Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Jan 10, 2024 at 2:29 AM Post #135,571 of 165,182
Anyone knows what type of bookshelf speaker pairs really well with the Tyr?
Tyr for desktop listening?!? Wouldn’t Aegir be a better fit?
I use Tyr with Harbeth P3ESR-XD speakers on my desktop, and they are a great pairing. The P3ESR is an LS3/5a design (sealed box mini-monitor) that is inherently reticent by nature, but the Tyrs bring out a full, dynamic sound. I was previously using a single stereo Vidar 1, and the Tyrs outdo it in every aspect – treble, bass, dynamics, smoothness, etc. The biggest surprise was how much the Tyrs improved playing at low volume, I think a testament to how well they grip the drivers. I haven't heard the Aegir, but they are low powered enough that with Harbeth you may lose headroom during transients. I also have a REL subwoofer to fill out the bottom end.
Jan 10, 2024 at 4:36 AM Post #135,573 of 165,182
The Earth cannot be flat - All the Cats would have pushed everything off the edge if it was !!
Jan 10, 2024 at 5:46 AM Post #135,574 of 165,182
I use Tyr with Harbeth P3ESR-XD speakers on my desktop, and they are a great pairing. The P3ESR is an LS3/5a design (sealed box mini-monitor) that is inherently reticent by nature, but the Tyrs bring out a full, dynamic sound. I was previously using a single stereo Vidar 1, and the Tyrs outdo it in every aspect – treble, bass, dynamics, smoothness, etc. The biggest surprise was how much the Tyrs improved playing at low volume, I think a testament to how well they grip the drivers. I haven't heard the Aegir, but they are low powered enough that with Harbeth you may lose headroom during transients. I also have a REL subwoofer to fill out the bottom end.
I had the same experience when I went from mono Vidars to Tyrs on my desktop P3ESR 40th.
Jan 10, 2024 at 7:25 AM Post #135,576 of 165,182
I had a Vidar in a desktop system for a while. Was great. Then I got another one, and moved the pair to power my Tannoys in the living room. Now they are excellent :) I have a small Class D (like 30W into 8ohms) for the desktop, which is more than adequate for the use case, but just doesn't have the same authority.

I used a 20W class D amp to drive a second system for several years. This system is in a work area and is used pretty much just for background music. I was always extremely pleased with the sound of this system but then I replaced the amp with a Piety (as a preamp) and a Gjallarhorn. Holy crap! Big improvement in SQ.

Jan 10, 2024 at 8:29 AM Post #135,577 of 165,182
At the end of my RASC presidency and for my 50th birthday, I designed and got an ankle tattoo (my only one) of the symbols for all the planets, including Pluto!
You were a president of RASC? Impressive. I was only ever a *member* of ATMoBoston, but my immediate neighbor (the one with the Dome/AP1200/Takahashi Mewlon 300 was president for a few years while we shared each others gear, cameras, etc,…

I used to get the yearly RASC viewing book; quite comprehensive. Perchance do you have a handle on CN? (I’m same there as here)
Jan 10, 2024 at 8:38 AM Post #135,578 of 165,182
Kef LS50 Metas

edit: I recently aquired a pair of LS50 Metas from a nice gentleman who has developed tinnitus. In the same room as my Apogee Duetta Sigs, driven by a pair of Vidar Monoblocks, these guys are *very* impressive. But please put them on stands.....
How are the Vidar’s handling your Apogee Duetta Sigs? (I am *still* driving mine to this day with my original Classe’ DR9, but I *know* it’s not going to last forever; kinda like the Bass Ribbon suspension on my Siggies which thankfully has NOT yet failed).

Nice to see someone else with the “speaker of The Gods” :wink:
Jan 10, 2024 at 8:42 AM Post #135,579 of 165,182
Using a set of Tyrs on desktop speakers is like putting a Ferrari engine in a VW Beatle.

Or as I recently discovered first hand, like putting an almost 500HP Naturallly aspirated V8 into a Lexus IS, and calling it the Lexus IS500 F-Sport. Holy Ballz what insane acceleration. (My son is an RD engineer at Toyota of North America Engineering HQ, and gets a massively subsidized lease… at 24 years old! He came home for the year-end shutdown (drove from Michigan) and I got to experience it first-hand,

So, hell yeah! Use Tyr’s on ANY speaker; make them submit to the good Schiit!
Jan 10, 2024 at 8:45 AM Post #135,580 of 165,182
And much lower taxes and-----.

The worst, longest summers on earth. We lasted 3.5 years in Wimberley (hill country outside Austin). what nobody warns you about is that starting in May and going well into October is interminable heat and humidity. 5 1/2 months of basically not being able to do anything outside. Kinda like the 3 1/2 months of winter up here in NH…. 5 1/2 is worse than 3 1/2… My wife got to calling it “the surface of the sun”.

I miss the cheap electricity, lower taxes, great roads, high/non-existent speed limits, HEB/Central Market(!) and the sunshine. But…
Jan 10, 2024 at 8:49 AM Post #135,582 of 165,182
This is highly appreciated.
You hear a lot of horror stories about Californians moving to Texas, and I'll make sure to get Texas plates for the car first chance I get.
But I'm hoping that my German accent will buy me some acceptance in the area. That, and the fact that I'm moving to Texas not because I want to turn Texas into California, but precisely because it is not California.

I generally hate moving, but I'm actually looking forward to this one!
Hope you enjoy it. We gave it OUR try (from Massachusetts to Texas in 2018, lasted 3 1/2 years…

We loved the area/triangle between San Antonio, Fredricksburg, and Austin (hill country). Great winery’s, scenery (some) “trees” (ha!)… you gotta check out Bourne, and Gruene, and… LOL

It sounds like philosophically you’ll make it work, but man oh man did we meet some terrific Californicators (as locals referred to them in slang occasionally; generally in my experience deservedly so…)
Jan 10, 2024 at 8:53 AM Post #135,583 of 165,182
I just want to go back to a place where a 10 mile drive takes 10-15 minutes instead of an hour and a half. 🤣
All our 10 mile drives took us 8 or 9 minutes, the 50 mile drives more like 40 minutes…

Jan 10, 2024 at 8:59 AM Post #135,584 of 165,182
The 2017 Total Eclipse in Oregon was THE coolest thing I have ever witnessed in almost 50 years of using eyeballs to see things. For really realz.

The sheer fact that the apparent diameter of the moon can at times be precisely the same as the apparent diameter of the sun and then can transit directly in front of said sol, well, it boggles, befuddles, and confusticates my poor brain.

It helped that I was sipping a dram of very hard to find Elmer T Lee Bourbon during totality. 😎
Yep,. Everyone MUST see at least ONE total eclipse. We did the 2017 one in Tennessee (drove down from Massachusetts!).

It is an OMG moment in one’s life. Absolutely mind blowing. You can easily understand why primitive civilizations turned it into religious veneration/worship, etc.

It’s like a reboot from BIOS of your brain and intellect.
Jan 10, 2024 at 9:17 AM Post #135,585 of 165,182
@Jason Stoddard: Shout-out to Tom E. I emailed Schiit support this morning with a concern regarding my Vali 2++ and Tom replied 29 minutes later and fully addressed my questions. That, my friends, is exceptional service. I've gotten used to 2-5 day replies from other vendors across my too-many hobbies.
@Jason Stoddard -Had the same experience with Tom E. on Monday of this week. Great customer service!


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