Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Mar 31, 2023 at 11:28 AM Post #115,306 of 165,189
By the way, we'll have a full Syn surround setup at the Schiitrless Meet this afternoon...with Rekkrs. Yes, in a noisy brewery. Yes, it will work fine. Less power, more better! With surround set free.
The Klipsch conspiracy: 5.1 system from Klipsch gives you a surround experience for under a 1200 bucks: amazing! (you know with 3 Rekkrs and all)
Mar 31, 2023 at 11:51 AM Post #115,307 of 165,189
I had a terrible nightmare last night that I had to plug in my Schiit Magni+ again but used the wrong adapter and it blew up, took out my headphones too! Lmao that's the first time I've had a "Headphone nightmare" (or for that matter any kind of headphone dream) for sure. No amps or headphones were harmed in reality, haha.

I've been on a Beyer kick, got the 600ohm 880 and 990 Editions and I've been just loving the Magni+/Modi+/Loki Mini+ stack with them. No issues at all powering them despite their high impedance and relatively low sensitivity, just set the amp to High Gain mode and I never even get the volume pot to noon. I have not met the set of "normal" headphones that this stack can't drive well.
Mar 31, 2023 at 12:55 PM Post #115,310 of 165,189
I have a pile of Schiit a mile high and I shill them constantly to friends, but I'm struggling to see why I would want to buy a Syn vs a $399 Denon AVR that does Pro Logic II and plenty of other virual surround modes including all the digital multichannel modes, provides amps for 5 channels for (generally) cheaper passive speakers and comes with Audyssey room correction. I just did the room correction on my X4700H and it was stupidly easy compared to my older 2808ci. Am I missing something here?
agreed. Plus hdmi arc and a tuner. You could get a Yamaha RX V4A for $240. I like Schiit but I think this is a rather niche product.

Mar 31, 2023 at 2:18 PM Post #115,311 of 165,189
Actually, the crossfeed-ish headphone processing happens on the main channels, but they are turned off when you have headphones plugged in. You could take the output via the headphone jack, that's about it. Main channels and headphone amp are the same thing--all discrete.
Not sure I understand this.

Can the width and presence controls be used if feeding Syn into a different headphone amplifier?

Maybe I am referring to a separate thing from the crossfeed-ish feature.
Mar 31, 2023 at 2:19 PM Post #115,312 of 165,189
I've built a few, all of mine are 60% though...
I've got a Das, a couple of Matias, a couple of O.G. Dreadnoughts, and a bunch of membranes, but my current daily driver is a cheapo that I love because it's a combo wired/bluetooth that a can pair with five devices...

Yep, Keychron Q1,Q3, & Q10 Alice.
lol I'd go smaller but for my work I need number pad, I was using full size for the longest time. Finally decide to give 1800 layout a chance and bought Keychron V5. Took a while to get used to muscle memory. I still think I'm faster on full size (in terms of finding del, home, end, arrow key.....etc purely based from muscle memory), but I'm enjoying the smaller size so maybe I'll keep as it. Might try the aluminum Q series later (V is plastic).
Mar 31, 2023 at 2:20 PM Post #115,313 of 165,189
I would think a mini Ragnarok would be doable. Essentially a Saga-S with dual mono Gjallerhorns at 30 watts stereo. Tricky part would be the PCB. Might be tough to fit a dac or usb card too.

ORT The Provincial
Mar 31, 2023 at 2:32 PM Post #115,314 of 165,189
Not sure I understand this.

Can the width and presence controls be used if feeding Syn into a different headphone amplifier?

Maybe I am referring to a separate thing from the crossfeed-ish feature.
Presumably yes. If you are using the main out to an amplifier.

According to the manual, the width and presence are active on the main channels when the right light is on only.
Mar 31, 2023 at 2:56 PM Post #115,316 of 165,189
Heyyyyy, also speaking of vinyl, I think I finally found the trick to getting the bass I've been craving from the DL-103 🤪

I recently tried Lokius between my Gyro SE/Avid Pellar and Freya S, for the very same reason. I love it, it's staying there!

Oddly enough, when I tried Lokius between Freya S and Vidar OG, I wasn't nearly as enamored of it as I am now. I don't know what to make of that.:thinking:
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Mar 31, 2023 at 2:57 PM Post #115,317 of 165,189
Did all the anticipatory posting re Syn cause Head-Fi website to become ‘synafu’ 😳🤣🤣?
Mar 31, 2023 at 3:02 PM Post #115,318 of 165,189
I'm a bit noobish in the speaker realm but, I have a receiver as a speaker amplifier. Would Syn be able to go through that with a center channel or would I have to buy 2 or 3 dedicated amplifiers to make something like that work and dump the receiver? Receiver in question is a Denon AVR-S750H. It has 2 channel in and processes the other channels on its own. I've been looking for something with 3 channel input/output but it just doesn't really exist outside of some wire work off of 2 channel.
Mar 31, 2023 at 3:04 PM Post #115,319 of 165,189
I recently tried Lokius between my Gyro SE/Avid Pellar and Freya S, for the very same reason. I love it, it's staying there!

Oddly enough, when I tried Lokius between Freya S and Vidar OG, I wasn't nearly as enamored of it as I am now. I don't know what to make of that.:thinking:
Yep, this is exactly the kind of thing the loki was made for! I don't know if I can go back to the grado prestige line at this point, after hearing what a MC can do, but I was missing dat bass, even with the incremental improvements I made w tonearm mass/the cap. Feel like I'm having my cake and eating it too here.

Maybe putting the lokius after the pre isn't ideal for gain staging and impedance 🤔 But yeah it has one job in my system and that's to add bass to my phono source 🙂
Mar 31, 2023 at 3:16 PM Post #115,320 of 165,189
Not virtual surround, But in headphone mode you do get the width and presence ability, which should give a surroundish sound. I’ve been reading the manual in anticipation of the Syn delivery.

I’m curious as how this would compare to a full on spatializer. Alternatively, is this a cheaper way to get the Zahl ZM-1 trickery people are raving about. To be continued….

If you are able to get the width and presence ability, shouldn't you be able to get the same on a pair of speakers only? Since both are two channels. At least that's my understanding.

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