Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Nov 27, 2022 at 10:50 AM Post #104,011 of 154,939
Unfortunately, I never liked the Aeons--no iteration of them. This isn't to say it's a bad headphone. This is my personal taste, which may be shared by exactly zero people on the planet. Remember, I liked the More is Less and I also like Grados (for a while, until my ears go numb.)

Bottom line, there are headphones for everyone. Don't use my opinion when you're shopping.
Jason, what closed-back headphone(s) do you like? Not asking for a shopping opinion, and definitely not soliciting an endorsement, just more out of curiosity about what works/resonates best for you on Schiit gear in terms of auditory fit, etc. This in turn may inform how Schiit's house sound evolves thorugh product development and iteration (realizing that many, MANY ears, brains, and opinions are part of that process).
Nov 27, 2022 at 10:50 AM Post #104,012 of 154,939
I am better at teaching in person.
Wusthof makes some fine blades. I doubt I am a knife nerd, .
Sorry for the particular vernacular. I would describe everyone here as an audio nerd. Probably on head-fi, certainly on this thread. Someone who is interested in subtle differences that others might not find noticeable. This is very much in the loose sense of the title of that book titled something like “The Nerds Will Inherit the Earth”. It’s a compliment in my book to anyone who is actively into a topic to call them an “X nerd” because it connotes some level of interest and at least budding mastery compared to the general population. Anyone who makes their own amp or disassembles and upgrades is an amp nerd. Same for headphones. By that token, you sir seem to me, by my definition, to be a knife nerd. And I say that with firm jealousy and aspiration to someday be one myself. But I’m on the edges, outside looking in. For now. :)
Nov 27, 2022 at 10:57 AM Post #104,013 of 154,939
One thing with all the amps I have tired was noticing that the volume pot position and how much you had to rotate it to obtain a certain volume level. This was often perceived statement of the power of the amp. Perceived. Some amps barely got beyond 9 am positions. Many folks have stated that the vol pot should be at the mechanically mid position. This is sometimes referred to as the "sweet" spot for a pot".

Some amps at the lowest gain settings you could not get the pot much beyond 10 oclock..
Even across a wide set of impedance's. 50 - 300 ohms.

With differing tapers, linear, log etc this can be adjusted somewhat.

With the Magni + here the position for me is in this "sweet" range.
The Piety is much lower in comparison. Especially on HIGH gain.

This is being driven from the same source level.

I do have a variable output dac and can lower the input drive and this of course changes the position, good ? bad?

For me, I just get a fine point Sharpie and in my bestest bespoke Way of the Calligrapher, carefully craft an "11" at the point where the volume becomes for me, unbearable...:beerchug:

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Nov 27, 2022 at 10:58 AM Post #104,014 of 154,939
Sorry for the particular vernacular. I would describe everyone here as an audio nerd. Probably on head-fi, certainly on this thread. Someone who is interested in subtle differences that others might not find noticeable. This is very much in the loose sense of the title of that book titled something like “The Nerds Will Inherit the Earth”. It’s a compliment in my book to anyone who is actively into a topic to call them an “X nerd” because it connotes some level of interest and at least budding mastery compared to the general population. Anyone who makes their own amp or disassembles and upgrades is an amp nerd. Same for headphones. By that token, you sir seem to me, by my definition, to be a knife nerd. And I say that with firm jealousy and aspiration to someday be one myself. But I’m on the edges, outside looking in. For now. :)
No offense taken lol. I spend time with various other hobbies and interests as well, mostly audio, chess, literature, and applying band aids when Finnegan gets playful. :ksc75smile:
Nov 27, 2022 at 10:59 AM Post #104,015 of 154,939
I had them both in at the same time and preferred Gungnir by a long shot. It seems so much more natural sounding. I sent the 2/64 back. YMMV
Bifrost has every right to exist. Compared to the competition, getting one is a no-brainer.
But compared to Gungnir Multibit, Bifrost turns into a rather tough sell.
At least to me.
Gungnir is pricier, of course, and a wee bit less "desk-able." But in terms of sound, it runs circles around Bifrost.

To paraphrase Jules Winnfield: "It ain't the same fucxin' ballpark, it ain't the same league, it ain't even the same fucxin' sport."
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Nov 27, 2022 at 11:28 AM Post #104,016 of 154,939
OK now I'm on the edge, really thinking about that Freya N deal. It will wind up being about $1,000 Canadian, but that's still a deal compared to full-fare. :money_mouth::scales:

So I sat on the idea of getting one - SWMBO was not amused (she's über practical and I love and respect her for it) - and I watched last evening as the last one went. Buh-bye, missed opportunity on one of the best deals on the Schiit closeout page.

