Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Oct 11, 2022 at 3:43 PM Post #101,026 of 155,168
OK, you lot got me started. One of my favorites form when I was a yoof:

Now we're agreed that we're in love
We'll have to face the lah-di-dah
The eyewash, all of the fancy pantomime
I love you very much
I'll try love, I'll bill and coo
With your gruesome Auntie Susan
I'll stay calm, I'll play it cool
I'll let your tetchy uncles
Get me back up, cross my heart
And I shan't get shirty when they say I look peculiar
I'll be nice to your mother
I'll come all over lah-di-dah
Although she always gets up me nose
I love you very much
And so I'll smile and I'll acquiesce
When she invites me to caress
Her scabby cat
I'll sit still while she knits
And witters, cross my heart
And I shan't lay a finger on the crabby old batface

I'll be polite to your daddy
Frightfully lah-di-dah
Although he always bores me to my boots
I love you very much
And so I won't boo and hiss
When he starts to reminisce
I won't drop off, I won't flare up
The runs he used to score
And how he won the war, cross my heart
But I'll have to grit me teeth when he goes on about his rupture

I'll behave at the wedding breakfast
I'll be lah-di-dah
So help me, hearty toasts and risky jokes
I love you very much
So help me, I'll force a laugh
For the flicking photographs
So have no fear, I won't turn tail
I won't run amuck when the females chuck
Confetti in my ears
And cross me heart love, I'll keep off the pale ale

When we're off on our own
No more lah-di-bloody-dah
I promise, we just won't have the time
We won't have time for such
Such fancy pantomimes
I love you far too much
I had to Google that one, nicely played.
Oct 11, 2022 at 3:44 PM Post #101,027 of 155,168
I've been doing some research for a client and stumbled upon this little nugget, essentially a bunch of EU regulations (because the EU does what the EU does 🙄) requiring that any audio equipment (among other things) that is to be sold in the EU has to come with either an auto-off or an auto-standby feature. Seems to have been the case since 2009.

No Schiit product (that I'm aware of) complies with these regulations.

From personal experience, I know that the EU isn't exactly lenient with their enforcements, especially when it comes to businesses based outside the EU. So I wonder how Schiit was able to get past that requirement and still sell gear in the EU…
Oct 11, 2022 at 4:09 PM Post #101,031 of 155,168
I'll join the favourite lyrics portion of the sine wave.
Translators note
quid = one UK pound sterling
five knicker = five quid
Prices are at 1970 levels.

On the midsummer fairground alive with the sound
And the lights of the Wurlitzer merry-go-round
The midway was crowded and I was the man
Who coughed up a quid in the dark caravan
To the gypsy who warned him of danger
"Beware of the beautiful stranger"

"You got that for nothing" I said with a sigh
As the queen's head went up to her critical eye
"The lady in question is known to me now
And I'd like to beware but the problem is how
Do you think I was born in a manger?
I'm in love with the beautiful stranger"

The gypsy (called Lee as all soothsayers are)
Bent low to her globular fragment of star
"This woman will utterly screw up your life
She will tempt you from home, from your children and wife
She's a devil and nothing will change her
Get away from the beautiful stranger"

"That ball needs a re-gun" I said, shelling out
"The future you see there has all come about
Does it show you the girl as she happens to be
A Venus made flesh in a shell full of sea?
Does it show you the shape of my danger?
Can you show me the beautiful stranger?"

"I don't run a cinema here, little man
But lean over close and tune in if you can
You breathe on the glass, give a rub with your sleeve
Slip me your wallet, sit tight and believe
And the powers-that-be will arrange a
Pre-release of the beautiful stranger"

In the heart of the glass I saw galaxies born
The eye of the storm and the light of the dawn
And then with a click came a form and a face
That stunned me not only through candour and grace
But because she was really a stranger
A total and beautiful stranger

"Hello there" she said with her hand to her brow
"I'm the one you'll meet after the one you know now
There's no room inside here to show you us all
But behind me the queue stretches right down the hall
For the damned there is always a stranger
There is always a beautiful stranger"

"That's your lot" said Miss Lee as she turned on the light
"These earrings are hell and I'm through for the night
If they'd put up a booster not far from this pitch
I could screen you your life to the very last twitch
But I can't even get the Lone Ranger"
One last word from the beautiful stranger

"You live in a dream and the dream is a cage"
Said the girl "And the bars nestle closer with age
Your shadow burned white by invisible fire
You will learn how it rankles to die of desire
As you long for the beautiful stranger"
Said the vanishing beautiful stranger

