Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Nov 30, 2020 at 7:29 PM Post #67,411 of 154,218
From the Bifcake dictionary :

Statement product - a product whose price far exceeds its value (a.k.a. Bling). The supposed value of said products are usually expressed in meaningless terms such as "pride of ownership", "flagship", and the like in order to help separate the person from his money. As expressed in terms of Schiit - statement products contain a dangerously high amounts of Bullschiit with a very low The Schiit to Bullschiit ratio.
I don't agree with that definition, at all.

My understanding of a "statement product" would be a product that redefines what is possible. Its arrival implicitly puts all the products that have preceded it (in its niche) into second-class status or worse, and makes or reinforces the manufacturer's status as industry-leading. Overt messaging may seek to emphasize either or both of those points.

The product may be pricey within its category, but conversely the new frontier being established could be performance-for-price, aka value.

I'd use Yggy and the Sennheiser HE-90 as obvious examples. (And could easily make an argument for several other Schiit products, on the value side.)

Bling isn't necessarily a factor, but can be for no-costs-barred products that are out of range for the 99.9%.

For Schiit, I'd say the ultimate statement product regardless of price is the Magni/Modi combo, regardless of model. Still to this day it redefines what is possible when it comes to value

LOL! Probably a bunch of us that are old enough to be. :joy:

Then I probably haven't met many audiophiles.

I've always preferred the term audio enthusiast myself since it better represents who I am as a audio lover and avoids the hubbub that naturally orbits around the term audiophile.
Nov 30, 2020 at 9:04 PM Post #67,412 of 154,218
Those people are not audiophiles, they are jewelry lovers or technophiles.

A statement product is not just about cost. I disagree with that definition. A statement product is something that embodies the manufacturer's vision and purpose, that makes the statement of "this is what we are about." That is why I say everything Schiit has ever made is a statement product. They are taking a stand with each and every one.

A couple of comments in red below.

Those people are not audiophiles, they are jewelry lovers or technophiles.
I'm pretty sure one of the writers for Stereophile magazine once wrote there's a difference between a "stereophile" (someone who puts audio reproduction gear ahead of music) and an "audiophile" (someone who puts reproduced music ahead of the gear). I think he was only able to get that in print once... While I realize the gear is a means to an end, I admit to liking the gear for itself as well.

A statement product is not just about cost. I disagree with that definition. Let's face it, though, that is the common connotation of "statement product": what "we" can do when cost/ price is no object. Don't get me wrong, I applaud the discussion here of what a proper use of the term ought to be. A statement product is something that embodies the manufacturer's vision and purpose, that makes the statement of "this is what we are about." That is why I say everything Schiit has ever made is a statement product. They are taking a stand with each and every one.
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Nov 30, 2020 at 9:32 PM Post #67,413 of 154,218
Off topic, perhaps even for this thread, but in the spirit of giving back to those who have provided me with leads to enjoyable art:

It is just a few hours before the 20th Anniversary of the first publishing of Robert and Jean Hollander's translation of Dante's Comedia. Well, OK, twentieth anniversary of the publishing of Inferno, Purgatorio and Paradiso came later. For anyone who's never read the Comedia, or who has and might be interested in revisiting it, I recommend the Hollanders' translation. Since I'm only a reader and not a scholar, I won't be so bold as to say their translation from Italian to English is the best ever, though it is clear and readable. I will say, though, Professor Hollander's notes are wonderful. They are complete enough for anyone to know who is damned in Inferno and why Dante damned each. In addition, the notes are complete enough to provide thorough explanations of Dante's more elliptical moments (often dealing with what time it is) and symbolism (Paradiso is thick with symbolism).



So thank you to those here who have recommended headphones, electronics, vacation spots, recordings, entire music genres, and scotch.

Oh, and @bcowen that first volume is speaking for you, unless you repent. If you repent, you may only have to redeem yourself with a few years in Purgatory for promoting NC "BBQ". If you do repent, I'll be sure to pray for you and to mention you've already done a bit of penance here on Earth for that crap beer you had to drink in your younger days.
Nov 30, 2020 at 9:50 PM Post #67,414 of 154,218
So thank you to those here who have recommended headphones, electronics, vacation spots, recordings, entire music genres, scotch, and BBQ.

Oh, and @bcowen that first volume is speaking for you, unless you repent. If you repent, you may only have to redeem yourself with a few years in Purgatory for promoting NC "BBQ". If you do repent, I'll be sure to pray for you and to mention you've already done a bit of penance here on Earth for that crap beer you had to drink in your younger days.

:joy: :joy:

Well, if I eat some Texas BBQ I'll regurgitate. That's kind of not unlike repenting (at least the first couple letters), right?

And I fixed that one sentence for you. I know you were busy writing other stuff. :grin:
Nov 30, 2020 at 11:51 PM Post #67,415 of 154,218
Those people are not audiophiles, they are jewelry lovers or technophiles.

