Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Aug 1, 2018 at 1:33 PM Post #35,941 of 165,182
Save me some!!

Sure, I can save it for all of about ten minutes, I hope you have some kind of teleportation device hidden away. As for myself, it was a wonderful lunch. I can now consider this diem carped.
Aug 1, 2018 at 1:34 PM Post #35,942 of 165,182
There is no way I could have your refined palate for olive oil or balsamic vinegar but I try. Unfortunately this is for my workplace so alas there is no red wine.
Don't be daft. I think you're quit un-american in your taste development. (and that's a compliment).
I always drink bone dry sparkling white wine with Mozzerella Caprese.
It can stand the heavy oil and vinegar boost.
You must make your own Pesto too I guess.
Aug 1, 2018 at 1:41 PM Post #35,943 of 165,182
I have made pesto, but this was a quick thing I did today. When the tomatoes appeared first thing this morning, I put a plan in motion and made it happen. I was really limited on selection because there is only one small store near me. See the movie Public Enemies with Johnny Depp, parts were filmed here. (this is Dillinger country).

I would tell you what I made last night but you would probably be mortified that I deglazed a pan using dark rum. :)
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Aug 1, 2018 at 2:16 PM Post #35,945 of 165,182
One last question from Constanza.
Did you at least eat the inside?

No, the whole fish had to go to a taxidermist in Eagle River, they can't do it any other way if you want the actual fish.
At this point I wish I'd had it cast and painted, would've held up better.
Oh well, nobody that visits me really cares about my fish so...big whoop!
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Aug 1, 2018 at 2:20 PM Post #35,946 of 165,182
Oh well, nobody cares about my fish but so...

It's a gorgeous fish and quite the trophy. While I am not an angler, I can appreciate the skill and effort to catch and reel-in a rather large fish. I'm pretty sure it was a fighter -- I mean it likely didn't just swim up and jump right in...

or did it?? :wink:
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Aug 1, 2018 at 2:22 PM Post #35,947 of 165,182
My respect for you just went HUGE with this one point.

What engineering isn’t:
  • It’s not science. Surprised? It uses science, yes. But if you think you’re going to be doing basic, fundamental research, or doing something like, say, creating your own transistor design, you’re sorely mistaken. Move on.
Aug 1, 2018 at 2:39 PM Post #35,948 of 165,182
No, the whole fish had to go to a taxidermist in Eagle River, they can't do it any other way if you want the actual fish.
At this point I wish I'd had it cast and painted, would've held up better.
Oh well, nobody cares about my fish but so...
Constanza thinks your priorities are messed up.
Aug 1, 2018 at 2:51 PM Post #35,949 of 165,182
Please, no thread off-shoots about DIY pesto. :wink:

Awww... I was going to share the story of my friends who have an annual pesto making day. They make enough of it that they use their (extensively cleaned) bathtub as part of the process. They then freeze them in muffin trays. When they need pesto, they take out one of the pesto pucks and thaw it.
Aug 1, 2018 at 2:53 PM Post #35,950 of 165,182
Awww... I was going to share the story of my friends who have an annual pesto making day. They make enough of it that they use their (extensively cleaned) bathtub as part of the process. They then freeze them in muffin trays. When they need pesto, they take out one of the pesto pucks and thaw it.
Well THAT'S a story worth telling. :wink:
Aug 1, 2018 at 3:03 PM Post #35,951 of 165,182
LOL that is an interesting concept.

It does not take that long to make and I like fresh basil and freshly grated Romano but I suppose it is a way to use the basil rather than let it go to waste.
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Aug 1, 2018 at 3:18 PM Post #35,952 of 165,182
Awww... I was going to share the story of my friends who have an annual pesto making day. They make enough of it that they use their (extensively cleaned) bathtub as part of the process. They then freeze them in muffin trays. When they need pesto, they take out one of the pesto pucks and thaw it.

Are you friends with Kramer from Seinfeld?
Aug 1, 2018 at 3:30 PM Post #35,953 of 165,182
I am fairly certain that the bathtub is used simply to wash the copious amounts of basil that they grow and buy for this endeavor. But each year they post pictures of it.

They enjoy food and often make things in large batches. If I recall correctly, at least once a year they make a 10 pound batch of carnitas.

Anyways, enough pesto. More back on topic, I am considering getting a Fulla 2 for my phone. Phone is ok other than the noise that is audible when the analog output wakes up from being on standby. I have tried my phone (a Huawei Honor 6X) with my mimby and it works well other than occasiong glitches. I have played with the settings of USB Audio Pro quite a bit, but still probably can try a few more things. I am hoping the Fulla will not have that issue, and if it does, I will find other uses for the fulla I am sure.
Aug 1, 2018 at 4:05 PM Post #35,954 of 165,182

The problem with I2S is there is no standard connector specification like HDMI or USB. This means one company's implementation can be different from another's.

No Schiit!

(as usual don't do this, it's dumb, i2s is flying around inside there ;D) -- just went back to this today & was, crap this is better-- like a layer of goo removed

What you see there is a raspberry pi Zero, driving a digi+PRO, (piCorePlayer) with it's 5 i2s pins going directly into the SHARC processor (the combo-burrito filter and shift register to drive the R2R chip) no multi spdif conversion, USB, etc involved... it's basically linux dishing out PCM on the pins, and crystals for timing alignment, done... very simple
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