"Here's a wallet for you and five nicker for me"
Said the gypsy "And also here's something for free
Watch your step on my foldaway stairs getting down
And go slow on the flyover back into town
There's a slight but considerable danger
Give my love to the beautiful stranger"
Oct 11, 2022 at 4:19 PM Post #101,032 of 155,168
Excuse me if I may
Turn your attention my way
One moment I won't plead
It isn't much, it's what I need
And what's so small to you
Is so large to me
If it's the last thing I do
I'll make you see
If you turn from me you darken my sun
You snap that thin thread I call my horizon
And I'd like to remind you of something small
That the rock in this pocket could cause your fall
And what's so small to you
Is so large to me
If it's the last thing I do
I'll make you see
So small to you
And so large to me
If it's the last thing I do
I'll make you see
I might be out like a light extinguished in the throw
But I'll hit my mark and you'll know
Because I'm really well acquainted with the span of your brow
And if you didn't know me then you'll know me now
You'll know me now
And what's so small to you
Is so large to me
If it's the last thing I do
I'll make you see
So small to you
And so large to me
If it's the last thing I do
I'll make you see
Make you see make you see
Oct 11, 2022 at 4:25 PM Post #101,033 of 155,168
Excuse me if I may
Turn your attention my way
One moment I won't plead
It isn't much, it's what I need
And what's so small to you
Is so large to me
If it's the last thing I do
I'll make you see
If you turn from me you darken my sun
You snap that thin thread I call my horizon
And I'd like to remind you of something small
That the rock in this pocket could cause your fall
And what's so small to you
Is so large to me
If it's the last thing I do
I'll make you see
So small to you
And so large to me
If it's the last thing I do
I'll make you see
I might be out like a light extinguished in the throw
But I'll hit my mark and you'll know
Because I'm really well acquainted with the span of your brow
And if you didn't know me then you'll know me now
You'll know me now
And what's so small to you
Is so large to me
If it's the last thing I do
I'll make you see
So small to you
And so large to me
If it's the last thing I do
I'll make you see
Make you see make you see
And today... here's the beautiful stranger that torments us terribly. Or at least expensively.
Oct 11, 2022 at 4:41 PM Post #101,034 of 155,168

I spent a few hours today dismantling a tonearm on an “as is” turntable. All is well now. 😉
Oct 11, 2022 at 5:16 PM Post #101,037 of 155,168
What model TT is that?
I don't have the owners manual nearby but it is Pro-Ject brand, made in Sweden. I paid less for it than the cartridge I will most likely use. :ksc75smile: I wanted something I could build a plinth for so I was looking for a minimalistic table with belt drive. I looked for a Sol but not much luck.
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Oct 11, 2022 at 5:30 PM Post #101,038 of 155,168
Oct 11, 2022 at 5:40 PM Post #101,039 of 155,168
First I want to upgrade my DAC then I will work my way back.
I think you're eyeing an Aqua DAC? They have a matching streamer now... As one might expect, it's gorgeous.

Maybe your 2ch system should be all Italian?
Oct 11, 2022 at 5:41 PM Post #101,040 of 155,168 the high-brow, introspection and deep thoughts category...

Good mornin', starshine
The Earth says, "Hello"
You twinkle above us
We twinkle below
Good mornin', starshine
You lead us along
My love and me as we singing
Our early mornin' singin' song
Gliddy glub gloopy, nibby nabby noopy la, la, la, lo, lo
Sabba sibby sabba, nooby abba nabba, le, le, lo, lo
Tooby ooby walla, nooby abba naba
Early mornin' singin' song
Good mornin', starshine
There's love in your skies
Reflecting the sunlight
In my lover's eyes
Good mornin', starshine
So happy to be
My love and me as we singing
Our early mornin' singin' song
Gliddy glub gloopy, nibby nabby noopy la, la, la, lo, lo
Sabba sibby sabba, nooby abba nabba, le, le, lo, lo
Tooby ooby walla, nooby abba naba
Early mornin' singin' song
Can you hear me singin' a song, lovin' a song, singin' a song
Lovin' a song, laughin' a song, singin' a song
Sing a song, song a sing, song, song, song, sing
Sing, sing, sing song
Song, song, song sing, sing, sing, sing song
Sing, sing, song, sing a song
Yeah, you can sing, sing, sing song, sing a song
Sing, sing, song, sing a song

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