029 of 5,228
Man I don't know if I'm crazy or not, I just managed to take out the socket saver so my Lyr 3 can look more "clean". But I kind of miss the tube poking out look, now it look too subtle LOL.

Also maybe it's the crazy audiophile side of me thinking or maybe it's nothing but...... I thought it sounded bassier with the socket saver in......... maybe I'm crazy...... will test my theory.......
Dec 12, 2022 at 10:59 AM Post #5,030 of 5,228
Man I don't know if I'm crazy or not, I just managed to take out the socket saver so my Lyr 3 can look more "clean". But I kind of miss the tube poking out look, now it look too subtle LOL.

Also maybe it's the crazy audiophile side of me thinking or maybe it's nothing but...... I thought it sounded bassier with the socket saver in......... maybe I'm crazy...... will test my theory.......
Other than saving ‘wear n tear’ on the tube socket, I can’t help but think that additional connections (saver pins—>tube socket) are a potential source of noise. 🤷🏻‍♂️
Dec 12, 2022 at 11:22 AM Post #5,031 of 5,228
Man I don't know if I'm crazy or not, I just managed to take out the socket saver so my Lyr 3 can look more "clean". But I kind of miss the tube poking out look, now it look too subtle LOL.

Also maybe it's the crazy audiophile side of me thinking or maybe it's nothing but...... I thought it sounded bassier with the socket saver in......... maybe I'm crazy...... will test my theory.......
I am so happy that no one is arguing about audiophile grade socket savers...
Dec 12, 2022 at 11:39 AM Post #5,032 of 5,228
Other than saving ‘wear n tear’ on the tube socket, I can’t help but think that additional connections (saver pins—>tube socket) are a potential source of noise. 🤷🏻‍♂️
LOL I think because I've been going back and forth between Lyr 3 and Project Solstice, and Solstice is NOISY on the smaller tubes (5670, 6CG7, 12AU7...... etc.), not so bad on the bigger tubes (6SN7, 12SN7...etc).

So my brain has been trained to ignore noise now LOL, and in comparison Lyr 3 is like dead silent.
I am so happy that no one is arguing about audiophile grade socket savers...
I mean..... I don't want to start a war or anything so feel free to take my comments with grain of salt.

But in the past I do find swapping headphone cables between my headphones (about 3 of them use same type of cable) do change the sound, even swapping between my few 3.5 mm to 1/4 inch adapters and it changes the sound too. Not better or worse, just different, also not correlated to price, in fact I liked the cheapest one LOL.

So I wouldn't be surprised if socket saver changes the sound, again will do some testing..... LOL.
Dec 12, 2022 at 12:52 PM Post #5,033 of 5,228
Next phase of nervosa….socket saver rolling 🤣🤪… savers provide blacker backgrounds….brown-base savers muddy the sound…..🤪😳🤪😳…..
Dec 12, 2022 at 1:15 PM Post #5,034 of 5,228
I tried, but I can't resist...

As @Hyde00 mentioned, cables can sound different. I prefer my own (natch :wink: ) to HiFiMAN's. I've used Mogami mic wire and Litz wire to make some. Fortunately I prefer the latter, as it's easily the least stiff; hardly any stiffness at all, in fact. It takes more prep to tin the ends, but the very hot solder ball method works well. I haven't used a stock cable in ages; only the Q701 got used after a period of comparison, but those cans are safely in a box, and I was able to re-purpose the Litz wire.

I had some fancy socket savers from Tubemonger for use in my Lyr OG. Not to besmirch the company, as they were quite willing to replace a dodgy one, but I didn't bother with the last one that went bad, just bought a few Chinese-made off eBay. They may be cheap, but they're certainly inexpensive by comparison. Haven't had any problems with them or the various adapters I've gotten from eBay. But no, don't expect them to change the sound, unless one's bad.

