Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Apr 15, 2019 at 6:43 AM Post #45,856 of 153,982
Since our childhood days, we had been taught and guided by our parents, elders and teachers to have respect to the elders and to be polite. As infants, our brains were not yet mature enough to understand or to absorb complicated things. So, just to respect the elders and to be polite seemed as easy as bowing our heads when passing in front of them and speak politely or sweetly. So, I would bow my head as low as I could when I pass in front of the elders as a show of respect and spoke very politely to them. In our Myanmar culture and also, may be in other civilized cultures, the behaviours of the children are deemed to reflect their parentages and upbringings.
As I grew up, I began to understand that we should respect everyone who deserves to be respected though they may be younger or junior to us or in other words, have mutual respects irrespective of age. Also, I came to realize that just showing respect and speaking politely are not enough as behaviours, mentalities and attitudes also define a person’s character. Thus, such bad mannerisms should also be avoided.
Every culture has it’s own norms or standards for respect and politeness, but they will differ from one another. Certain behaviours may be acceptable in one culture, but that same behaviour may not be acceptable and seen as rude by another culture. So, it is important that we should know what is acceptable and what is not by certain people of different cultures.
Different countries have different cultures and even in the same country, different communities have different cultures. These cultures are evolved gradually since time immemorial and become the accepted norms to be observed where respect and politeness are concerned, for that particular community. In some communities they may even be found incorperated into their religions.
For instance, in Buddhism, we have “The Mangala Sutta”, where the “Thirty Eight Mangalars”, which can be roughly translated as “auspiciousness” that every good Buddhists must observe, are outlined. According to that Thirty Eight Mangalars, giving respect to those who deserved to be respected is one of the Mangalars. Those that deserved to be respected includes the Buddha, Dahhamas—the teachings of the Buddha, Sanghas or monks, Teachers and Parents. As being Buddhists, we are also being taught to respect anyone who is older by “one day or one morning”. There are also guidances to be polite in speech and behaviours in the Mangala Sutta. Likewise, every other cultures and religions too may also have their own teachings related to respect and politeness.
However, today, we are witnessing the deteriorations in many cultures around the world including our country, as more and more people are getting unpolite to the point of rudeness and have no respect or regards whatsoever for others, including the elders. This trend is more common among the younger generations. This statement can be proven by just having a peek at the social media pages. As the Facebook is the most popular and extensively used by the Myanmars, if you should surf its pages you are bound to realize, within minutes, how rude and low-down many Facebook users, both males and females have become. Abusing and cursing in the filthiest and foulest of languages are becoming the standard language of the Facebook for Myanmars.
There, you can find all kinds of unimaginable foul and filthy languages being used, readily, in making comments or in many cases they are not even comments, but just obscene remarks to vent their perverted minds. Obscene languages used openly on the Facebook are worse than those found in pornographic materials. The four-letter words, or obscene words, which are taboo in the print media are becoming common place on the social media.
Recently I was involved in a heated debate on an important issue related to a certain profession on the Facebook. An old acquaintance and a Facebook of mine made a very important advice to the authorities concerned. He is one of the authoritative and respected person in that profession and used to share his experiences and valuable advices with the new generations of his profession. I see him as a widely respected person by the new generations of that profession. As I have had some experience in that field early on in my career, I made a comment on his post. My comment was a bit contradictory to his ideas, so, out of politeness I ended my comment with an apology to that person by writing “I may be a bit outdated. Pardon me if I’m wrong”.
I was shocked to see an unexpected response to my comment. It wasn’t from my friend, who posted on the Facebook, but a young upstart officer from that profession who I don’t know. He wrote that I was not only a bit outdated but totally outdated and wrong, without pointing out in what way I was wrong. If he should have given sound reasons for his remarks, to convince me I was wrong, I would have admitted that I was wrong and thanked him. I wasn’t angry at him, but pitied him for his ignorance and thus I tried to explain to him the reasons behind my comments. He became more arrogant and replied that old persons don’t want to admit their mistakes and added that just being old didn’t make one a leader, a common usage popular on the Facebook among our young people of today. Though he was arrogant and rude, at least he didn’t use abusive language. For that I thank him.
In this case, I wasn’t the only one, who was rudely insulted or attacked by young individuals, but the person who initially made the post, too, was openly challenged and insulted by some who are very junior to him in that profession. This is just an example of the deterioration of the behaviourism of our young people today. They have no respect for age or the wisdoms of the older generations and thought that we are the extinct dinosaurs. I am game to criticisms and arguments and challenges to my views and outlooks, if done in a gentlemanly manner with mutual respects to one another. However, being rudely insulted without discussing the matter reasonably, is quite unacceptable.
I was wondering, how our cultural traits, that we used to take much pride in, had become so low-down and who or what are to be blamed. Is it the parentage or the upbringing of the individuals or the systems they had been subjected to for decades or the unrestricted freedom provided by the social media? Though we might be able to find the answer to that question, it wouldn’t be easy for the mentalities or the mindsets of the people to be changed overnight. However, it should be attempted before it’s too late !

