Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Mar 14, 2021 at 1:21 PM Post #73,291 of 155,131
Bill Clinton?? :smirk:
Mar 14, 2021 at 1:28 PM Post #73,292 of 155,131
I am already a Schiit fanboy (although I only have a measly 4 pieces) but I will be even more devoted when they release the 10 tube super amp! Been on the market for a decent full tube amp which complements my Mjolnir 2 to power my Verite Closed. Might save me some heating bills as well lol...
Mar 14, 2021 at 1:32 PM Post #73,293 of 155,131
Well in about 5 days I'll be starting with my first Schiit: the modi 2 and magni 2. They might be on the lower end of what's offered, but I think it's an exciting start!! it's always good to take a schiit, I'm thinking.
Starting up on the higher end is no fun. The fact is a these two are as good as you need to hear all the music, with a musical tone.
Mar 14, 2021 at 1:42 PM Post #73,294 of 155,131
Starting up on the higher end is no fun.

A matter of perspective.

For some, a Modi/Magni stack is as high as they'll ever need.

For some, they'll be a taste of what good sound is about that will lead them to a journey of discovery. In that case, some may view the journey as an end in itself; others, as money they could have saved had they gone immediately for what they really wanted.
Mar 14, 2021 at 1:55 PM Post #73,296 of 155,131
When the cost of Schiit's highest-end products is so relatively low compared to other brands, there is no reason other than desk space to not start at the top. :)
Mar 14, 2021 at 2:00 PM Post #73,298 of 155,131
Well in about 5 days I'll be starting with my first Schiit: the modi 2 and magni 2. They might be on the lower end of what's offered, but I think it's an exciting start!! it's always good to take a schiit, I'm thinking.
It's always best to start with little Schiits before working up to the big ones!:smiling_imp:
Cheers and All the Best!:beerchug:
-HK sends
Mar 14, 2021 at 2:04 PM Post #73,299 of 155,131
Speaking of mostly harmless in an audio forum, the original BBC radiocast of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is worth every penny. I got mine as a CD boxset decades ago, a great listen for long flights (when we get back to doing that).
I was surprised to hear that the broadcast engendered the books, not the usual book first. If true, the broadcast is the definitive version.
Mar 14, 2021 at 2:11 PM Post #73,300 of 155,131
For some, they'll be a taste of what good sound is about that will lead them to a journey of discovery. In that case, some may view the journey as an end in itself; others, as money they could have saved had they gone immediately for what they really wanted.
My name is artur9 and I am an audiophile.
First, I got a modi and I heard violins sound stringy and I needed moar.
Then I got a closed back headphone and I could hear bass guitar and I needed moar.
Then ....

It's been 18 days since I bought audio equipment <clap, clap>.

Darn thing is, I need some new power and subwoofer cables so my streak will come to an end.
Mar 14, 2021 at 2:12 PM Post #73,301 of 155,131
My name is artur9 and I am an audiophile.
First, I got a modi and I heard violins sound stringy and I needed moar.
Then I got a closed back headphone and I could hear bass guitar and I needed moar.
Then ....

It's been 18 days since I bought audio equipment <clap, clap>.

Darn thing is, I need some new power and subwoofer cables so my streak will come to an end.

What makes you think there is an end?

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Mar 14, 2021 at 3:01 PM Post #73,303 of 155,131
Well in about 5 days I'll be starting with my first Schiit: the modi 2 and magni 2. They might be on the lower end of what's offered, but I think it's an exciting start!! it's always good to take a schiit, I'm thinking.
That’s where a lot of us started (our addictions). First one’s not free, but the effect is the same...
Mar 14, 2021 at 3:02 PM Post #73,304 of 155,131
'The answer to the Great Question of Life, the Universe and Everything, is... forty-two' :relaxed:
( Douglas Adams)
Got that t-shirt on order. Douglas Adams was a genius.

I was catching up on a couple of the Schiiter videos on Youtube which did it's usual spooky voodoo majik and started showing me additional interviews with Jason talking Schiit. There is a great four part interview with Jason on the Passion for Sound channel - part 1 is here: Passion for Sound interview with Jason Stoddard, Part 1. In part 3, Jason's description of Mjolnir 2 architecture - in high gain it's running open loop, no overall feedback, and his description of it's sound as being warm, fun, big, happy is what I love about it. Sadly, a few weeks back my Mjolnir started acting up with a weird volume control issue and needed to go back for repair. No big deal. Stuff does break sometimes. Easy to make the repair process happen, their customer service rocks.

While the Mjolnir was in for repair, I pulled out my Valhalla 2, and swapped the DC 'phones for Drop HE-4XX (HiFiMan), which are an entry drug into planar headphones unto themselves. This is what I was listening to before the MJ & DC EC purchases. The HE-4XX are relatively easy to drive and reasonably efficient at 93db and 35 ohms. Yeah, I know, the idea of the OTL tube amp driving a pair of planars doesn't compute, this really shouldn't work. But damn does it ever. The bass is articulate, not tubby, but yet doesn't quite have the slam like the planars can do when there's some current behind them. But still very very listenable. Even with the electronica/chill bass heavy tunes I often listen to. Doesn't go to disco dance floor volume, but is more than adequate for extended listening.

Remembering how much I didn't like the sound of the MJ when I swapped out the Schiit provided GE 6BZ7s for the 6n1p's borrowed from the Valhalla, I swapped in the Raytheon 6BQ7As I used in the MJ. This is fun. Not endgame, but damn, it's way better than it should be for the amount of money I've spent. Warm, fun, big and happy indeed! The MJ came back from repair earlier this week and I've not yet set it back up, that's how much fun this version of the Valhalla and HE-4XX has been.

Well the weather here in Vermont is doing it's usual psychotic Springtime weirdness. It's sunny, 37F and snowing. Love when the weather can't make up it's mind so it does everything all at once. Time to get some other things done.

For me, it's all about the fun and joy the music brings. Find the gear that makes it fun and you happy. Thank you, Schiit for making it really easy and affordable to do that.

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