But...when I went to bed around 11:00 PM ET, I saw 7 magically appear on the site! Hmmm....

<waits patiently> SWMBO: "If there's any left you should get one" :ksc75smile:

There were 3 left when I placed my order 10 minutes ago (not that I was checking. Gosh no!)...then there was 1 a minute ago... AND NOW THERE ARE 9??? What? 🤔
(I'm not complaining. I'm thrilled to have one on the way!)
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Nov 27, 2022 at 11:30 AM Post #104,017 of 154,939
Bifrost has every right to exist. Compared to the competition, getting one is a no-brainer.
But compared to Gungnir Multibit, Bifrost turns into a rather tough sell.
At least to me.
Pricier, of course, and a wee bit less "desk-able." But in terms of sound, it runs circles around Bifrost.

To paraphrase Jules Winnfield: "It ain't the same fucxin' ballpark, it ain't the same league, it ain't even the same fucxin' sport."
I used to have a Bifrost Uber that Schiit priced at $250. I think it used an AKM chip. It was supposed to be a fantastic DAC for its price. One day, I wanted to convert my USB to spdif, so I bought a $20 converter on Amazon. Incidentally, the converter also has a DAC function. After A/Bing the Bifrost and this dirt cheap DAC, I sold the Bifrost, because I couldn't hear a difference. At this time, I also had (and still have) a $140 brandless DAC that had an AKM 4490 (or was it 4485...w/e), that I also could not discern its sound from the Bifrost. There literally was no discernible difference between the three of them. I was so frustrated with that discovery. Just now I'm considering perhaps this new multibit stuff will change my mind about expensive DACs; and then I read your comment about how a $1200 MB DAC is a league above its $800 MB brother, and I can't help but wonder if there's a massive gaslighting operation going on in this industry, or my auditory cortex just isn't sophisticated enough for this deep dive into wallet-murdering DACs. Then again, I also have trouble discerning differences between 320kbps well-encoded files and lossless, so it may well be the latter. I can easily tell the differences between amps, though...well enough to never buy another amp whose marketing revolves around its measurements.
Nov 27, 2022 at 11:34 AM Post #104,018 of 154,939
Great story, but anyone who uses a serrated knife (that isn't a bread/frozen food) knife, is leaving a lot of knife technology on the floor.

A serrated knife "saws" (tears) meat (or anything else). A sharp standard bevel knife cuts slices (cuts) cleanly.

Standard bevel knives require someone skilled to resharpen them on a regular basis. Serrated knives may be used indefinitely, by idiots (people who don't won't to learn to sharpen).

I don't intend to brand anyone who likes a serrated knife as an idiot. Frankly, there's way too many Idiots reigning, to add to the total.
I'm not sure how stating a serrated knife is always sharp gets translated into anybody that hasn't learned how to sharpen a knife is an idiot. Seems a rather idiotic twisting of logic, but whatever.
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Nov 27, 2022 at 11:36 AM Post #104,019 of 154,939
I used to have a Bifrost Uber that Schiit priced at $250. I think it used an AKM chip. It was supposed to be a fantastic DAC for its price. One day, I wanted to convert my USB to spdif, so I bought a $20 converter on Amazon. Incidentally, the converter also has a DAC function. After A/Bing the Bifrost and this dirt cheap DAC, I sold the Bifrost, because I couldn't hear a difference. At this time, I also had (and still have) a $140 brandless DAC that had an AKM 4490 (or was it 4485...w/e), that I also could not discern its sound from the Bifrost. There literally was no discernible difference between the three of them. I was so frustrated with that discovery. Just now I'm considering perhaps this new multibit stuff will change my mind about expensive DACs; and then I read your comment about how a $1200 MB DAC is a league above its $800 MB brother, and I can't help but wonder if there's a massive gaslighting operation going on in this industry, or my auditory cortex just isn't sophisticated enough for this deep dive into wallet-murdering DACs. Then again, I also have trouble discerning differences between 320kbps well-encoded files and lossless, so it may well be the latter. I can easily tell the differences between amps, though...well enough to never buy another amp whose marketing revolves around its measurements.
You're right! What you say is absolutely understandable. But the best way to know for sure is to just try it for yourself. Maybe you know someone who could lend you some pricier MB DACs for you to audition for a little while?
Nov 27, 2022 at 11:38 AM Post #104,020 of 154,939
Let me just say that I feel for you. Checking my order history I ordered from Schiit in November twice in the past, once just two days before Black Friday. I remember really appreciating having no reason to play the "maybe there will be a discount, better wait" game or the "let's check for a lightning deal once an hour" game, knowing that Schiit opted out of such practices.
For most things that are ultimately luxury items I'm trying to keep in mind upcoming typical sales days (say, Memorial Day) because I don't want to waste money knowing that's a thing and feel stupid for paying full price. Heck, I ordered a year's worth of my fancy natural deodorant with a 25% discount yesterday. Only once I didn't get at least 10% off because I ran out too soon.