- Khin Maung Myint
Apr 15, 2019 at 6:48 AM Post #45,857 of 153,982
I ordered a Schiit coaster and got 4 - that's standard, right? I know it's stupid to think you'd pay $12 for a coaster, but I bought dumber stuff.
Also, the "cosmetically flawed" left-leaning volume knob I had on the B-stock Fulla 2 was fixed by nudging it back to the right. Some lazy customers you got there (I assume this was a return). :thinking:
Guess I'm laughing all the way to the bank this shopping round.
Apr 15, 2019 at 8:28 AM Post #45,858 of 153,982
I see that my reply to your rather snobbish commentary has been removed.

Are you his secretary or his mother, that you should tell me that he is "busy"?

I ask a simple question because I see the manufacturer of the products that I have purchased and believed in, frequents this forum.

Instead I get "advice", as to how I should behave if I expect to rise in the Fan Boy Hierarchy?

Of course your messages remain, because you are "In the Club".

I am NOT interested in being your friend, or being in your "Club".

Now I respectfully await the pics of the internals of the AEGIR amplifier from MR. JASON STODDARD, at his convenience.


I answered your question and gave you advice about reading Jasons posts prior to asking questions that had already been answered. I am certainly not a Schiit fan boy and you, in fact, own more Schiit gear than I do which is an irony.

You are lucky you aren't on some other forms as you would have been banned just for your first post. Expecting someone to react positively to such arrogance isn't going to get you far here...
Apr 15, 2019 at 8:37 AM Post #45,859 of 153,982
the "cosmetically flawed" left-leaning volume knob I had on the B-stock Fulla 2 was fixed by nudging it back to the right. Some lazy customers you got there (I assume this was a return). :thinking:
Guess I'm laughing all the way to the bank this shopping round.

I bought a b-stock Fulla a while back that also had an off-center knob. I fixed that, but I can’t get rid of the scratchy right channel when I turn the knob. Does yours have any problem like that?
Apr 15, 2019 at 10:19 AM Post #45,861 of 153,982
I ordered a Schiit coaster and got 4 - that's standard, right? I know it's stupid to think you'd pay $12 for a coaster, but I bought dumber stuff.

Yep, four is standard. In the description for the coasters it does state "Looking for the quintessential Schiit schwag? Look no further. Here’s a set of four PC board coasters, perfect for resting your drink on."

I bought a b-stock Fulla a while back that also had an off-center knob. I fixed that, but I can’t get rid of the scratchy right channel when I turn the knob. Does yours have any problem like that?

My B-Stock Fulla is sometimes scratchy when I turn the volume knob, but I do not mind it much since I normally do not turn it while listening. Or if I do, it is for a moment. I do see how it can be obnoxious to some though.
Apr 15, 2019 at 11:27 AM Post #45,862 of 153,982
Since our childhood days, we had been taught and guided by our parents, elders and teachers to have respect to the elders and to be polite.


I was shocked to see an unexpected response to my comment. It wasn’t from my friend, who posted on Facebook, but a young upstart officer from that profession who I don’t know.

I was wondering, how our cultural traits, that we used to take much pride in, had become so low-down and who or what is to be blamed. Is it the parentage or the upbringing of the individuals or the systems they had been subjected to for decades or the unrestricted freedom provided by the social media? Though we might be able to find the answer to that question, it wouldn’t be easy for the mentalities or the mindsets of the people to be changed overnight. However, it should be attempted before it’s too late!

- Khin Maung Myint

I am afraid that this advice is coming too late in the process. When I first went online in 1994, we had 'Netiquette' which was a loose set of 'rules' which governed social media. As things progressed, we went from text-only bulletin boards to interactive hand-held devices, and the only cost of admission was ownership of a device, and sufficient money to buy access to a service.

The Social Media has become the worst possible combination of circumstance--anonymous posting from the safety of a screen name, no accountability to anyone, and the ill-gotten belief that everyone has equal weight and value to the comments that they make. It is as if, the ability to insult someone--a total stranger--while hiding in the darkness of a screen name--is "free speech" and therefore should be respected and tolerated.

I read a theory about this descent in chaos, voiced very early in this social media experience.
The writer postulated that the Internet gave voice to our Darkside.
There is in every man's heart, a Darkside. Social norms teach us basic values, and that dark side is held in check. The ability to communicate your Darkside from a nameless, and unaccountable place, gives it the freedom to express whatever evil or poison it chooses, without fear of reprisal.

Let me conclude this by saying, just because someone said it, doesn't make it true--likewise, just because there is an adapter, doesn't mean it is going to work.
It is my hope that in a moderated forum, we all have the right to express our opinions about ideas, but not about the person who shared the opinion.
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Apr 15, 2019 at 12:53 PM Post #45,863 of 153,982
I am afraid that this advice is coming too late in the process. When I first went online in 1994, we had 'Netiquette' which was a loose set of 'rules' which governed social media. As things progressed, we went from text-only bulletin boards to interactive hand-held devices, and the only cost of admission was ownership of a device, and sufficient money to buy access to a service.

