Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
May 4, 2023 at 1:02 AM Post #117,811 of 155,088
I'm finding your Audio enjoyment + lifestyle versus energy consumption / energy storage conundrums absolutely fascinating , ideally a couple of 24V yacht batteries hooked up to your solar/wind generators and a beefier inverter would help enormously but as you correctly state money may be tight - I had a customer use a similar setup just to run his 1980's ' flat earth ' Linn , Naim system even though he was very much on grid for the rest of the house !!
I will be ordering a G,horn myself soon to run some 3 way 89-90 dB floor standers in a 14' x 16' room with 8' ceiling - I'm curious to say the least as my gut says 10W will work fine- but my brainwashed ex HIFI salesman head says 'Ya need at least 70W p/ch !! '
I’m in a bigger room with ML’s of that sensitivity, and I absolutely love GJ…. Letme/us know what you think!
May 4, 2023 at 1:11 AM Post #117,812 of 155,088
Apologizing in advance for the following pedantic comment, Apple didn't go FLAC. They went with their own in-house lossless format, ALAC, released way back in 2011 (3 years before MQA's breech birth), and they've always supported that in their own software ecosystem, and not FLAC. In principle, I prefer FLAC for all the reasons, though in the grand scheme of things, both protocols are open source and amicably licensed, equally supportive of compressed lossless audio, and most people won't care (unless they insist on trying to play FLAC files through the Apple Music application; most playback apps support ALAC). So to use the underwear analogy, to me FLAC is like a pair of BVDs, and ALAC is a pair of BVDs with a skidmark. They're functionally equivalent and will equally get the job done, but I'm slightly less enamored of one than the other more for reasons of form rather than function.
LOL! ME too, but in the other direction, for no good reason. Guess it’s what I started with after MP3.Guess I was so in awe, I never looked back. All is well..
May 4, 2023 at 1:18 AM Post #117,813 of 155,088
Getting close now....

A few notes:

1. It's super weird to plug a CD transport straight into the Jotunheim's USB DAC card.
2. It's super easy to compare the USB input from my streamer/Qobuz to the CD. HOLY CRAP SO MANY MIXES ARE WEIRD. Most are noted as remasters, but some are clearly different, but not noted.

And yeah, the totally hammered Kraftwerk CD is hammered because it's original. As in, I bought it in 1986.

This thing is actually pretty bonkers.
Even weirder to see the URD sitting ON TOP of a MJOLNIR2 !! How does that work then ?? :)

EDIT: OK ... we should not look into the prospect of a tubeless MJ2 any time soon ... but it did bring my pulse up momentarily !!
Looking forward to hearing about MJ3 ... anyone who's heard it, what is its sound signature like ??
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May 4, 2023 at 1:24 AM Post #117,814 of 155,088
May 4, 2023 at 1:29 AM Post #117,815 of 155,088
Getting close now....


A few notes:

1. It's super weird to plug a CD transport straight into the Jotunheim's USB DAC card.
2. It's super easy to compare the USB input from my streamer/Qobuz to the CD. HOLY CRAP SO MANY MIXES ARE WEIRD. Most are noted as remasters, but some are clearly different, but not noted.

And yeah, the totally hammered Kraftwerk CD is hammered because it's original. As in, I bought it in 1986.

This thing is actually pretty bonkers.
I first heard Kraftwerk’s Autobahn on a Dl L-1011 flying my sorry arse to my hell year (read: rat/freshman/4th class) year at VMI (Where I wasn’t allowed any audio gear at all for a year. Bought the darn LP anyway… Have that disc as well, bought it around the same time…
May 4, 2023 at 3:11 AM Post #117,816 of 155,088
2023, Chapter 6:
No Slack for Bad Decisions


