Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Apr 3, 2015 at 3:37 PM Post #5,836 of 153,933
I like Thelonious.  I REALLY like him on Miles Davis' Bags Groove.  What's he doing, bouncing notes off the wall?  So cool.
Drugs help me get into jazz.  And drinking.
Apr 3, 2015 at 3:48 PM Post #5,837 of 153,933
I like Thelonious.  I REALLY like him on Miles Davis' Bags Groove.  What's he doing, bouncing notes off the wall?  So cool.

Drugs help me get into jazz.  And drinking.

I enjoy a nice shot of scotch and a good micro brewed beer, from time to time. And the other day, a neighbor brought over a magic brownies for setting up a ps4, so her grandchildren can game, while visiting. I have not had brownies of that sort, in a while, lol, really got into Zappa's " Joes Garage Act I-III. But with my mothers health so sketchy, I rarely drink, must be clear eyed to drive safely.
Apr 3, 2015 at 4:22 PM Post #5,838 of 153,933
Brownies and Zappa!?  No way!  Crazy talk!
That could be the new box set.  Brownie "kit" included.  That would be a justifiable inflated price they charge for these "deluxe gatefold sparkly colored 2 LP" sets they sell now.
Apr 3, 2015 at 4:25 PM Post #5,839 of 153,933
Sweet Dave Bruebeck is just fantastic. I have been rediscovering jazz classics. Last night I listened to some Thelonious Monk and Charles Mingus, forgot how good those gents were, especially their early years. I need to find a good mastering of George Gershwin's stuff. My Alpha Prime's, with my Lyr2, powered through my Telefunken E88CC platinum tubes, have really helped me get into jazz again.

First--double + LIKE on the Telefunken E88CC platinums from Upscale, Reddog.  Bought them based on your comments about them in the Lyr2 with the Primes.  Just a fantastic sound on all my jazz recordings.  

Second--speaking of Time Out, anyone else pick up the DSD version from Acoustic Sounds?  I have the "regular" CD and Sony K2HD versions, but when the DSD came available I jumped on it.  Personally it surprised me with detail--and some studio recording detritus--that I hadn't heard on the CDs or the clean vinyl versions that I have (but admittedly I have a basic TT set-up).  At times I'm not sure how much I like it compared to the CD and times it feels a little too revealing.  
To head back to the thread topic, the Primes definitely show off what they can do in terms of clarity and imaging over the Alpha Dogs (which I had and was part of the upgrade group) when comparing the CD and DSD versions of Time Out.  Add to it the differences in tubes (stock vs the Telefunkens) on the Lyr2, and you can experience a surprisingly wide range of listening outcomes.  
Apr 4, 2015 at 5:29 AM Post #5,841 of 153,933

I remember playing the LP way back when.........   Before CD were even thought of......   

Apr 4, 2015 at 12:31 PM Post #5,843 of 153,933
Ah... the wonderful Roger Dean. For a while in my teens I would buy anything with his art on it... and I loved this album! I just went and checked and I don't have it in my my iTunes just now, only Happy Children from '73. There's a trip to Amazon I'm about to take...

+1 I love the art of Roger Dean, and tried to get anything with his art, even if I did not like the group. I must check the net, there must a compilation of his work. Thanks for the blast to the past.:)
Apr 4, 2015 at 12:33 PM Post #5,845 of 153,933

I remember playing the LP way back when.........   Before CD were even thought of......    :L3000:  

you rock thank I love Roger Deans stuff.
Apr 4, 2015 at 1:25 PM Post #5,846 of 153,933
Ah... the wonderful Roger Dean. For a while in my teens I would buy anything with his art on it... and I loved this album! I just went and checked and I don't have it in my my iTunes just now, only Happy Children from '73. There's a trip to Amazon I'm about to take...

+1 I love the art of Roger Dean, and tried to get anything with his art, even if I did not like the group. I must check the net, there must a compilation of his work. Thanks for the blast to the past.

Wikipedia has a page listing all Roger Dean's album covers [Albums with cover art by Roger Dean] (unfortunately a list and not a photographic gallery) and of course there's the official Roger Dean site for even more Dean goodness... [Roger Dean]
I bought his LP-sized retrospective "Views" (©1975) when it came out and it has followed me ever since. In fact, it rests within arm's reach of my desk as I type this...

A newer edition is available on Amazon for ~$20, or the original '75 edition for >$100. [Amazon non-affiliate link]
I always remember him mentioning that his cat walked on the artwork for one of the album covers while it was still wet and left visible paw prints - at first he tried to fix it, then thought what the hell and left them in...
I also liked his hyper-organic architectural ideas - think expanded polystyrene homes with no straight lines or flat walls and a floating bed pod suspended from the ceiling. Technology is finally getting to the point where his designs could be realized (think Pex instead of copper, etc.) but I doubt anyone will ever build a Roger Dean house.
Apr 4, 2015 at 1:32 PM Post #5,847 of 153,933
I have a later print of "Views" (red cover) that I got from a used book store some years ago. Also had the pleasure of Roger signing it at a prog rock festival some time after that. Always enjoyed his stuff with Yes. Good times.
Apr 4, 2015 at 5:09 PM Post #5,849 of 153,933
  Brownies and Zappa!?  No way!  Crazy talk!
That could be the new box set.  Brownie "kit" included.  That would be a justifiable inflated price they charge for these "deluxe gatefold sparkly colored 2 LP" sets they sell now.

I seem to find that a couple Guinness' and a snort of good KY bourbon makes the music sound a bit better.
Like upgrading to a pair of $250 interconnects.
Perhaps a cigar - Padron or Cohiba - to help set the mood :wink:.
Enjoy the music!

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