Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Oct 9, 2016 at 8:05 PM Post #13,006 of 154,029
The balanced and SE outputs are controlled by the volume control, there is no fixed output. There is no HT bypass, either.

That is a shame.  I will still keep an eye out for those amps though.  I may opt for a combo like Wyred STP + Jotunheim + two Vidars.  Or maybe a Hegel H200 and a Jotunheim.

If you need headphone capability, and the variable outputs of Freya don't appeal to you for that purpose, then it won't meet your needs.
The amps really had a tremendous grip on the Salk speakers. The room was too small for deep bass, but the texture of the low frequencies in the music was excellent, and that only happens with great amps, and signal chain 
Oct 9, 2016 at 8:14 PM Post #13,007 of 154,029
I shall continue to style Freia after Wagner's character in Das Rheingold, a decision I doubt Mike could wholly condemn.
Oct 9, 2016 at 8:14 PM Post #13,008 of 154,029
Hey all,
Just a quick post to let you know that I haven't forgotten about you--it's just been grueling getting up to the show, then very busy during the show. I'll be posting a chapter on the preamps in the next day or so, but before that, I just thought I'd let you know how the show went.
First, the preamps. We used both Saga and Freya at varying times in the listening room, together with either one or two Vidars. We also varied the source from a Yggdrasil to the Bifrost Multibit. At the same time, we played both the Salk Song3s and the SoundScape 8s at various times. So, depending on when you visited, you may have heard a $4700-ish dollar system (Saga, one Vidar, Bifrost Multibit, Song3s) to a $15,000-ish system (Yggy, Freya, 2 Vidars, and the SoundScape 8s, which are $9K a pair. To my admittedly biased ears, everything sounded great, right down to the "minimal" SE system. 
The show was the first major outing for the Vidar, which is still a late-generation prototype. It had very little time at the shop before hitting the show. Despite that, it played with only a single hitch: one of the amps thermally shut off from time to time when we were running it as a mono amp into the 4-ohm SoundScape 8s. This amp didn't have the heat tunnel bolted to the top and bottom of the chassis, due to fit issues, so it had less radiating area than the other prototype (the entire chassis is aluminum, and yes, bolting the heat tunnel to the case is important for maximum dissipation.) As an interesting side-effect of the heat tunnel design, you can see entirely through the amp, like a donut. The good news about the amp shutting down means that the protection is working, on first-generation firmware.
Some more notes on protection, firmware, biasing, and such:
1. You are likely to run into protection if you're running these amps mono into 4 ohm speakers at high levels, especially those that dip down far below 2 ohms at points. That shouldn't be surprising at this size and cost (and given the fact that we are rating it into 8 ohms only in mono mode.) What happens when the amplifier hits protection is that it will disconnect the load. 
2. The amp still needs to go through some pretty extensive torture-testing to see where the protection system fails. This has to be 100% right. Unreliable cheap amps kill companies.
3. Anyone who carps about "ah, waaaahhh, you can't measure a Schiit intelligently managed amp," is making some wrong assumptions. Consider this V2.0 of the Intelligent Amp Operating System.
And yes, Vidar is a single-ended current-feedback type of amplifier, 100% bipolar and 100% complementary from input to output, with constant feedback across the audio band and exotic 2SC/2SA parts used throughout. If this sounds familiar, it's because Jotunheim led us down the path to current feedback. 
In terms of timing, you'll be seeing the preamps up on the site in a couple of weeks (they are being sent to photograph straight from the show, and we're just waiting on production of the boards, as we have all metal in-house.) Vidar is more fluid, as it has some long-lead parts that will certainly put it out past the end of the year. 
In terms of why we're announcing this before you can buy it, well...the gears have been turning for some time, and we were sooooooo close on the preamps, and I still know I'll kick myself in the ass on the amp, so hey, maybe we're just dumb.
All the best,
Schiit Audio Stay updated on Schiit Audio at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Oct 9, 2016 at 8:15 PM Post #13,009 of 154,029
Well I was going to buy both the Jotunheim and the Freya and have each of them directly connected to the Yggy (Balanced to Freya - RCA to Jotun).  I'm still excited about the amps though I'm just in for a long wait like I was for the Yggy.  I was looking forward to an all Schiit stack though. 
Oct 9, 2016 at 9:51 PM Post #13,010 of 154,029
The Preamps are far more than I expected them to be. The Vidar's flexibility and power makes it a serious contender. Congrats on the official Entry into 2ch. I say official because I have been using schiit gear in 2 channel for some time now I know others have been as well. ]
The early announcement makes sense considering it was RMAF, the perfect place to ruffle the feathers of the high dollar snobs and get some of them to get their heads out of where the sun don't shine. It also gives me more time to agonize on which Preamp to get.
Oct 9, 2016 at 9:51 PM Post #13,011 of 154,029
  ...And yes, Vidar is a single-ended current-feedback type of amplifier, 100% bipolar and 100% complementary from input to output, with constant feedback across the audio band and exotic 2SC/2SA parts used throughout. If this sounds familiar, it's because Jotunheim led us down the path to current feedback. 
In terms of timing, you'll be seeing the preamps up on the site in a couple of weeks (they are being sent to photograph straight from the show, and we're just waiting on production of the boards, as we have all metal in-house.) Vidar is more fluid, as it has some long-lead parts that will certainly put it out past the end of the year. 
In terms of why we're announcing this before you can buy it, well...the gears have been turning for some time, and we were sooooooo close on the preamps, and I still know I'll kick myself in the ass on the amp, so hey, maybe we're just dumb.
All the best,

I know more than a few people that are 100% bipolar and only barely 22 % complimentary.. And I really don't want anymore feedback from them.
Got my fingers and eyes crossed for a nice  integrated amp.  One day.  Down the road.  In the future...

Oct 10, 2016 at 8:50 AM Post #13,013 of 154,029
  Well I was going to buy both the Jotunheim and the Freya and have each of them directly connected to the Yggy (Balanced to Freya - RCA to Jotun).  I'm still excited about the amps though I'm just in for a long wait like I was for the Yggy.  I was looking forward to an all Schiit stack though. 

Wouldn't you put the Jot after the Freya (balanced)?
Oct 10, 2016 at 11:08 AM Post #13,016 of 154,029
No, because I would have used the balanced outs to my amps. Also none of the Freya's outputs are fixed.

Have you thought of investing in these.
Oct 10, 2016 at 12:25 PM Post #13,017 of 154,029
  1. You are likely to run into protection if you're running these amps mono into 4 ohm speakers at high levels, especially those that dip down far below 2 ohms at points. That shouldn't be surprising at this size and cost (and given the fact that we are rating it into 8 ohms only in mono mode.) What happens when the amplifier hits protection is that it will disconnect the load. 
2. The amp still needs to go through some pretty extensive torture-testing to see where the protection system fails. This has to be 100% right. Unreliable cheap amps kill companies.
3. Anyone who carps about "ah, waaaahhh, you can't measure a Schiit intelligently managed amp," is making some wrong assumptions. Consider this V2.0 of the Intelligent Amp Operating System.

1.  I pointed this out to Jason when it first happened.  We were in the listening room/hotel room, and Jason was holding court in the hallway with a half-dozen of us.
3.  Thanks to Jason for listening, patiently, to my uninformed talking about that.  I assumed there was special case code in the firmware for some waveforms, and that isn't so.
As an aside, I suggested that Jason indicate *what kind* of fault happened in the amp, with LEDs, and he was all, "Yeah, no."  KISS runs deep in his veins. :)

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