Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

Mar 4, 2024 at 6:55 PM Post #141,962 of 184,591
You sir, married well. 👍
Mar 4, 2024 at 7:12 PM Post #141,963 of 184,591
Tell me about it. In less than 6 months we’ve lost both the Siri Remote to our AppleTV and similarly advanced remote to our Samsung TV.
Both clocking in at a similar price point for an original replacement :rolling_eyes:

Fortunately, there are less expensive alternative replacements available from other vendors for the Samsung, and there’s a remote-app for the AppleTV built-in to the iPhone, so at least there’s that..
How to lose a remote: Once upon a time (hint: that is the traditional opening of a Fairy Tale...) I bought a used subwoofer via Craigslist. The seller, who had two charming munchkins running around, ran it through some tests. I bought, and hauled it toward my car. On the way to the car I heard something rattling inside. So I took it back to his condo, explained the rattles. Guess what he shook out of the port? Wrong. It was two remotes. Well, there were two munchkins. I think some toy figurines or something. Subwoofer was fine.

I hadn't fired up the big subwoofer system lately (I have 4x Acoustic elegance IB15's in an infinite baffle alignment in the ceiling of our home theater area) and decided to knock the dust off the cones. I put on some old school rap and turned the big thumpers on. Roland 808 in full effect. Through an Elac streamer and Schiit Bifrost 2/64.
Hmm. 1. Wondering if you consulted the website, The Cult of the Infinitely Baffled? (Easily found in Google Search. I'm unfamiliar with rules here regarding posting I use caution.)
2. May I propose you might benefit from a HEPA air filter?
Mar 4, 2024 at 7:17 PM Post #141,964 of 184,591
Hmm. 1. Wondering if you consulted the website, The Cult of the Infinitely Baffled? (Easily found in Google Search. I'm unfamiliar with rules here regarding posting I use caution.)
2. May I propose you might benefit from a HEPA air filter?
1. I am very familiar with the Cult web site. They make some very good information available.
2. I live in Arizona, no filter is good enough. :)
Mar 4, 2024 at 7:23 PM Post #141,966 of 184,591
Now that you mention it, I may have to get him to a cat urologist soon. Drive over, bring a friend, and maybe we can wrestle him into the cat carrier.:beerchug:
I highly recommend not delaying taking a cat, especially a male cat to a vet if they have urinary issues. I lost Sunshine to a urinary blockage circa 1971; it took less that 36 hours. It discovered that the dry cat food of that era could cause then problem. A quick internet search shows that there is a confusing plethora of special cat food for this.
Sunshine was a big orange and white male cat, very friendly to humans. But got into cat fights. He liked eating cantaloupe. (I kid you not.)
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Mar 4, 2024 at 7:23 PM Post #141,967 of 184,591
Vali 3 will be at the NY CanJam, with availability shortly thereafter. You may be a bit surprised by it, but it won't be using 300Bs, nor will it use 6088s.

Unfortunately, I won't be able to make the NY CanJam. There are just too many things happening in life right now. All good, but I need to get some things done in person that conflict with the show. So if you were planning on coming, I'm sorry I won't see you.

(And yeah, I know the above is cryptic. Just important to note that it's (a) nothing bad, and (b) nothing that changes things in a negative way. We're not selling the company or anything. Just a lot of change right now.)
Are you still wrestling with the settings on that surround receiver?!? 😆

1. We do not have a security perimeter fence.
2. The guy that does our Fedex Home Deliveries is a pretty nice guy and takes extra care since we occasionally leave snacks and water out for him when we know he's delivering.

Never hurts to be on their good side. :wink:

** I'm more concerned about what the wife will do to the package once she sees another Schiit box being delivered!! I'm thinking I may need to take a personal day and stay home on delivery day. :worried:
I used to work with couriers and highly recommend this. Just like treating the wait staff at a restaurant well means that they wont spit in your food, similarly, you don't want couriers breaking or stealing your stuff.
Who among us hasn't rerouted a fedex package to the local Walgreens, and surreptitiously left it in the back of the car until their significant other is taking a shower and snuck said item in like a burglar.
I can cheat. "It's more gear in for review!" 😁
Mar 4, 2024 at 7:25 PM Post #141,968 of 184,591
From my wife's perspective, hiding any whiskey from her is highly inappropriate. She's usually the one encouraging me to buy them and open the newest bottle!

This was the latest one, yesterday afternoon:

I was gonna say... all the hard stuff in the house belongs to my wife... most of the wine and beer is mine.
Mar 4, 2024 at 7:33 PM Post #141,970 of 184,591
You guys either have really really big houses or wives that don't have collectoritis like mine. (Minimalist>Normal Person>Enthusiast>Collectoritis>Hoarder)

I'm to the left of minimalist on that spectrum...comes from growing up in an 8 x 10' bedroom with frequent purges required for sanity, maybe? Before I was married, I packed my 2400SF house to move in 90 minutes.

Rina? Her part of the master closet in CA is 43 x 8'. And it's full.

So no, unless I'm using it, I don't keep anything.

Also, yes, of course, throw away = recycle. Yes, even in Texas.

I know I'm weird.

Of course, audiophiles being audiophiles you keep the boxes around because you want to be able to sell the gear at some point and get different gear, and having the original boxes makes that a lot easier. Of course, if you're the head of company that makes all the gear you use, you might not have that same issue...
Mar 4, 2024 at 8:33 PM Post #141,972 of 184,591
** I'm more concerned about what the wife will do to the package once she sees another Schiit box being delivered!! I'm thinking I may need to take a personal day and stay home on delivery day. :worried:
Gift her a Talbot's Gift Certificate and tell her to go get something nice?
Mar 4, 2024 at 8:46 PM Post #141,973 of 184,591
That's a great idea. Probably better than the Frederick's of Hollywood gift card I had in mind. Thx! 😄
Mar 4, 2024 at 8:50 PM Post #141,974 of 184,591
From my wife's perspective, hiding any whiskey from her is highly inappropriate. She's usually the one encouraging me to buy them and open the newest bottle!

This was the latest one, yesterday afternoon:

I WISH my wife shared this interest in spirits with me! She doesn't drink at all - not a tea-totaller and she does not disapprove of my imbibing - she just does not like the taste of any alcohol. In fact, it is all just "alcohol" to her. She is a therapist who sees a large number of clients with dependency issues and we often joke about how I make the thing that helps cause that and she is the one trying to help people get away from it. lol
Mar 4, 2024 at 9:01 PM Post #141,975 of 184,591
I WISH my wife shared this interest in spirits with me! She doesn't drink at all - not a tea-totaller and she does not disapprove of my imbibing - she just does not like the taste of any alcohol. In fact, it is all just "alcohol" to her. She is a therapist who sees a large number of clients with dependency issues and we often joke about how I make the thing that helps cause that and she is the one trying to help people get away from it. lol
And the great circle of life (and livelihood support) continues. :sweat_smile:

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