Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Jun 6, 2022 at 11:15 AM Post #94,186 of 165,182
Texas Monthly magazine's 50 best BBQ joints in the Lone Star State:

The Top 10.

1. Goldee's Barbecue (Fort Worth)
2. InterStellar BBQ (Austin)
3. Truth Barbeque (Houston)
4. Burnt Bean Co. (Seguin)
5. LeRoy and Lewis Barbecue (Austin)
6. Cattleack Barbeque (Dallas)
7. Franklin Barbecue (Austin)
8. Evie Mae's Pit Barbeque (Wolfforth)
9. Snow's BBQ (Lexington)
10. Panther City BBQ (Fort Worth)

I wonder what's on NC's Top 10...? 😂
You think NC has a Top 10 list of TX BBQ joints?
Jun 6, 2022 at 11:36 AM Post #94,189 of 165,182
I have one of those Pride shirts. Bought it at Madison Square Garden in '77 during the Animals Tour. Watching the inflated pig fly around the inside of MSG fulfilled a teenage dream! :smile_cat:
Plenty of variations out there, dark side of the pint etc. I like this one as well.

Jun 6, 2022 at 12:02 PM Post #94,191 of 165,182
Still a cheesecake model. At least in that shot.

-edit- and please understand, I'm not judging her. If that young woman feels that selling her body to pose for lightly titillating commercial photos is the best way to make a living, then more power to her. It's her choice. But it is cheesecake no matter what else she may do as a profession, designed for exactly what it is being used for here - light sexual entertainment. I am somewhat surprised that someone on this forum felt is was appropriate.

If she's a real pro golfer and chose to present herself that way, I think it's inappropriate for us to judge whether it's appropriate to show her picture on a public forum like this. 😉

I only saw a picture of a golfer. But, I'm 45, so perhaps my generation is more progressive this way.
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Jun 6, 2022 at 12:10 PM Post #94,192 of 165,182
Hi guys,
I've been absent from headfi for the last few months, is there any news about Schiit Gungnir's with the newer chassis design? still have my Bifrost 2, but thinking about upgrading it.
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Jun 6, 2022 at 12:19 PM Post #94,193 of 165,182
If she's a real pro golfer and chose to present herself that way, I think it's inappropriate for us to judge whether it's appropriate to show her picture on a public forum like this. 😉

I only saw a picture of a golfer. But, I'm 45, so perhaps my generation is more progressive this way.
If it is not appropriate there are moderators who handle such things. :ksc75smile:
Jun 6, 2022 at 12:29 PM Post #94,194 of 165,182
If it is not appropriate there are moderators who handle such things. :ksc75smile:
...and "self appointed moderators" who try to handle such things :laughing:
Jun 6, 2022 at 12:41 PM Post #94,195 of 165,182
If it is not appropriate there are moderators who handle such things. :ksc75smile:
...and "self appointed moderators" who try to handle such things :laughing:

Regardless, I'm still here. Though, I'm not sure if that's a point for me, or that the moderators liked the picture too...? 😁

Truth be told, I've always been an amateur artist. I like drawing, painting, and photography. When I see a photo, I'm studying it for composition, bokeh, the quality of the pose, staging, etc. To me, I liked the photo, regardless of subject. Adding in the subject just made it better. But, subject alone wasn't why I posted the picture. It was an illustration of a golfer. That's all. Seriously. 😌
Jun 6, 2022 at 12:49 PM Post #94,196 of 165,182
I don't know what some folks find so appalling about a picture of a woman with mesmerizingly beautiful eyes. :thinking:
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Jun 6, 2022 at 1:26 PM Post #94,199 of 165,182
I don't know what some folks find so appalling about a picture of a woman with mesmerizingly beautiful eyes. :thinking:
Totally missed the eyes... :blush:

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