Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Jun 6, 2015 at 7:26 AM Post #6,691 of 153,935
I think you should read the whole link.

I did. Listen, I am totally with the xiph guys. However, it has been documented in lab tests that some people can hear down to 12 Hz and that's below the "normal human threshold". Study is available and was already conducted in 1967 - so hardly anything new.

I for sure can't hear anything above 16khz.

Jun 6, 2015 at 7:54 AM Post #6,692 of 153,935
I did. Listen, I am totally with the xiph guys. However, it has been documented in lab tests that some people can hear down to 12 Hz and that's below the "normal human threshold". Study is available and was already conducted in 1967 - so hardly anything new.

I for sure can't hear anything above 16khz.


 I'm betting something like "Mastered for people with extended hearing" probably would sell, but ... you know, snake oil feels warm and fussy around one's ego. 
Jun 6, 2015 at 7:59 AM Post #6,693 of 153,935
 I'm betting something like "Mastered for people with extended hearing" probably would sell, but ... you know, snake oil feels warm and fussy around one's ego. 

Oh yes absolutely. Even though it was recorded with microphones that can record it, it's always good to have more headroom LOL.

Hey and it might scare off some Mosquitos...

Jun 6, 2015 at 8:40 AM Post #6,694 of 153,935
Define "genetic freak"? What are they looking for?

Hearing as low as 12 Hz has been well documented in auditory research. I am not talking about super humans, just people that can hear slightly outside 20-20. :wink:

+1 Well said.
Jun 6, 2015 at 8:45 AM Post #6,695 of 153,935
What’s the one thing you dislike most about your current audio system?

This is a pretty belated answer, because mostly I'm satisfied enough that "what's the one thing you dislike most" didn't send me racing to the keyboard.  But I've had some time to think about it.
There are actually three things I'd like to mention, but I'm going to lead with this one:  I wish the small amps had nicer pots
I know the small amps are built to a price point, and that there's not necessarily space inside for a really nice pot*.  Nonetheless that's my admittedly odd complaint.  I like how unobtrusive the Magni/Vali form factor is:  it goes well on an office desk without calling attention to itself, and it enjoys higher spousal acceptance factor in places around the house (e.g. the small table next to my favorite reading chair) than something Asgard-sized would. 
I wouldn't mind if they had to grow a little in height, but anyway, that's what I wish I had:  amps of roughly Magni/Vali dimensions, with nicer pots. 
Dislike #2 is that the DAC's in a separate chassis which I have to stick somewhere.  Yes, I understand the electronic and the market-driven reasons for it, and I fully admit they make sense.  And a combo DAC/amp wouldn't be as compact as the small amps you have now whose size I just cited as a big advantage.  Nonetheless, the extra box, the extra PSU, and the wiring to join the DAC and amp are sources of dissatisfaction for me.  Grumble, grumble.
Dislike #3 is wires.  Normally my source is a laptop with optical-out, but now and then I'd like to just sit back with just my phone or tablet and have them talk to my DAC over the air. 
*By which I mostly mean nicer-feeling; I don't really have sonic complaints about the existing small pots.
Jun 6, 2015 at 8:50 AM Post #6,696 of 153,935
I did. Listen, I am totally with the xiph guys. However, it has been documented in lab tests that some people can hear down to 12 Hz and that's below the "normal human threshold". Study is available and was already conducted in 1967 - so hardly anything new.

I for sure can't hear anything above 16khz.


That's OK, not all headphones are that good beyond 16 kHz.
Jun 6, 2015 at 5:56 PM Post #6,698 of 153,935
Is Schiit going to be coming out with any new products soon?

