Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Apr 30, 2024 at 10:46 PM Post #149,836 of 153,794
I like that phrase and did look it up to make sure it meant what I thought (yes)! I knew I didn't need the GS when I put it in the cart and first thing I did was check the cost to upgrade to a higher model. I'll just save a few more bucks and enjoy my Bifrost 2! still calls out to me :heart_eyes:
What do you think of your GS2? I see you purchased one based off your signature. I am thinking about going from a Chord Qutest -> Yggy GS2
Apr 30, 2024 at 10:48 PM Post #149,837 of 153,794
Pics or didn’t happen.
Yggy's gonna blow your mind. Can't wait to hear your thoughts as it settles in...

I love the basement location for the power transformers and the amp; just brilliant. I would follow your lead, but... my listening room is on a slab. <g>
Apr 30, 2024 at 10:51 PM Post #149,838 of 153,794
Even though I was a cigarette smoker for years when I was younger, I never understood cigars. A pipe, maybe. But cigars just taste so bad that i'm not sure how anyone can enjoy them. But then I kind of feel the same way about good scotch. So maybe it is just me.
Well there are plenty of people who like a fine cigar and great scotch.🤪 There are plenty of cheap cigars out there and lower grades of scotch so there is good and bad in both. Each to their own.😁
Apr 30, 2024 at 11:02 PM Post #149,839 of 153,794
After only my first evening with my first Yggy…
Told ya. It's life-changing in a resolving system, and you definitely have one of those!
I sometimes consider moving OG/A2 back downstairs to see how he performs in the main system, which MiB "took over" in mid-November of last year.
Even though the swap will take 5 minutes, I'll need at least a long weekend to do so, because... well, you get it. <g>

When does the missus get back? :laughing:

I think @dstrimbu and I must be brothers from another mother.
I take that as a massive compliment, sir.
Made me think of Fogelberg and Weisberg's "Twin Sons of Different Mothers"

And I’m on a “lowly” A1/OG… <grin>
Lowly... right. You can always upgrade the analog card if the FOMO gets to you.

Multibit… for the win
Unlike anything else out there, esp. at the price performance point. Crazy resolution, I tell you!
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Apr 30, 2024 at 11:12 PM Post #149,840 of 153,794
Yggy is really an incredible DAC. Im am completely enamored with mine.
I loved Yggy so much, I bought two!
:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :cocktail: :sunglasses: :poop:

I mean, seriously, I've only heard one DAC that's "better" in this system, and it costs (6.5*Yggy).
C'mon now. Why would you spend that kind of money when you could buy alcohol, cigars, cars and more Schiit????

Wanna freak tf out? Listen to

Apr 30, 2024 at 11:20 PM Post #149,841 of 153,794
Cohiba is my go-to when i occasionally hit the cigar shop. Smoked one and pssed them out at the birth of all 3 kids. Not the Esplendido, never had the pleasure of one of those, but, the Blue Label's are very good in their own right.
Damn you guys, now I need to drive down to Telford's and get me a couple of Avo XO Maestosos...
Apr 30, 2024 at 11:28 PM Post #149,842 of 153,794
Damn you guys, now I need to drive down to Telford's and get me a couple of Avo XO Maestosos...
A fine cigar can be a two hour experience in the case of Esplendidos. I have also been known to smoke a Montecristo #2 on occasion. Combine that with 21 year old Balvenie and I am set for a while.🤪 I have cut back on cigars for health reasons so since they are few and far between I want my favorites.😉
Apr 30, 2024 at 11:30 PM Post #149,843 of 153,794
I can imagine that the same schiit happens on a Cat 6 cable if the transmitter/receiver pair are less than stellar in their noise performance... and that would affect timing, and that would affect the integrity of the delivered stream.
Ethernet is designed to be really robust to such stuff. If the stream uses TCP (as Ronn RAAT or typical UPnP do), it's all buffered, error-checked, and retransmitted on error, timing is immaterial. The only impact of higher-frequency noise would be leakage into the delicate analog circuits of the target DAC. Nothing to do with stream integrity. Everything to do with underspecified circuitry between the digital and analog sides of the system. That's why Schiit developed Unison, which is amazing value for money, a couple 100 bucks competing with gold-plated multi $K streamers.
Apr 30, 2024 at 11:46 PM Post #149,844 of 153,794
The caveat is this: one can use DSP acoustically, I'm going to say. As an acolyte of Earl Geddes (and other subwoofer swarm advocates), one needs a way to control the delay and other parameters between the members of the swarm. So, it's not using DSP FIR/parametric EQ/etc to tame room modes, it's using multiple acoustic sources controlled digitally (aka with DSP).
Yes. My best speaker system (see sig) does that. My 2nd best system is very enjoyable, but not in the same league because it does not control individual transducers in the time domain. With the right gear choice and budget, amazing things are possible even in complicated rooms. But with the right room and reasonable treatments, a much lower budget with some well-selected Schiit can get up there.
Apr 30, 2024 at 11:53 PM Post #149,845 of 153,794
I've only heard one DAC that's "better" in this system, and it costs (6.5*Yggy)
In my top headphone system, 4*Yggy edged OG/A2 out by a hair. My speaker systems are way past that for their integrated DAC components. I keep thinking I should get a MiB to hear what it can do on my headphone systems but I'd have to sell something to make space in one of the racks...
May 1, 2024 at 12:19 AM Post #149,846 of 153,794
True, but other than the additional real estate and the fact that it's a Schiit box (No, not a litter box! 🙄 A Schiit-provided shipping box.), I feel like he downgraded compared to his usual digs.

And speaking of cats with questionable relationships to high-end cardboard: You should ask @JamminVMI about his cat Azzy and the condition of a certain brand-new cardboard cat bed. If you do, I hope he includes a trigger warning; it's not for the faint of heart, to say the least.
Lol! So Azzy is an orange american shorthair, and this is what he did… To be fair, @bcowen might wanna look away. Picture of wanton cardboard destruction follows…
May 1, 2024 at 1:06 AM Post #149,847 of 153,794
May 1, 2024 at 1:54 AM Post #149,848 of 153,794
.... 🤔🫰😮 .... cardboard domicile in Oklahoma 🌪️ ....
Here is the actual destroyer of cardboard. Right now, of course, an absolute angel…
May 1, 2024 at 8:25 AM Post #149,849 of 153,794
Tonight's Jazz recommendation...

Screenshot 2024-04-25 214942.png
Thanks Ripper. Got up before sunrise this morning. Went for a long walk (before it got too hot). Used my Apple AirPod Max Pro (yes, I admit it! Very good for certain of my use cases for sure) and listened to this while walking in the cool morning air, watching nature. Great album!

May 1, 2024 at 9:29 AM Post #149,850 of 153,794
Here is the actual destroyer of cardboard. Right now, of course, an absolute angel…
He does have a look in his eyes of, "Right, I dare you to try that cardboard s**t again...."

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