Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Feb 21, 2024 at 8:43 PM Post #140,431 of 154,345
You do know that hitting 2 out of 3 career-wise would get one into the Baseball Hall of Fame. 🙄
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Feb 21, 2024 at 8:43 PM Post #140,432 of 154,345
'baited (not bated) breath'? .... decision made awaiting justification? .... 🤔🤣
Sure, but I could be swayed toward the discrete if someone with experience on both weighs in about something I haven't considered. Especially since the question was already asked.
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Feb 21, 2024 at 8:49 PM Post #140,433 of 154,345
You do know that hitting 2 out of 3 career-wise would get one into the Baseball Ball of Fame. 🙄
.... but not 🫵 onto the Wall of Schiit !! 🤣🤣
Feb 21, 2024 at 9:02 PM Post #140,434 of 154,345
I would have to decline, to leave room for the likes of 🫵! 😉

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Feb 21, 2024 at 9:28 PM Post #140,435 of 154,345
Using, say, the Senn 650 / Drop 6XX as a reference baseline, what are some sonic differences between the Magni+ and the Heretic? I am mighty tempted by a quick purchase right about now. :)
I'd go Magni+ full discrete and Jason's favourite

I'm tempted, but I already have Asgard 1 and 2.
Feb 21, 2024 at 9:42 PM Post #140,437 of 154,345
I have the MIB card arriving on Thursday.
I am very eager to know what you think of MIB vs A1 after you've had sufficient time to form an opinion.

Schiit earlier than expected. Surprising and delightful!

Card and firmware swap was straightforward. There's a dip-switch on the bottom of each card that says "OFF: LEFT, ON: RIGHT". I assume this is referring to the orientation of which card goes where, because other than that they look identical. Powered on... 30 seconds of blinking. Not showing up in Windows... Unplugged/plugged back in USB. Voila! GS2 reborn as MIB!

First impressions (several hours in):
Smooth. Detailed. Fluid. Less incisive feeling than the A1, without losing detail. If anything I'm picking up more detail when I pay attention. Maybe it's delivered a little more gracefully. If the A1 is a razor blade, the MIB is a katana? More body in tonality, but definitely not too phat. I'm surprised with how much "sparkle" (sorry - lacking better words right now) there is when called for in a recording. I loved that about the A1 and don't feel like that's missing, despite the relative shift in overall tonality. After spending so long warming up the A1, I'm surprised how good it sounds right away. I'll try to give it at least a few weeks before forming any definitive conclusions, but so far so good.

MIB board.jpglisten.jpg
Feb 21, 2024 at 9:44 PM Post #140,438 of 154,345
Feb 21, 2024 at 10:42 PM Post #140,439 of 154,345
I cannot really say how Dos Hombres compares to the other Mezcals made with different varietals of Agave. I've stuck with Dos Hombres and I'm just really starting to explore other Mezcals as a sipper. I've typically used other Mezcals along with Tequila to make smokey margaritas. I do find Dos Hombres enjoyable and smooth. A very simple profile and not complex, but I'd be fibbing if I said I was an expert or possessed a developed Mezcal palate -- yet.
You western bastards
The best tacos in any city will always come from a truck. If you happen to live in a place like Texas, the ten or twenty best tacos will come from a truck. I can think of two brick and mortar taco places in Austin that would make my personal Top 20. One used to be in a truck and the other is run by a former Michelin starred chef who is making very good tacos, with very good ingredients, in very creative ways, but I’ll take a truck 18 out of 20 times.

Yes, there is a Mrs pumpy

I haven't been a Schiitizen for all that long, but I still remember a time before Loki was a thing.

It was a time in audiophilia when pretty much everybody and their grandma didn't hesitate to have you know in no uncertain terms that EQ is the devil. How dare you to alter your signal, it's not "what the artist intended."
If you wanted an EQ anyway, you either had to go looking for a 20 years old one on ebay, or build your own. Pretty much nobody even bothered to make them anymore as a result of this universally accepted "truth" that EQ is unequivocally bad.

…in walks Jason with his Loki…

That was, what, three years ago?
Four, maybe?

Today, EQ is accepted by the audio cognoscenti to be a nice to have add-on to any system worth its salt, with new EQs being released by manufacturers left and right. Some, of course, will even go so far as to insist with the same conviction and sincerity with which they previously preached the evils of EQ that having one somewhere in your chain is nothing short of a requirement.

Isn't it funny how these things so often go…? 🙄

I have a strong hunch that this wasn't the last Schiit-induced 180 that I will gleefully watch unfold within this industry.
While I applaud your soliloquy, it's not historically correct.

Back in the early 70's, everyone who had a stereo (receiver+turntable and a tape deck or reel to reel), also had a 10/12 band equalizer.
Feb 21, 2024 at 11:00 PM Post #140,441 of 154,345
While I applaud your soliloquy, it's not historically correct.

Back in the early 70's, everyone who had a stereo (receiver+turntable and a tape deck or reel to reel), also had a 10/12 band equalizer.
That was 50 years ago.
That’s prehistoric. 😈

But in all seriousness:
My dad’s 1980s system not withstanding, EQs were all but dead, and have been for twenty, thirty years. That’s a loooooong time, no matter how old or young you are. After such a long phase of anti-EQ sentiment, one simply does not walk into the audiophile market with one’s own EQ in hand and expect that thing to trigger the community to deliver such a fast and decisive one-eighty on this nearly two generations old, widely held prejudice against tone control.
Unless you’re Schiit, that is.

That was my whole point. But thanks for the history lesson.

Also, the Jacky Brown clip is highly appreciated. Tarantino’s best movie, in my (not-so-humble) opinion. Best of his soundtracks, too. Need to rewatch it some day.
Feb 21, 2024 at 11:02 PM Post #140,442 of 154,345
You're not pushing it hard enough. <g>

Is class A runs hot at low load and cooler at high load? and, at same sound level, same speakers, how come it runs cooler than the Vidar 2, that confuse me ..... anyway, cooler is good.
Feb 21, 2024 at 11:02 PM Post #140,443 of 154,345
I gave you a like, but Pulp Fiction is one of the greatest films ever. Period.
Feb 21, 2024 at 11:06 PM Post #140,444 of 154,345
Heh heh heh ahhh worry not, plenty more life in it! :) ... So original Yggy became a "B" version, an OBA2.... and now it's an OGWHOKNOWS :)...
Made for a much better detailed sound stage though.

This is becoming like wine and terroir. "My 1st Yggy was grown with the USB2 rain, with the hot hot nuclear warhead DACs and sounds like it. The following season, with USB5 rain, the sound changed into a mellower heat...."
Feb 21, 2024 at 11:07 PM Post #140,445 of 154,345
Oh now coffee is my jam. I fresh grind my Lavazza Grand Crema in my burr grinder every day and drip brew in my Mocha Master. Drunk only black....
Amen! One of my coworkers hit my envy bone by picking up a Technivorm for $45 at an unclaimed freight facility.

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