Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Dec 2, 2022 at 11:32 PM Post #104,702 of 165,187
I think that you should go ahead and buy the remaining silver knobs, cost be damned! That will make me feel better about the $90 headshell that I bought for a $100 phono cartridge.
We all do questionable things for this hobby. That’s part of the fun.

I have 5 silver knobs sitting in my Schiit cart right now waiting for me to submit. Would have already purchased if the new knob wasn’t so scratchy. Still contemplating…..
Dec 2, 2022 at 11:48 PM Post #104,703 of 165,187
😲😲😲😲 !!! Good god…that really does put things in perspective.
I was thinking the time between Ronald Reagan's opening speech to his presidential campaign in Philadelphia, Mississippi was only 15 years after I was born in 1965!

Reagan was president when I first voted in 1984. I can't believe how quickly time went from there to 2000, and 2000 to now.
Dec 2, 2022 at 11:56 PM Post #104,704 of 165,187
We all do questionable things for this hobby. That’s part of the fun.

I have 5 silver knobs sitting in my Schiit cart right now waiting for me to submit. Would have already purchased if the new knob wasn’t so scratchy. Still contemplating…..
have you tried pulling the new knob outwards from the front panel by ~0.5mm?

when installing the new knobs, try placing two or three layers of 20# paper between front panel and knob leading edge to ensure a gap.

(might as well add a modi+ and magni+ to that order of 6 knobs as well. yes six, one for the new magni+, 5 to match the one you already have)
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Dec 2, 2022 at 11:57 PM Post #104,705 of 165,187
While we acknowledge that SQ is number 1 priority with any piece of equipment, the aesthetic appeal is an important part of the overall decision process.
As long as it is not "bling"
Dec 2, 2022 at 11:59 PM Post #104,706 of 165,187
So many showing us a part of their life by giving us the concerts and songs that are a part of their life's soundtrack.
Thank you and know that I do mean that because music is not just personal but emotionally so.
Your soundtrack will be with you throughout your life and at it's end. Trust me on this.

You guys are great. Even the few that I disagree with and who I know kinda sorta "hate" me, LOL! Just great.
I have rambled enough this night. Time to drift off to the sounds of the ocean, aka The Beach Boys, singing a couple of songs that I think are not generally known.

"Busy Doin' Nothin'" followed by another fairly unknown to most folk and sung by Dennis Wilson..."Forever". I have been there and back more than once and heard so many songs but of late these two seem to fit for the end of all things. When? No telling really, so live like you mean it.

In all ways and for always, be well. And Happy Thanksgiving!

I doubt anyone "hates" you.

Forums can be mean. One can't "hate" an unknown entity. Your opinions may be "hated", but you personally, how could they?
Dec 3, 2022 at 12:02 AM Post #104,707 of 165,187
So many showing us a part of their life by giving us the concerts and songs that are a part of their life's soundtrack.
Thank you and know that I do mean that because music is not just personal but emotionally so.
Your soundtrack will be with you throughout your life and at it's end. Trust me on this.

You guys are great. Even the few that I disagree with and who I know kinda sorta "hate" me, LOL! Just great.
I have rambled enough this night. Time to drift off to the sounds of the ocean, aka The Beach Boys, singing a couple of songs that I think are not generally known.

"Busy Doin' Nothin'" followed by another fairly unknown to most folk and sung by Dennis Wilson..."Forever". I have been there and back more than once and heard so many songs but of late these two seem to fit for the end of all things. When? No telling really, so live like you mean it.

In all ways and for always, be well. And Happy Thanksgiving!

ORT, if someone has a problem was you, they really have a problem with themselves.

I don't always agree with you, but I sometimes do. However, I always respect you.
Dec 3, 2022 at 12:28 AM Post #104,708 of 165,187
have you tried pulling the new knob outwards from the front panel by ~0.5mm?

when installing the new knobs, try placing two or three layers of 20# paper between front panel and knob leading edge to ensure a gap.

(might as well add a modi+ and magni+ to that order of 6 knobs as well. yes six, one for the new magni+, 5 to match the one you already have)

This worked well! Ordered the rest of the knobs.
Dec 3, 2022 at 1:35 AM Post #104,709 of 165,187
Edit: She is actually also moored pretty close to the old RCA tube factory.
Can they restart it to make some more of those wonderful black plates JAN 5U4G rectifiers? :ksc75smile: I lived across the Delaware close to Penn's Landing 2001-2008 and I still visit there from time to time. I miss many things about Philly, if not the summers. I spent a lot of time and $$$ at the now-defunct AKA Music at 2nd and Market getting advice on unusual modern jazz and world music from the grumpy owner.
Dec 3, 2022 at 1:47 AM Post #104,710 of 165,187
how does the amplifier/circuit tell the difference between the harmonics/distortion present in the music and the harmonics/distortion created by the audio device
To ridiculously oversimplify: any waveform can be decomposed into a sum of single-frequency waves. The harmonics in the source waveform are just some of those single-frequency waves. A perfect amplifier is "linear" meaning that it multiples the amplitude of each the each of the single-frequency waves equally. The output waveform is the sum of those equally amplified single-frequency waves, meaning that its amplitude at any time point is just that fixed multiple of the input waveform amplitude at that same time point. Harmonic distortion is when different frequencies are amplified differently (again, ridiculous oversimplification), that is, when the amplifier is not quite linear. With a linear amplifier, whatever harmonics are in the source are just as amplified as anything else in the source, but their relative amplitudes are not changed from the source. (Yech, it's so much easier to say this with algebra than with words...)
Dec 3, 2022 at 3:10 AM Post #104,712 of 165,187
The MJ2, another classic piece of Schiit for those with a taste for the sound of 6DJ8/6922 type of tube. ...
Agree ! ... and with the 5670 types via converters. I bought up a stock of GE 5670 5-Star at a reasonable price, having found that I rather like their sound. It should last me a while. The MJ2/5670 combo is really good with the Empyreans, IMO.
Dec 3, 2022 at 5:43 AM Post #104,713 of 165,187
Never occured to me that, in an online community of music lovers, Janis would go unrecognized. Then again, it has been 52 years since her death. And she, and her music, were very much of that time. Not like she did a Christmas album that gets dragged out every year. That photo is from 1968. For billions of people, 1968AD might as well be 1968BC. For them, both years are equally mythical, equally inconceivable and equally irrelevant to their everyday lives. Matter of perspective, I guess.
I never saw Janis (she died when I was like five years old) but I did see the car at an event at the NC Museum of Art a few years ago.
Dec 3, 2022 at 6:22 AM Post #104,714 of 165,187
My Freya N was supposed to arrive on Friday "by 8:00 PM". When 8:00 PM came and went, the delivery changed to "by end of day". Umm hmmm. Sure. There has been no change in status since 5:00 AM Thursday other than it left a depot in Gardena, California. This morning, FedEx is showing this helpful turd-pile of info:



I'd say one in three of my deliveries across couriers has had no issues. Some are worse than others (looking at you DHL).
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Dec 3, 2022 at 6:42 AM Post #104,715 of 165,187
We all do questionable things for this hobby. That’s part of the fun.

I have 5 silver knobs sitting in my Schiit cart right now waiting for me to submit. Would have already purchased if the new knob wasn’t so scratchy. Still contemplating…..
None of the silver knobs I got were scratchy. Perhaps the knob you received was faulty (most likely the plastic insert allowing the knob to be pushed too far onto the shaft) and it might be worth checking if Schiit would replace it. You could also try slightly pulling the knob off the shaft, by less than the thickness of a piece of paper, as this should stop the scratching.

Regards, Nigel.

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