Jason will release the [REDACTED] on the [REDACTED] of [REDACTED] of [REDACTED] as he have stated in previous posts. Jason is quite transparent regarding release dates and product names and product specifications. For instance see the Yggi thread or previous chapters of Jason's chronicles of Schiit Audio.
okokok, I give. Hell, we don't know, Jason won't tell us for some "strange" reason when [REDACTED] will be released.
I honestly just can't imagine why at all. bueller...bueller...
Jun 6, 2015 at 6:59 PM Post #6,699 of 153,935
Ok, I just have the magi and Modi and I'm looking at the Valhalla, I hope the new Schiit comes out soon
Jason will release the [REDACTED] on the [REDACTED] of [REDACTED] of [REDACTED] as he have stated in previous posts. Jason is quite transparent regarding release dates and product names and product specifications. For instance see the Yggi thread or previous chapters of Jason's chronicles of Schiit Audio.

okokok, I give. Hell, we don't know, Jason won't tell us for some "strange" reason when [REDACTED] will be released.

I honestly just can't imagine why at all. bueller...bueller...
Jun 6, 2015 at 8:02 PM Post #6,700 of 153,935
Ok, I just have the magi and Modi and I'm looking at the Valhalla, I hope the new Schiit comes out soon

Why?  There is absolutely nothing wrong with the old Schiit.
Jun 6, 2015 at 8:05 PM Post #6,701 of 153,935
Ok, I just have the magi and Modi and I'm looking at the Valhalla, I hope the new Schiit comes out soon

I have the Asgard 2 and Bifrost Uber USB as well as a Modi 2 Uber and Magni 2 Uber. I've spent a day with bigro's Vahalla 2 with his Russian tubes, just wow! I can't recall the tubes he got, but they were an improvement over the stock tubes particularly with my Shure SE 535s, ask him, he'll tell you which tubes he got, or ask me and I'll find out for you.
I will say, the biggest change in sound quality for me was the move from the Magni 2 Uber to the Asgard 2. Wow, everything improved for me. It's a terrific amp and probably my end game as I just cannot afford anything more costly unfortunately.
Bigro uses his Valhalla 2 mostly as a preamp for his Mackie powered monitors and he just loves it. I will say, it really sounded amazing with my Shure SE535s and 1540's. (sorry, have to use closed cans at work). When bigro let me listen to the Valhalla 2 it was at work and it was the first time he listened to it with any headphones at all, and I think he liked it, Mikey.
He and I share a lot of hardware from DACs to amps to cans to DAPs. We sort of feed each other's obsession to the shagrin of our respective SWMBO's.
I will still say my desire is an upgraded Vali that I can 1) afford and 2) has a preamp out because tube sound is just so awesome and fun. If that doesn't happen soon enough, I'll locate a used Valhalla 2 and the same set of tubes that bigro has.
If your Magni/Modi stack is not the 2 Uber version, consider upgrading at least the Modi and add a Wyrd if you have not already. I have to say, with a Wyrd, the Modi 2 Uber really shines from my lowly perspective. Then, work towards an Asgard 2 or Valhalla 2 if tubes are your thing. Just my lowly 2 cents. Oh, and do what makes you smile when listening to your favorite music. Nothing else matters except the pleasure you yourself get.
Jun 6, 2015 at 9:01 PM Post #6,703 of 153,935
While digital technology will improve over a few years a great amp design is good to go for as long as it lasts. I do believe that is one of the reasons Schiit Audio doesn't want to combine their DAC and amps. Of course unlike most companies, Schiit Audio sells you an upgradable DAC and then actually offers reasonably priced upgrades for it...imagine that. Save your money for more music!
Jun 6, 2015 at 11:41 PM Post #6,704 of 153,935
Ok, I just have the magi and Modi and I'm looking at the Valhalla, I hope the new Schiit comes out soon
My Valhalla 2 just showed up Friday. With stock tubes it beats the pants off of my Little Dot MK III with upgraded tubes. Unless there is a Valhalla 3 coming down the line that will go to work for me, I can easily recommend the Valhalla 2 and promise you won't be disappointed
Jun 7, 2015 at 3:32 AM Post #6,705 of 153,935
My Valhalla 2 just showed up Friday. With stock tubes it beats the pants off of my Little Dot MK III with upgraded tubes. Unless there is a Valhalla 3 coming down the line that will go to work for I can easily recommend the Valhalla 2 and promise you won't be disappointed

The Russian 6N1P's they use are not bad. I tried some in my Lyr ( Lyr2 can't use them since it can't adjust to the higher current)
Glad you enjoy it

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