Now, who wants to talk about vibration dampeners?! :wink:

Oh, and as @LobalWarming noted, we might not be able to collect them all (types, I assume :D ), but it is fun building the tube armada. With my Lyr+ I've enjoyed easier rolling of the 6SN7s, but also discovering the 7N7 and ECC40 thus far; a couple of the latter have really impressed. I've got other types to get to, but what's the hurry. I thought my collection was complete until I bought the Lyr+, then I felt that ol' itch. My inner therapist said it was OK to scratch :wink:
Dec 12, 2022 at 1:56 PM Post #5,035 of 5,228
Next phase of nervosa….socket saver rolling 🤣🤪… savers provide blacker backgrounds….brown-base savers muddy the sound…..🤪😳🤪😳…..
But no, don't expect them to change the sound, unless one's bad.
Hmmmmm I feel like there's room for exploration LOL. :joy:

Time to start the next evolution!!! LOLLLLLL

Also not gonna lie almost tempted to buy Tung Sol 6SN7GTB because it has brown base which is like different! Except I later found out they were kind of like the stock tube.
Now, who wants to talk about vibration dampeners?! :wink:
I've seen them around but also didn't pursue it due to it looking a bit like c ring o ring LOL. But there's probably merit to it.
but also discovering the 7N7 and ECC40 thus far
7N7 sounds familiar........ I've been exposed to tons of new tube codes the last week, all the numbers start to mesh together now. :joy:
Dec 12, 2022 at 8:53 PM Post #5,036 of 5,228
Hmmmmm I feel like there's room for exploration LOL. :joy:

Time to start the next evolution!!! LOLLLLLL

Also not gonna lie almost tempted to buy Tung Sol 6SN7GTB because it has brown base which is like different! Except I later found out they were kind of like the stock tube.

I've seen them around but also didn't pursue it due to it looking a bit like c ring o ring LOL. But there's probably merit to it.

7N7 sounds familiar........ I've been exposed to tons of new tube codes the last week, all the numbers start to mesh together now. :joy:
You think tube naming schemes are bad, wait until you see Chi-Fi DAP manf. alphabet-soup names (I think at one time there were 3 different players all named "X3" from 3 different companies. not to mention minor revisions creating the "pro" models:rolling_eyes:
Dec 12, 2022 at 9:00 PM Post #5,037 of 5,228
Now, who wants to talk about vibration dampeners?! :wink:

The first person that mentions sorbothane is getting run out of the forum by an angry mob wielding torches and pitchforks. 🤣

Oh, and as @LobalWarming noted, we might not be able to collect them all (types, I assume :D ), but it is fun building the tube armada. With my Lyr+ I've enjoyed easier rolling of the 6SN7s, but also discovering the 7N7 and ECC40 thus far; a couple of the latter have really impressed. I've got other types to get to, but what's the hurry. I thought my collection was complete until I bought the Lyr+, then I felt that ol' itch. My inner therapist said it was OK to scratch :wink:
I like the Tungsram ECC 40, but haven't tried many varieties yet.:

ECC40 Tungsram.jpg

When you get done with those, ECC 84's are fun too. 🤣 (needs a different adapter though)

Dec 15, 2022 at 12:45 PM Post #5,038 of 5,228
Urgent, calling all CV4033 Footscray owners!!

Have bought a 12AT7 6060 CV4024 KB/FB BRIMAR RARE TRIPLE MICA 1955/57 NOS VALVE SQUARE GETTER from ebay... Now, I have a couple of 4033's footscray and was hoping to A. get the best one in the bunch from eBay and B. do some comparisons.

How to tell by which code denotes Footscray - or am I just going by year - if so, how to read the year!? Is there any year of these tubes that's better? Basically the seller is going to send me some pics in a while of my options (he/she has a number of them). Just want to make sure I get the best!!!

Any help is much appreciated

Or is it simply a case of going for the one with the best print on the glass - assuming years '55-57 were all much of a muchness in sound quality....

Last edited:
Dec 15, 2022 at 2:07 PM Post #5,039 of 5,228
Dec 15, 2022 at 2:14 PM Post #5,040 of 5,228
Thanks. I actually have both those sites open already but looking at my CV4033's I can't see anything that resemnbles a date - is it possible they've rubbed off or am I looking in the wrong place!?

Also, do you know if Footscay produced tubes can only be varified by date or is the factory in the lettering?

Cheers fella

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