Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Dec 3, 2014 at 5:12 PM Post #4,054 of 154,667
Would really like to know the release date of this... They have until my new ciems arrive... then its off to somewhere else.
Before xmas?

i have no info about date, but the demo Fulla at RMAF was WAY too powerful for IEMs (UM3X).
volume knob couldn't go past 9am before the volume roared to blow up IEMs.
unsure what the final specs will be, but not sure Fulla is meant as an IEM DAC/Amp.
for my IEMs-  Concero HP has been great, iFi micro iDSD amazing.
waiting for Geek Stream IEM with femto clocks, or you could grab GeekOut 100 today.
Dec 3, 2014 at 5:32 PM Post #4,055 of 154,667
i have no info about date, but the demo Fulla at RMAF was WAY too powerful for IEMs (UM3X).
volume knob couldn't go past 9am before the volume roared to blow up IEMs.

unsure what the final specs will be, but not sure Fulla is meant as an IEM DAC/Amp.

for my IEMs-  Concero HP has been great, iFi micro iDSD amazing.
waiting for Geek Stream IEM with femto clocks, or you could grab GeekOut 100 today.

Really? I thought the fulla would be great for that. (Kaisers). I was considering a modi & magni but that's too powerful as well.

Maybe id need to turn it down on the laptop to make it work..... Really want some schiit in my setup.
Dec 3, 2014 at 6:51 PM Post #4,056 of 154,667

Thank You for the Asgard 2 design ,
I love my little Headphone Amp , it was recommended by people experienced in these things ( Tyll & Steve G ) but still not all recommendations pan-out , this one certainly did , in spades .   
  On balance , I hear good things about the other two of your Trilogy of little Amps , I never hear negatives , perhaps there aren't any but I rather think that people are too pleased to complain about a tiny thing like the power sw. location ( which is my Biggest gripe , a gross exaggeration to say Biggest , it's just a tiny gripe , not worth mentioning over and over ) .  Black might be the only other possibility , again not worth needling for , all things considered ( I love Silver would never own Black cause it's too hard to see ) !  
  I'll probably order a Valhalla 2 , one of these days , if you still offer them .
   For now I'll be focusing my attentions on the Professors Big DAC !  I feel I need the best transducer I can find to convert those tiny bits into beautiful music . 
  I've said before and continue to allege the Asgard 2 to be as Musical and the very best Electronics I've ever owned , a list of which would include a wide path thru High-end Audio from 1970s thru 1990s , I'll probably never sell it or give it away to one of my Children .  I've only owned three pieces of electronics I regret not still owning : the Electrocompainet Preampliwire , the Audible Illusions modulus 2 Preamp and the Conrad-Johnson MV45 Tube Amp ( which was only good at driving Magnaplaners MG2 )  ,  all these are long ago discontinued and perhaps not quite as good as my memory of them believes .
  I admire your courage in doing a Ground-up on the Lyr , I had no idea how extensive the revision was , I suppose you felt an acute need to keep the Trilogy up-to similar parameters and I suppose you realize that the re-sale value on the original Lyr just flat-lined , oh well , if it had to be done , it had to be done !!!  You're over that bridge now , the fall out will be minimal , I suppose .  
   We in the Car Industry took a major hit on Caddy's Northstar Engine , it took years to recover , we have scads of other nightmare stories to try to forget and move on from , President Obama asked us ( on TV ) why we couldn't just make a Corolla ? , imagine having to dodge a question like that ! , phew , but we're making good stuff now , we won a handful of JDPower Awards for our current Products and they're getting even better now !  the new Corvette is a knock-out ( I hope you trade-in your old one and upgrade to a new 2015 , you deserve one or a his & hers , I mean one for you too ! :wink: .
 I hope you have a good finale on 2014 Q4 so that you can let Dr.Baldr rise up from his reincarnation to have enough parts to build a good number of his Tearful new Design ,  his wife will want us all to share in her joy of musical renderings , won't she ? 
My best to all at Schiit Headquarters ,
Tony in Michigan     
Dec 3, 2014 at 7:09 PM Post #4,058 of 154,667
Great tracks, never heard either before but enjoyed both. The first one does really sound quite reminiscent of Radio Luxembourg when it gets going. So I am guessing you also like Eels and Sigur Ros like I do?

Yeah, I do enjoy Eels (aka Mark Everett) quite a bit, with Electro-Shock Blues still his most accessible for me.  In fact, one of my granddaughters was running around the house singing Hospital Food during one of my visits a a few years back, after I had a couple of months earlier gifted my daughter with that CD along with 4 - 5 others.  Warmed my cockles to have the family weird gene reflected back to me. 

Sigur Ros runs kinda hot and cold for me.  I hear snatches of his work that are very compelling, but when I sit down to familiarize my way through one of his releases, like Takk, the body of his melodic style of music kind of falls flat for me after giving it a couple/three listens through, however much I want to warm to it.  It's beautiful stuff, but somehow I don't find it engaging enough. Probably I haven't listened to him enough, with so many other albums competing for my leisure time.
Dec 3, 2014 at 7:48 PM Post #4,059 of 154,667
@Jason Stoddard:
Sounds like the age old dichotomy where as a consumer you want to be in possession of all the facts, which includes far sighted information, on a product before you make your purchase decision to avoid near term obsolescence, and as a vendor, you want to keep such advance product info under complete wraps before its actual release in order to protect your existing inventory.  That was an especially sensitive factor for PC purchases during the early days of rapid processing chip advances.  Your purchase whenever made was like a snapshot of a fast moving target, and was already obsolete by the time you got it home.
And as you say, I mostly reconcile my purchase(s) being eclipsed by a later revision or upgraded model, especially rueful if soon after, by the fact that it was satisfactory for my needs at time of purchase and will continue to be so, regardless of subequent increased capability, until such time as I might replace it by something more suitable to my changing needs, or a product release is of such significant enhancement that it pushes all my buttons for seeking the optimum as an enthusiast.     
Dec 3, 2014 at 9:07 PM Post #4,061 of 154,667
Put Google Maps into satellite mode and isn't that Schitt Creek next to the headquarters? No paddles in sight. :wink:
Dec 3, 2014 at 11:31 PM Post #4,064 of 154,667

Nice! Can't wait for more details to be released soon. Seems like you guys are just missing the volume knob/pot.
In the meantime, I'm just curious, why did Schiit not change all of your through hole products to surface mount? As I'm not a electrical engineer, I may not see the whole picture but it seems to be that there are all pros and no cons to using surface mount over through hole: Cheaper manufacturing, more component choices, smaller parts means more functions possible in the same surface area, or maybe even a smaller area for the same functions. I don't think it will be too hard to switch from through hold to surface mount too. Afterall, the circuit design will be the same, you'll just need to replace the through hold components with the equivalent surface mount components.
The only con I can think of is that surface mount parts are more expensive than through hole parts.
It's my wish that someone can produce the Objective 2 in a smaller and lighter chassis using surface mount components but I know that's probably not possible due to the open source agreement and whatnot.
Dec 3, 2014 at 11:47 PM Post #4,065 of 154,667
And even if we had prototypes, there was still nothing we could say. Because once you start selling products, you can’t hint they’ll be replaced. Not soon. Not someday. Not tomorrow. Not in the distant future. Not at all. Never.
Read that again. You can’t say anything. Period.

One major exemption from this rule is PC components.  There are readily available roadmaps that give a pretty indication of what's coming up for the next several years.

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