Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Jun 20, 2018 at 10:49 AM Post #33,826 of 154,406
Jun 20, 2018 at 10:49 AM Post #33,827 of 154,406
Jun 20, 2018 at 10:56 AM Post #33,828 of 154,406
Jun 20, 2018 at 11:01 AM Post #33,829 of 154,406
I built every cable so I know the solder used, and soldering iron, and side cutters and pliers etc.

That reminds me of how the SR-71 Blackbird needed special tools to not degrade its capabilities. I don't think we have that problem with cables.
Jun 20, 2018 at 11:03 AM Post #33,830 of 154,406
I have the LP. Surprisingly good. :wink:

I have the LP as well, it used to scare my son a bit when he was about four years old, the sound of the spaceship hatch screwing open.
Jun 20, 2018 at 11:16 AM Post #33,831 of 154,406
That reminds me of how the SR-71 Blackbird needed special tools to not degrade its capabilities. I don't think we have that problem with cables.

I have preferences as far as tools but I can get by with most anything in a pinch. There are cables used in the medical industry, or involving extremely high voltage, or RF that require a lot of care but audio is fairly easy in comparison.

Canare brand connectors made for specific cable can be attached with other tools but if you are doing a lot of them, it is generally best to use their wire strippers, crimp dies, etc. IMHO

Getting back to music, today in my office my playlist includes Fleetwood Mac, Jethro Tull, Tom Waits, and yes Pink Floyd.
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Jun 20, 2018 at 10:29 PM Post #33,832 of 154,406
Speaking of walls and cats................................... :ksc75smile:

Jun 20, 2018 at 10:37 PM Post #33,833 of 154,406
LOL! And certainly not real life anymore than "reality TV" is.

I pretty much don't watch TV anymore, I record what I want, half of that is Austin City Limits.
And stream some sports and some movies.
But I feel much better now that I ignore regular TV, too busy listening to music :L3000:
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Jun 20, 2018 at 11:22 PM Post #33,834 of 154,406


I stared at this until I nearly had a hyponotoad seizure-like moment! Thank you, good sir!

On a lighter, albeit somber note, Innerfidelity is no more for me. I am waaaaay behind the times here but I looked at the site and Tyl has retired. I do NOT much care for the new "editor". At all. In the least. In short, I loathe the typist that is he whose nom de puke I shall not mention. Tyl is a good man, one I have met in person and call friend. He was the only reason I stayed with Innerfidelity as I can not abide Stereopile and its ASSociated bastardettes. Have also read that some of the typists of those pubelications have been dismissed. As such I find hope for stereo enthusiasts every where.

But Innerfidelity is off my list. If others think, or even feel differently, that is fine with me. I just loathe that typist and others of his kind. #1 on that crap parade would be John Asskissin and the aptly named #2 would be the former 'editor" of AudioSteamingpile, Michel Lasagna. I despise both of them and think them both to be buffoons that prattle on about nonsense that is beyond folk of rational mind. Hope fully Asskissin will soon be out the door and the country.

As for music? I just finished listening to ELP's Brain Salad Surgery. I like it. I have no idea why, I just do. I have often thought about buying the original version of "Journey to the Center of the Earth" by Rick Wakeman. And then I give it a second thought. Any thoughts from you lads would be appreciated. I just do not recall if I really liked it that much in the 70s or not. Listend once to a version with Patrick Stewart and was nonplussed. If any here have heard the 70s version and enjoyed it, please chime in. If you listened to it and hated it, please chime in.

If you want to say, "Toad...Go intercourse yer grumpy ol' self!", well...Please chime in. I need to know about that album (or any others you gentlemen would care to recommend or not!) as I have not bought a recording in quite some time.

Did I mention I do not much care for the typist in charge of Innerfidelity? Well...I do not. :ksc75smile:

Jun 20, 2018 at 11:28 PM Post #33,836 of 154,406
As for music? I just finished listening to ELP's Brain Salad Surgery. I like it. I have no idea why, I just do. I have often thought about buying the original version of "Journey to the Center of the Earth" by Rick Wakeman. And then I give it a second thought. Any thoughts from you lads would be appreciated. I just do not recall if I really liked it that much in the 70s or not. Listend once to a version with Patrick Stewart and was nonplussed. If any here have heard the 70s version and enjoyed it, please chime in. If you listened to it and hated it, please chime in.


I had "Journey To The Center of the Earth" back when it came out. Mind you this is Junior High and High School, but that was great stuff. I have also been near to the Sneiffelsness (sp?) volcano in Iceland where the travelers entered the portal into the Earth. I loved it at a teen, I cannot say how it would work now. "Brain Salad Surgery" was also a favorite of mine at the time, so that may mean something, and I played some of "Tales From Topographic Oceans" this evening, so you have a sense of some of my musical fondness. This may or may not help, but it's fun to share.
Jun 20, 2018 at 11:55 PM Post #33,837 of 154,406
I thought that the Journey to the center of the earth album, if memory serves, was mediocre, at best.
But that was 40+ years ago and I didn't keep it, as it wasn't 'up to snuff' so to speak.

And for me the 'new guy' at IF has yet to prove himself one way or the other.
I can say his glorified product announcements (press releases) of new products are, besides being fluffy filler pieces, are disappointments.

Just my 2¢

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Jun 21, 2018 at 12:22 AM Post #33,838 of 154,406
Still dreaming of a Loki Maxi with balance control.

Yeah a Loki Maxi with balance control + Gadget + selectable out. This would be a killer box. I will keep on dreaming also.
Jun 21, 2018 at 7:33 AM Post #33,840 of 154,406
I stopped listening to the Wall after a short while for that very reason. These days I am most interested in pre-Dark Side Pink Floyd.
Like the album, Meddle ...right?
I need to pull out my CDs and re-rip them. ALAC instead of AAC (doubt if I’ll hear a difference). Weird pops & gaps at the end of each track.
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