The Social Media has become the worst possible combination of circumstance--anonymous posting from the safety of a screen name, no accountability to anyone, and the ill-gotten belief that everyone has equal weight and value to the comments that they make. It is as if, the ability to insult someone--a total stranger--while hiding in the darkness of a screen name--is "free speech" and therefore should be respected and tolerated.

I read a theory about this descent in chaos, voiced very early in this social media experience.
The writer postulated that the Internet gave voice to our Darkside.
There is in every man's heart, a Darkside. Social norms teach us basic values, and that dark side is held in check. The ability to communicate your Darkside from a nameless, and unaccountable place, gives it the freedom to express whatever evil or poison it chooses, without fear of reprisal.

Let me conclude this by saying, just because someone said it, doesn't make it true--likewise, just because there is an adapter, doesn't mean it is going to work.
It is my hope that in a moderated forum, we all have the right to express our opinions about ideas, but not about the person who shared the opinion.
Let us all try to do our best to lead by example
Apr 15, 2019 at 4:02 PM Post #45,864 of 153,982

No more AXPONA/SCHIIT news?

I haven't noticed any improvement over time with my b-stock Vidar but I also haven't had a lot of time to listen.
Apr 15, 2019 at 4:13 PM Post #45,865 of 153,982

No more AXPONA/SCHIIT news?

I haven't noticed any improvement over time with my b-stock Vidar but I also haven't had a lot of time to listen.

Without knowing your past post history does that mean you like the b stock Vidar as is or not?

My Vidar sounds fantastic, also b stock, but brought up to feb19 new production standards after warranty work. Just wondering your thoughts.
Apr 15, 2019 at 4:17 PM Post #45,866 of 153,982
Without knowing your past post history does that mean you like the b stock Vidar as is or not?

My Vidar sounds fantastic, also b stock, but brought up to feb19 new production standards after warranty work. Just wondering your thoughts.
Yeah, my post does make it sound like I'm giving the Vidar side-eyes, doesn't it?

I like the b-stock Vidar very much but noted some said it improved after 3 days. (I know my Gumby went through a spectrum of changes.)

The ease with which it handles power demands, its clarity of sound and its channel separation are all improvements over the amp it replaced. Nicely done Schiit!
Apr 15, 2019 at 4:25 PM Post #45,867 of 153,982
="Misanthrope4, post: 14898025, member: 511943"]I see that my reply to your rather snobbish commentary has been removed.

Are you his secretary or his mother, that you should tell me that he is "busy"?

I ask a simple question because I see the manufacturer of the products that I have purchased and believed in, frequents this forum.

Instead I get "advice", as to how I should behave if I expect to rise in the Fan Boy Hierarchy?

Of course your messages remain, because you are "In the Club".

I am NOT interested in being your friend, or being in your "Club".

Now I respectfully await the pics of the internals of the AEGIR amplifier from MR. JASON STODDARD, at his convenience.


Speaking as someone who's old enough to remember those first early magical and innocent days of the World Wide Web, there was then, and is still a unwritten (and sometimes written) rule on forums like these, that if you had a question about anything, anything at all, that you looked at and searched the posts and threads on the forum to see if your question had been asked and answered beforehand. If it hadn't, then you posted your question, not before. I wish this was more common knowledge than it is now. If you had actually bothered to do this, you would have seen the post that Jason made that he was going to be at AXPONA so he would be very busy. You also would have seen the message that the internals of Aegir are fairly similar to Vidar. If you had done that, then perhaps you wouldn't have acted like a little brat. Now If you don't want to be "The Club" then you are free to leave, but if you are going to stay then Yes you are expected to behave.
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Apr 15, 2019 at 5:03 PM Post #45,868 of 153,982
Schiit makes the Supreme Court! From the appendix to the Respondent's brief in the Iancu v. Brunetti case that was argued this morning (the left-hand side is approved trademarks; the right-hand side, rejected):

Screen Shot 2019-04-15 at 4.59.31 PM.png

Here's the full appendix, covering the PTO's inconsistent treatment of "scandalous" trademarks. And here's a report on today's argument.
Apr 15, 2019 at 5:10 PM Post #45,869 of 153,982
Schiit makes the Supreme Court! From the appendix to the Respondent's brief in the Iancu v. Brunetti case that was argued this morning (the left-hand side is approved trademarks; the right-hand side, rejected):

Here's the full appendix, covering the PTO's inconsistent treatment of "scandalous" trademarks. And here's a report on today's argument.

Now that is a quality post from a new person to the forum. Bravo!

I hope we don't scare you off.

In defense of some of the other new posters (not u Andrew). The search functions on some forums for example DIY Audio and Head-fi are not exactly user friendly and take some trial and error to figure out the best way to search.
Apr 15, 2019 at 6:45 PM Post #45,870 of 153,982
Now that is a quality post from a new person to the forum. Bravo!

I hope we don't scare you off.

In defense of some of the other new posters (not u Andrew). The search functions on some forums for example DIY Audio and Head-fi are not exactly user friendly and take some trial and error to figure out the best way to search.

I wouldn't say he's new, as much as a lurker...

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