Schiit Lyr 3 Tube rolling thread.....
May 16, 2020 at 10:38 PM Post #4,111 of 5,228
Love this thread... brings me back to high school... or is it middle school? :thinking:
My 13 year old son would probably fit right in, on the humor maturity level :wink:
May 16, 2020 at 10:47 PM Post #4,112 of 5,228
It's the CV pandemic stay-at-home effect. It's this type of banter that keeps one from going totally insane!! I guess I could just drink. :unamused:

But now that's there's an adult in the room...

What's your latest setup and any new favorite tubes, @Zachik ?
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May 16, 2020 at 11:18 PM Post #4,113 of 5,228
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May 17, 2020 at 2:09 AM Post #4,114 of 5,228
What's your latest setup and any new favorite tubes, @Zachik ?
Haven't played much with my Lyr3 recently, to be honest... Got newer toys, and less time (work from home left me with LESS time! That just ain't right :frowning2:)
May 17, 2020 at 2:16 AM Post #4,115 of 5,228
@Ripper2860 - I did not answer the setup part of the question...
The new toy is a custom tube (of course!) amp built by Glenn :wink:
2 x 6J5 (which is equivalent of 1 x 6SN7) or 2 x EL3N - as input tubes.
2 x EL34 / KT66 or 4 x EL3N - as output tubes.
This custom amp also has custom (designed by me) chassis!! End game amp :L3000:
May 17, 2020 at 2:50 AM Post #4,116 of 5,228
Ooooooh. Very nice. PM me some pics. :wink:
May 17, 2020 at 3:02 AM Post #4,117 of 5,228
May 17, 2020 at 9:04 AM Post #4,118 of 5,228
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May 17, 2020 at 12:19 PM Post #4,119 of 5,228
Ooooooh. Very nice. PM me some pics. :wink:
Or link to pix in the Glenn thread so all may drool and envy!
Coolness! One El34 per channel wired in triode? But you know the drill -- pics or it didn't happen. :)
1 photo - below. Figured I would save myself from several PM requests after I indulge Ripper, and not make people go to other thread... plus I am too lazy to find my post there, while the photo is readily available... (sorry for taking this thread off topic)

6EL3N with Tubes.jpg
May 17, 2020 at 12:23 PM Post #4,120 of 5,228
And as strange coincidence on the 6J5's just scored these yesterday. Haven't heard the Pinnacles, but some have said they are top of the heap in the world of half-6SN7's. We'll see. Report to follow once they arrive....with pictures. :)
Will be happy to buy a pair or 2 from you, for my new shiny toy... :wink:
(unless they suck - Ripper would buy the whole lot then!)
May 17, 2020 at 12:28 PM Post #4,121 of 5,228
And here I was just admiring the amp and minding my own business. :unamused:
May 17, 2020 at 1:48 PM Post #4,122 of 5,228
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May 17, 2020 at 4:06 PM Post #4,123 of 5,228
I'm going to have to report you. Nobody ever takes this thread off-topic. :) :)
Oh no! That's going to be my 3rd strike... :smirk:
May 17, 2020 at 10:53 PM Post #4,124 of 5,228
I had an unfortunate experience yesterday with my Lyr 3.... was rolling some of my new tubes and at one point after I powered the unit back up, after the starting delay I heard a loud pop from my headphones which were (foolishly) still connected. Sound is still coming from the amp but it is much quieter and thin sounding. I tried another tube with the same results. Same thing with my IEMs, so I know for sure it is the amp and not just the headphones. I've heard a pop many times before, when the amp kicks on after the delay. Sometimes louder and sometimes quieter, and it seemed to vary with tube. I try to remember to have my headphones disconnected when I am turning it on, but this time I forgot. When I was reading the main Lyr 3 thread, I read of a few others experiencing this same startup pop but not everyone seemed to get it.

Is it normal to get a pop on power up? Or was this a sign that there was an issue I should have been more attentive to? Is it possible there was something wrong with the tube that could have caused this? I have tried to buy all of my tubes from trustworthy sellers who have done full tests. From what little I know of tubes, this incident does not seem indicative of a problematic tube.

I'm really bummed out since I had just purchased the amp and was having a blast rolling tubes with it. Unfortunately I was not the original owner so no warranty for me. I just hope my ZMF Atticus is okay. If they are damaged too then I'm not sure what I will do...
May 17, 2020 at 11:05 PM Post #4,125 of 5,228
Reach out to Schiit support. They will likely do the repair for a nominal fee. At one point it was like a $50 bench fee, IIRC.

Have you checked your headphones in another amp? Maybe even a phone?

As far as popping after the relay, I've had that happen in occasion and have found that it is tube dependent. It is something that only happens with a few tubes and certainly not all and it is not a loud pop in my experience

Good luck and keep us updated.
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