But I hear DSD and/or MQA is the future!
Yeah, and reel-to-reel was the future in the 1970s, and it’s dead now, and DAT was the future in the 1980s, and it’s dead now, and HDCD was the future in the 1990s, and it’s dead now, and SACD was the future in the 2000s, and it’s dead now. >SNIP<​
Somewhere around 2008 (plus/minus 5 years) a columnist in Stereophile asked the question: why are Hi-Rez formats fizzling?
He came up with: The average consumer hearing about Hi-Rez thinks to himself: This solves a problem I don't have.
May 4, 2023 at 5:36 AM Post #117,817 of 155,088
I was HUNDREDS of posts behind, but I've caught up, I'm so proud of myself. A couple non-audio comments, both of which involve my Dad (RIP, missing him today):

My parents saw Harry Belafonte at the amazing venue Red Rocks way back in 1959. I've been lucky enough to see a handful of shows there, and caught this picture for them in the downstairs display of historical acts (fuzzy photo, but you get the idea):

And regarding motorsports, my Dad and I both used to ride street bikes for basic transportation, and we attended a Superbike race at Laguna Seca. For skill and bravery it's hard to top these guys, dragging a knee in the Corkscrew, and accelerating out of a curve on the edge of one tire:

Awesome -Your post sparked a wonderful memory - my late Dad would take me and my brothers to see Bike races at Snetterton Uk in the early -mid 1970's - well remember the JPS Nortons and sidecars blew my mind !! plus the primeval facilities best imagined than described !!! Lets raise a glass to Dads tonight - cheers :wine_glass:
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May 4, 2023 at 6:38 AM Post #117,818 of 155,088
I don't know if Jason read the previous post about a 230V Freya N request, finally it appears and my friend ordered it together with 2 Tyr(s), a happy day.
May 4, 2023 at 7:46 AM Post #117,820 of 155,088
“I can’t think of any Gordon Lightfoot song I don’t like,” Bob Dylan once said. “Every time I hear a song of his, it’s like I wish it would last forever.”
He got his wish with "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" :ksc75smile:
(I'm a huge Gordon Lightfoot fan)

There was a band who's name escapes me that was opening for another more popular group. The audience was basically ignoring them, so they punished them with a 20-minute version of the song done at half tempo.

<edit: the band was NRBQ>
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May 4, 2023 at 7:52 AM Post #117,821 of 155,088
You guys are funny. That's just a Mjolnir 2 with the tubes taken out. They're sitting in front of it in the picture. I'm using the Jotunheim; the Mjolnir is just a stand.

You'll get Mjolnir 3 soon enough.

Just because I enjoy the thought ... and also because the eminent American philospher G. Marx gave us this: "Who are you going to believe, me, or your lying eyes?” ... I am going to continue to believe that's a prototype MJ3, and that you are under a self-imposed NDA that prevents you from telling us all about it at this time.

If we all stay calm, we can avoid hyperventilating with excitement. [breathe slowly .. 2...3 ...4 ...5 ...6 ...7 ... breathe slowly ...2 ...3 ...4 ...5 ...6 ...7 ... breathe slowly ...]
May 4, 2023 at 8:08 AM Post #117,822 of 155,088
Mj3 with more toggle switches .....

Also, note the polished Vol knob and the location of the headphone sockets....

2023-05-04 20.07.30.jpg


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May 4, 2023 at 9:02 AM Post #117,824 of 155,088
Oddly, I was a bit on the fence before spending some time with it. Now, ah yeah, cold dead fingers and all that.
That's all the review I need regarding URD. :smile_cat:
May 4, 2023 at 9:13 AM Post #117,825 of 155,088
He got his wish with "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" :ksc75smile:
(I'm a huge Gordon Lightfoot fan)

There was a band who's name escapes me that was opening for another more popular group. The audience was basically ignoring them, so they punished them with a 20-minute version of the song done at half tempo.

<edit: the band was NRBQ>
I still prefer that song over another long one, MacArthur Park from 1968. Many of you know it, some may have to look it up.🤪

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