I've been eyeing Tyr and $1,299 each is a crazy deal, especially for the silver one because they even removed the $100 premium for them. $800 savings for the pair, 23.5% off! And another $69.04 saved for the sales tax (nice).
Right now is not the right time for me to buy them, I've reluctantly decided. But should that time arise next summer or so I'd now feel like it would be silly to not wait until next Black Friday. Sure, no 15 day return period, but with that discount I could try them for longer and possibly sell them at cost or close to that at some later point when the deal is over. Of course there's no guarantee they will do a sale again, and for the same price, but that trust in a stable price is gone.

After all this time of standing out for doing Schiit differently, this should have been announced at least a month prior, better three. That way everyone can make an informed decision and weigh instant gratification against frugality, as well as take into account the hit on resale value.

Of course it's a business, they can do what they want and change their mind, etc. It is what it is, I get it. Still an unfortunate change in my book, but of course some were very pleasantly surprised, and I'm happy for them.
As I mentioned here earlier, last Friday was a very very bad day. My first reaction when I read the mail........ That's it, I'm done with Schiit. I haven't ordered anything recently. But even $ 800 difference for a pair of Tyr mono blocks was rough. With the duty taxes that comes to a grand.
Not for the money, I'm very happy with the amps, but for the break of promise. I respected Schiit for that bold attitude.

Still very strongly considering to leave the brand for good. At least they lost my recommendations to fellow music fans. Not a promotor anymore.
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Nov 27, 2022 at 11:41 AM Post #104,021 of 154,939
I had them both in at the same time and preferred Gungnir by a long shot. It seems so much more natural sounding. I sent the 2/64 back. YMMV
The Gungnir will be my backup as I work toward an upgrade, I think it very natural sounding as well. :ksc75smile:
My friend keep trying to convince me to get Gungnir A1, but it's so hard to find now. That's and I have limited desk space.

That being said he also doesn't recommend Gungnir A2 lol.
Nov 27, 2022 at 11:53 AM Post #104,022 of 154,939
I used to have a Bifrost Uber that Schiit priced at $250. I think it used an AKM chip. It was supposed to be a fantastic DAC for its price. One day, I wanted to convert my USB to spdif, so I bought a $20 converter on Amazon. Incidentally, the converter also has a DAC function. After A/Bing the Bifrost and this dirt cheap DAC, I sold the Bifrost, because I couldn't hear a difference. At this time, I also had (and still have) a $140 brandless DAC that had an AKM 4490 (or was it 4485...w/e), that I also could not discern its sound from the Bifrost. There literally was no discernible difference between the three of them. I was so frustrated with that discovery. Just now I'm considering perhaps this new multibit stuff will change my mind about expensive DACs; and then I read your comment about how a $1200 MB DAC is a league above its $800 MB brother, and I can't help but wonder if there's a massive gaslighting operation going on in this industry, or my auditory cortex just isn't sophisticated enough for this deep dive into wallet-murdering DACs. Then again, I also have trouble discerning differences between 320kbps well-encoded files and lossless, so it may well be the latter. I can easily tell the differences between amps, though...well enough to never buy another amp whose marketing revolves around its measurements.
Think of all the money you are saving!
Nov 27, 2022 at 11:56 AM Post #104,024 of 154,939
I'm not sure how stating a serrated knife is always sharp gets translated into anybody that hasn't learned how to sharpen a knife is an idiot. Seems a rather idiotic twisting of logic, but whatever.
There are much more important things in life, like who wins when the North Carolina basketball team comes to town next Wednesday night. :ksc75smile:
Nov 27, 2022 at 11:57 AM Post #104,025 of 154,939
Christmas is coming!
The Gnomes are coming to a listening session this morning!!

Once were Cheer Leaders for North Carolina!
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