A statement product is not just about cost. I disagree with that definition. A statement product is something that embodies the manufacturer's vision and purpose, that makes the statement of "this is what we are about." That is why I say everything Schiit has ever made is a statement product. They are taking a stand with each and every one.
I agree 100% but I would suggest a step further in that Yggdrasil is the most statementiest. Schiit has said it is the best DAC they know how to make. I'll add that, based on other statements, made in this forum, the price is what it is because that's what it costs to make the best DAC they know how to make.

If you want the best DAC Schiit can make, buy a Yggdrasil. If you want to pay more, go somewhere else.
Dec 1, 2020 at 4:37 AM Post #67,416 of 154,218
@Derrick Swart SQ preferences only.
Using the borrowed streamer, I thought AES sounded a lot better than USB and probably enough for me to tell them apart in a blind test.
With my own digital source, I prefer BNC to AES. The difference isn't huge, but BNC just has a 'fuller' more natural sound to my ears. In comparison, AES sounds 'thin'.
This difference could be to do with the design of the BNC and AES outputs from my particular device.
It is all subjective stuff of course, and the differences are not huge.
I am almost hoping that Unison USB from Mike's new CD Transport will not sound significantly better than BNC, otherwise I'll have to unbox all my CDs and ditch my streamer!

I was using a Bel Canto Reference Link from my MBP, Using AES out to the Yggdrasil. I then installed the unison upgrade out of curiosity and lockdown boredom..
I no longer use the BC Reference link as the unison is clearly better sounding.. Mike Moffat knows his stuff..
Dec 1, 2020 at 4:45 AM Post #67,417 of 154,218
A couple of comments in red below.

Those people are not audiophiles, they are jewelry lovers or technophiles.
I'm pretty sure one of the writers for Stereophile magazine once wrote there's a difference between a "stereophile" (someone who puts audio reproduction gear ahead of music) and an "audiophile" (someone who puts reproduced music ahead of the gear). I think he was only able to get that in print once... While I realize the gear is a means to an end, I admit to liking the gear for itself as well.

A statement product is not just about cost. I disagree with that definition. Let's face it, though, that is the common connotation of "statement product": what "we" can do when cost/ price is no object. Don't get me wrong, I applaud the discussion here of what a proper use of the term ought to be. A statement product is something that embodies the manufacturer's vision and purpose, that makes the statement of "this is what we are about." That is why I say everything Schiit has ever made is a statement product. They are taking a stand with each and every one.
yes i think we’re many types. Can’t put all in one box. I’m also a gearhead and looks do absolutely matter! I love my leds on the BMC-2 and i don’t think i’ve would bought the version one of the ATC SCM19
Dec 1, 2020 at 8:48 AM Post #67,420 of 154,218
Got to be honest here and say as much as I love music I also love the "technology" and the gear. Actually I had the greatest joy recently in helping someone else love music again. .

I had a coworker come to me and say I hear you are into music. I used to love listening to music and don't anymore. That was two years ago. We discussed his needs and he got a Chord Mojo dac/amp for use in his car. Two years later he has a bunch of Focal Aria speakers (full home theater and office system). And he just ordered a Decware Tube Amp for his office (20 week wait). Plus he has a gigantic library of ripped CDs. He literally thanks me monthly for his renewed love of music.

Honestly that is the best feeling to have helped someone love music again.
Dec 1, 2020 at 10:55 AM Post #67,422 of 154,218
yes i think we’re many types. Can’t put all in one box. I’m also a gearhead and looks do absolutely matter! I love my leds on the BMC-2 and i don’t think i’ve would bought the version one of the ATC SCM19
I agree with you @Derrick Swart.
I am sure many of us on this forum have more than a passing interest in the gear itself.:dt880smile:
I certainly didn't buy any of my audio gear for its looks though.
For me, engineering excellence, without the stench of marketing BS, like 'statement product' is the reason I love Schiit.
The same applies to ATC; my SCM 100 ASL speakers are anything but pretty, but they're certainly well engineered at 65Kg each, and coupled with my Yggy A2, they sound fantastic!
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Dec 1, 2020 at 11:35 AM Post #67,423 of 154,218
Got to be honest here and say as much as I love music I also love the "technology" and the gear. Actually I had the greatest joy recently in helping someone else love music again. .

I had a coworker come to me and say I hear you are into music. I used to love listening to music and don't anymore. That was two years ago. We discussed his needs and he got a Chord Mojo dac/amp for use in his car. Two years later he has a bunch of Focal Aria speakers (full home theater and office system). And he just ordered a Decware Tube Amp for his office (20 week wait). Plus he has a gigantic library of ripped CDs. He literally thanks me monthly for his renewed love of music.

Honestly that is the best feeling to have helped someone love music again.
Great story @Brubacca :beyersmile:
Your co-worker is a lucky man!
The first real 'jaw-dropping' audio moment for me, was in 1971, when a friend let me listen to an album on his very expensive headphones.
His turntable was a Garrard 401 with an SME arm. I can't remember the headphones, but I do still remember the album- it was 'Get Yer Ya Ya's Out' by the Stones.
It sounded amazing!
I have been hooked ever since....

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