Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Jan 14, 2024 at 9:04 PM Post #136,338 of 155,069
3 pages of David Carradine Kung Fu? That's a lot of Bullshido. There wasn't any Kung Fu in the show. No one who knew Kung Fu was willing to allow it to be filmed for a TV show. ALL of the fight choreography was done by Judo players and choreographers.
I’m all for Kung Fu talk, but I just can’t do all the rules. Hard enough with a bunch of old sausages bantering about semantics while finding new ways to disagree on stuff we mostly agree on. They’ll do just fine without me and there’s only so much time in a day anyway. The “You’re Dead To Me” podcast just did a show on Kung Fu but it’s light hearted and not for the anoraks of the subject which is fine by me.
Jan 14, 2024 at 9:05 PM Post #136,339 of 155,069
what what do you do with the rekkr?
Use it as a headphone amp with the Valhalla as pre. The combo drives the DCA Stealth and Diana V2 magnificently.
Jan 14, 2024 at 9:10 PM Post #136,340 of 155,069
It's not a myth, but isn't a modern trade restriction.

There was a time, when only wine made in the Burgundy region of France, could be labeled Burgundy. Same for the wines in the other regions of France. The restriction only had teeth if one wanted to sell the wine in France.
this is still true, by both EU regulation and international trade agreement. A couple of American jug wine producers were grandfathered into being able to use “California Burgundy” though.
Jan 14, 2024 at 9:14 PM Post #136,342 of 155,069
This is the similar restriction on whisky/whiskey made in Kentucky, and other places. Tennessee respected Kentucky's name, (trademark) and called their whiskey "Tennessee whiskey", rather than Bourbon. Different distilling process, Tennessee filters their product through charcoal before filling the barrels, while Kentucky pours their product into new charred oak barrels.

Interesting that Japan makes some of the best Bourbons, Scotches, and whiskey's available.
Look, you’re wrong. And two professionals in the industry have told you exactly why you’re wrong.

And, while most TN Whiskey producers use charcoal filtering, it’s not a federal requirement (Benjamin Pritchard’s doesn’t use it). In fact, the only legal requirement for Tenn Whiskey is outlined in NAFTA, where it is defined as, "a straight Bourbon Whiskey authorized to be produced only in the State of Tennessee.” Tenn state law requires the charcoal filtering, but has an exception in it for Pritchard’s.

And while Japan makes some damn fine whisky, not a drop of it is Bourbon or Scotch, though it most cases, producers take their cues from Scottish tradition.
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Jan 14, 2024 at 9:22 PM Post #136,343 of 155,069
I'm guilty for bringing it up to poke fun at it, but it is getting a bit exhausting. I promise to refrain from the use of micro-organism names to describe what I hear or don't hear. 😉
So, too early for midi-chlorians?
Jan 14, 2024 at 9:26 PM Post #136,344 of 155,069
I'm still waiting to hear my rig emit a plethora of paramecium paramecia. ** 😒

** I have no idea what that'll sound like, but I will know it when I hear it.
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Jan 14, 2024 at 9:29 PM Post #136,345 of 155,069
Schiit Yggdrasil


Those orbs are plankton
Is that an Anne McCaffrey cover?

I agree. Certainly not worse than NC BBQ discussion. 😏
NC BBQ has it's place: an excuse to extoll the virtue of TX BBQ.

I long for the days of the BBQ wars in comparison.
It was fun for a while. I'm glad it seems to have reached the level of that joke about jail-birds telling jokes: "Number 23!", nobody laughs, "Some people just don't know how to tell a joke".
Jan 14, 2024 at 9:32 PM Post #136,346 of 155,069
... pages of Kung Fu/David Carradine discussion ...
I regret/not-regret to say I participated in that.

It's funny what the differences in thread derailment over there are versus over here.
Jan 14, 2024 at 9:41 PM Post #136,347 of 155,069
I visited the MJ3 thread there after Currawongs review to add to the impressions people had and encountered at least three pages of Kung Fu/David Carradine discussion by the purr guy who is a/one of the big cheeses there I gather then when someone inquired about the MJ3 was told to bugger off as it was the wrong thread for that. I bought the MJ3, not based Kung Fu musings. I just don’t get their love of arbitrary/silly rules and can only read so many posts about why people shouldn’t post. That said I’m pretty done with the P word.

It’s a bit ironic how the threads fly off the rails there sometimes. High SNR posting is highly encouraged over there. The polar opposite of here. :gs1000smile:

It's like sitting down at a table at a pub where a bunch of people who have known each other, mostly for many years, are gathered. You wont get it. They are still stuck on believing that links to their site are deleted too, when they haven't been for years.
Still, sometimes you can get quite useful commentary about gear on there, when someone posts something intelligent, but the worship of one person's opinions can get a bit much.
It's rather like... you know how in your own friends' group you have different people, some very clever, some who are a bit weird, and some whom you've been friends for so long you know their flaws and can tolerate them, or simply enjoy their insanity because you’re familiar with it? Sometimes it is more than one friend, but a few. That reminds me of a very intelligent friend whom I'd known for a long time who put it succinctly: "Blame's a rubbish concept - you adapt to peoples flaws, you don't throw holy water on them." That same friend got so pissed off when I banned him from our mutual IRC chat for being an ass, that he went out and held up a teenager at gunpoint and... I wont tell you the rest, but you get the idea.
Jan 14, 2024 at 9:52 PM Post #136,348 of 155,069
How about a much less controversial topic, Bourbon!

Two other friends of mine and I are sampling Bourbon. My buddy realized that he had over 60+ after visiting Kentucky for a road trip with his wife. He decided to do a NCAA style bracket after he realized he had enough for the first round.

The initial pairings were all randomized.
  • Are we taking it seriously? Kind of at least to the point of trying them all neat and progressively adding drops of water
  • Do any of us care which ends up the final winner. Not really as we’re having to much fun sampling them
  • Do we discuss what we were all tasting and why we picked the winner of the pairing? Yes but with laughter and ribbing each other
  • We do a lot of solve of the worlds problems and promptly forget the solution by the next morning
What does this have to do with audio?
  • We are listening to vinyl during the sessions from all of our collections
  • Does my buddies system sound good? Yes, compared to most systems
  • Would I eq it like he does? No
  • Is there too much bass? Yes
  • Does he like the smiley face eq setting? Yes
Do any of our preferences for Bourbon or how his system sound matter? Not in the least bit as he likes it and it’s better than what most people listen to.

It all comes down to personal preferences and there is no right or wrong.

Here is the bracket so far. On any day some of the winners could flip.


Jan 14, 2024 at 9:56 PM Post #136,349 of 155,069
Speaking of uisgeah, Bourbon comes, not from a county in Kentucky, USA, or a street in Nouveau Orleàns, LA, USA; but from Château Bourbon, which held the Ancien Régime (FRA) from the 16th Century to the Revolution of 1791. A strict brewing, distilling and aging process is involved in making Bourbon from wheat; a similar process developed in Cognac (FRA) for Merlots, Pinots and other wines, is specification for brandies.

Scotch, and Irish whisky, otOH, have similar brewing, distilling and aging processes for barley, excepting the locations. Straight Scotch is available at select mercantiles and pubs throughout Scotland (GBR); straight Irish whisky at select mercantiles and pubs throughout Eire (GBR and/or IRL).

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