Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Nov 28, 2014 at 11:59 AM Post #4,008 of 154,177

Mr. Ableza , 
Atta boy ,
I been waiten round for you to pitch-in here , 
bout time you said your piece on this matter ! 
Vince does have one of the best sounds in Country , 
I love his music , but…..
I know , I know , stay on Topic !  
sorry , 
Tony in Michigan
ps  those Grado Fan Club'ers have bout 5 times more posts than this here Schiit site , those people are way more "True Believer & Followers" than dis group that wander off into all sorts of silliness , which is probably why I'm staying tuned to this channel + I'm tracking Baldr to hear his latest digital pronouncements .  
Nov 28, 2014 at 2:01 PM Post #4,009 of 154,177
For those that might care, has undergone a minor reorg. Sys and Wyrd are no longer considered "accessories"...

Prepping for Fulla :)

That's my guess also. And if I recall, in one of his posts Jason mentioned they were planning on introducing more than one new product before year's end (not already announced, that is) and a reorg just makes sense. It was confusing to have Sys and Pyst in the same category.
But while I can accept Sys as a preamp (after all, I use an Adcom SLC-505, which is basically a Sys with more inputs and tape loops), is Mani really one? There's no source switching and no volume control: two things I consider mandatory in a preamp.
Nov 28, 2014 at 2:17 PM Post #4,010 of 154,177
But while I can accept Sys as a preamp (after all, I use an Adcom SLC-505, which is basically a Sys with more inputs and tape loops), is Mani really one? There's no source switching and no volume control: two things I consider mandatory in a preamp.

In this case "preamp" is just the accepted nomenclature in the phono world. It's a separate stage of amplification since the output of phono cartridges is so low.
Nov 28, 2014 at 4:44 PM Post #4,011 of 154,177
  But while I can accept Sys as a preamp (after all, I use an Adcom SLC-505, which is basically a Sys with more inputs and tape loops), is Mani really one? There's no source switching and no volume control: two things I consider mandatory in a preamp.

Preamp only means pre-amplification. Everything else is bonus, though often normal these days. But Schiit is right in calling the Mani a preamp. It's a phono preamplifier.
Nov 29, 2014 at 9:24 PM Post #4,015 of 154,177
Cool. Now post that in a Vince Gill thread, this one's about Schiit......


But the people in the Vince Gill thread already know about Vince Gill?

I, on the other hand, have never heard of him, but if someone who posts on this elite thread thinks that he is good enough to merit several links then I am going to go and find out what he is like. And expect to be pleasantly surprised.

BTW it is just as difficult for those of us trying to keep up with the 'off topic' posts as it is for those of you trying to keep up with the 'on-topic' material, because of all the interruptions. But we enjoy, and are interested in, both.

Happy days.
Nov 29, 2014 at 10:06 PM Post #4,018 of 154,177

Vince Gill ,  
I wonder how long this Gill thing will bounce , pretty soon we'll need another Can to kick around , the Gill thing is bound to run outa gas pretty soon .  
There is a rumor going round that Cookie at Blue Coast Records is gonna join a Convent if DSD don't start taking off properly ….
how bout this one :  the British Audio Press are claiming that Balanced Cabling is a Fraud against the Consumer ! 
Sennheiser is moving their headphone manufacturing to Ireland in order to be closer to ...
Professor Mike Moffat the God of Light and all that is good , died and was cremated on a large boat but has been re-incarted as Baldr the God of DAC .  
Well , ok , nice work , so far , keep it up lads , remember : " Idle minds are the Devil's workshop"
Tony in Michigan 
Nov 29, 2014 at 10:09 PM Post #4,019 of 154,177
Warning --- ON TOPIC---Warning

Very interesting thoughts from Jason, did any of you see the Iggy Pop presentation a few weeks ago on precisely this topic? It was at some UK do or other so you may not have come across it. I'm sure it is on gootube. He made some very similar and interesting points. Sadly he read it all from notes and that is never a good thing to do, particularly if you are a performer and an artist. Who let him do that for crypes sake?

Neil Young's presentation at SXSW was (as ever with old Shakey) flawed but brilliant and quite moving. He also touched on this subject.

The one point I slightly disagree on is that artists have only had some control over the distribution of their music fairly recently and only if they are big and have a good manager. People like, Zeppelin, Shakey, Dylan, Van Morrison and a few others were the first, but the music business has always held on as tightly as it could do. If Taylor Swift has managed to retain sufficient control of her publishing and distribution rights to be able to say that she doesn't want her material on Spotify, then good luck to her. It is her material after all.

I think that in a few decades time the history of the music industry between 1973 and today will be used in every business school as an example of how an entire industry can destroy its own profitably and lose its customer loyalty by slowly eroding quality and devaluing its own product. This did indeed start in about 1973 long before CDs had even been thought of.

So I very much doubt that they will adapt to the change this time, but they do have another chance with HD Audio. Though a few of them seem to have decided that another format war is a better idea.

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