Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Jun 11, 2017 at 7:42 PM Post #20,866 of 165,189
Someday digital processing with room correction will get the upper hand I think. KEF is working hard. Until then room treatments, speaker placement, Yggy to Freya fine tuned with the tubes that image and soundstage the best for a treated room to Vidars wins? At least at this price point with us Schiit buyers I think it does. The preamp is the heart of adding dynamics and imaging. I have not heard Devialet or the like in my house correcitng for room and speakers, so it's just a guess ...and I like what Mike and Jason have done and are doing because if MP is successful it surely will play nice with it's Schiit family. Go for it!
Jun 11, 2017 at 8:59 PM Post #20,867 of 165,189
Someday digital processing with room correction will get the upper hand I think. KEF is working hard. Until then room treatments, speaker placement, Yggy to Freya fine tuned with the tubes that image and soundstage the best for a treated room to Vidars wins? At least at this price point with us Schiit buyers I think it does. The preamp is the heart of adding dynamics and imaging. I have not heard Devialet or the like in my house correcitng for room and speakers, so it's just a guess ...and I like what Mike and Jason have done and are doing because if MP is successful it surely will play nice with it's Schiit family. Go for it!

You can do a lot with simple acoustic baffles, like Schiit brings to every show that has speakers. They don't have to be expensive, either. There's nothing magical about well-placed foam for anechoic effect.
Jun 11, 2017 at 9:38 PM Post #20,868 of 165,189
You can do a lot with simple acoustic baffles, like Schiit brings to every show that has speakers. They don't have to be expensive, either. There's nothing magical about well-placed foam for anechoic effect.

That's technically true. The magical part is getting the wife's acceptance of those "well-placed" blocks of foam.

Jun 11, 2017 at 11:10 PM Post #20,869 of 165,189
Just got approval from fiancé to put some bass traps/accoustic panels in the living room! She said they look fancy and can serve as room decorations! I feel so lucky now.
Jun 12, 2017 at 12:15 AM Post #20,870 of 165,189
Over the past 6 decades of my listening to music reproduced in the comfort of home, I have heard that what I should be seeking and striving for is the have it sound as though the artist was "there".

I do not want them "there". I want to enjoy my self and not obsess. When some thing becomes an obsession we lose the joy that once was. Critical listening is quite often ridiculous. This is what a great many audio "journalists"do for a living: listen critically. In the process these people become so OCD jaded that it is a wonder any one can stand to be around them. We all know who they are. Smug. Self centered and disgustingly so. The audio tailors for the Emperors New Ears. Many of them are audio typists. They can not write worth beans but can type up a storm of foo foo words to describe what they perceive with their ears of gold.

I will never put foam or carpet covered tubes up in any room to absorb sound. I can not see going over board with the sound treatments. My ears are there to soak up the music and in doing so bump start a memory or two buried deep with in my mind. Or if your prefer, the heart and soul. I think when Thomas Edison invented the machine that first recorded sound he should have thanked the Buddha there were no frAudiophiles around to spoil it for him.

Schiit makes the equipment that is needed to bump start your music. Your sound track. Your memories. Their products are some what unique in that they are able to deliver equal or better performance at a price that a working man can afford and be proud of doing so. Schiit looks good too. Not Accuphase (VU METERS!!!!) good, but damn good all the same. Beauty is subjective but like quality, you will know it when you see (and hear) it.

Jun 12, 2017 at 1:43 AM Post #20,871 of 165,189

I'm really interested in the Song 3s. I have the LS50s like The Schiiter and have recently purchased the active wireless LS50s for a "Daughter gets married so I get to turn her room into a reading and listening room" under build. I got them for ease of use for the wifey. But I really want to put in an Yggy/Vidar setup into floorstanders too for me. The Songs are on my short list.

Can you go into your impression of them, especially if you got to hear the LS50s as comparison? Many thanks if you reply. My wife though will likely hate you for it!!!
TThere are lots of Salk Sound speakers so make sure you give all that fit your style and budget a chance.
Jun 12, 2017 at 3:13 AM Post #20,872 of 165,189
Well I like the Ls50 wireless speakers but I don't think the dac inside is near as good as the Yggy .

Thus overall I prefer the passive ls50's with strong amplification and a Yggy.
Putting this in perspective, the LS50 Wireless is a complete system including speakers+amp+preamp+DAC that costs less than an Yggy alone!
Jun 12, 2017 at 4:14 AM Post #20,874 of 165,189
Over the past 6 decades of my listening to music reproduced in the comfort of home, I have heard that what I should be seeking and striving for is the have it sound as though the artist was "there".

I do not want them "there". I want to enjoy my self and not obsess. When some thing becomes an obsession we lose the joy that once was. Critical listening is quite often ridiculous. This is what a great many audio "journalists"do for a living: listen critically. In the process these people become so OCD jaded that it is a wonder any one can stand to be around them. We all know who they are. Smug. Self centered and disgustingly so. The audio tailors for the Emperors New Ears. Many of them are audio typists. They can not write worth beans but can type up a storm of foo foo words to describe what they perceive with their ears of gold.

I will never put foam or carpet covered tubes up in any room to absorb sound. I can not see going over board with the sound treatments. My ears are there to soak up the music and in doing so bump start a memory or two buried deep with in my mind. Or if your prefer, the heart and soul. I think when Thomas Edison invented the machine that first recorded sound he should have thanked the Buddha there were no frAudiophiles around to spoil it for him.

Schiit makes the equipment that is needed to bump start your music. Your sound track. Your memories. Their products are some what unique in that they are able to deliver equal or better performance at a price that a working man can afford and be proud of doing so. Schiit looks good too. Not Accuphase (VU METERS!!!!) good, but damn good all the same. Beauty is subjective but like quality, you will know it when you see (and hear) it.


Well said sir! Listening to music should be fun, and emotionally involving, not a scientific exercise.
Schiit, Saga especially, has definitely kickstarted my music collection, making some tired old albums sound fresh and involving again.
Jun 12, 2017 at 6:53 AM Post #20,875 of 165,189
Someday digital processing with room correction will get the upper hand I think. KEF is working hard. Until then room treatments, speaker placement, Yggy to Freya fine tuned with the tubes that image and soundstage the best for a treated room to Vidars wins? At least at this price point with us Schiit buyers I think it does. The preamp is the heart of adding dynamics and imaging. I have not heard Devialet or the like in my house correcitng for room and speakers, so it's just a guess ...and I like what Mike and Jason have done and are doing because if MP is successful it surely will play nice with it's Schiit family. Go for it!

I use digital processing room correction for more than a year now. Very happy with it.
As software: Dirac Live
As a hardware box: MiniDSP
Still very curious though what Jason and Mike come up with for The Gadget and Eitr. Looking forward to hear more about it.
Jun 12, 2017 at 7:55 AM Post #20,876 of 165,189
Putting this in perspective, the LS50 Wireless is a complete system including speakers+amp+preamp+DAC that costs less than an Yggy alone!
Yes indeed it is less expensive but I have both the passives and LS50 Wireless and the passives sound better with the Yggy. We are talking apple and oranges in cost as the Yggy ,Kef Amp combination I have
costs 6,300 appx.
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Jun 12, 2017 at 8:07 AM Post #20,877 of 165,189
I use digital processing room correction for more than a year now. Very happy with it.
As software: Dirac Live
As a hardware box: MiniDSP
Still very curious though what Jason and Mike come up with for The Gadget and Eitr. Looking forward to hear more about it.

According to Wiki, Eitr is "a mythical substance that is the origin of all living things."
Hints at an upstream device like a DAC or a media player.

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