Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Mar 6, 2020 at 3:07 PM Post #57,316 of 159,510
Ah, then I think it is just a matter of understanding how this feature works. When you click on Quote it puts the selected text on a clipboard for later use. So yeah visualy nothing happens.
After you have selected text and tapped Quote on one or more places you go to the end of the threat to new reply. When you tap in the text field there is an extra button below the text field reading "Insert quotes ...."
Tapping that button gives you a listing of what quotes you have added to the clip board. Select the desired quote and it will be inserted in the message.
You can repeat this as often as there are unused quotes on the clipboard. The button disappears / is not visible when all copied quotes are used or no quotes were put on the clipboard in the first place.
Don't know if there is a limit to the number of quotes that can be on the clipboard. Hope that helps.




That's not very intuitive, especially when previously hitting quote would add the quote to a reply box at the end of the page - quite a different behaviour.

I'll give it a go next time...

Mar 6, 2020 at 3:28 PM Post #57,318 of 159,510
The one time I went on a cruise, I was incredibly sick for the first 4 of 7 days. So there's that. I'm not prone to get sick. Allergies, yes, sick-sick, nah.

Not something I'd like to repeat any time soon.

I took my wife on a cruise for our honeymoon. I wasn't aware until a couple hours after we got underway that she was prone to seasickness.

For the next wife I'll arm myself with better familiarity and extend the dating ritual beyond a weekend. :)
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Mar 6, 2020 at 4:24 PM Post #57,319 of 159,510
I don't plan on swapping it unless there is some conclusive evidence that a different tube would sound better
The only thing you can say they can sound DIFFERENT (maybe, a little, some). A conclusive evidence that it sounds better? Naaaaah. Nothing in audio can be substantiated with conclusive evidence.
Mar 6, 2020 at 4:29 PM Post #57,320 of 159,510
I know a guy who is ultra smart in the ways of electronics, stereos, computers, etc and he says (keep your hats on) that different tubes all sound the same. Has there been any blind listening or double blind testing of tubes that anyone here is aware of? I only have the stock tube in my Lyr and it sounds great so I don't plan on swapping it unless there is some conclusive evidence that a different tube would sound better.

Are you going to trust that one guy is guaranteed 100 percent not wrong, or that maybe a large portion of the internet knows something that he doesn't. Just because he knows electronics doesn't mean he's got amazing ears or the patience to listen critically if his mind is already made up.... But it doesn't mean he doesn't either....

Some tubes are cheap. I can definitely say a difference can be heard between the 3 I have and the Lisst that fits in the same socket..

Mr cowen has shown he can almost name 10 out of 10 down to the brand and model, and those were sealed in pvc....
Mar 6, 2020 at 4:31 PM Post #57,321 of 159,510
Actually one of the more unusual things about covid-19 is that it doesn't seem to be as dangerous for children. The info is a week old, but I recall reading that there have been zero child deaths related to the illness so far. That's not to suggest that any light should be made of a serious situation, but a silver lining is a still a silver lining.

The chances of death seem to scale with age on this one.

Even though I posted a link to the demographics of Covid-19, I think it would be foolish to put any faith in the numbers. The facts that few countries have test kits deployed and that many of those infected never seek medical care and go uncounted means the fatality numbers are far to high. What can be gleaned from the demographic distribution of mortality is that the older you are, the more serious being infected could be for you. It will be interesting to see if the percentage distribution changes with time with regard to age, gender, ethnicity, national origin, etc.

WHO announced today that 100,000 cases have been reported. The fact that most cases go uncounted means the number could be as high as a million or more. A reported R0 of 2.5-3.5 or higher means that the virus will spread quickly through the population. Think New Infections = Reported Cases to the R0 power.

Schiit is my comfort, I will not fear. I really like BF II-MB. It is sounding very good with good amps and cans. Now if we could just get Jason and Mike to produce a
dongle for laptops and portable players with the same audio quality. Fulla is darn good but is bigger than I'd like to carry and II have been spoiled by bigger Schiit.
Mar 6, 2020 at 4:41 PM Post #57,322 of 159,510
I know a guy who is ultra smart in the ways of electronics, stereos, computers, etc and he says (keep your hats on) that different tubes all sound the same. Has there been any blind listening or double blind testing of tubes that anyone here is aware of? I only have the stock tube in my Lyr and it sounds great so I don't plan on swapping it unless there is some conclusive evidence that a different tube would sound better.

Tube rolling is fun IMHO but can be a slippery slope. There was a blind test of tubes done at the Schiitr a while back (the tubes were encased in PVC tubes to hide them from the listeners). I didn't attend, but a reporter from Audio-Head did and reported that he heard differences. Does that constitute conclusive evidence? No. Do I hear subjective differences when I listen to different tubes? Yes. The differences are usually small, but they are there. For example, I find that some vintage tubes sound sibilant and others do not. I'm treble-sensitive so that difference matters to me. YMMV, as always.
Mar 6, 2020 at 4:41 PM Post #57,323 of 159,510
Funny how that works. Had some Chimay in Italy and thought I'd been to heaven. Finally found some in the States and was quite let down. Apparently, there's a taste-killing vortex somewhere over the Atlantic...

Beer doesn't travel that well... especially over water. Hence the invention of IPA (India Pale Ale), designed primarily to stay drinkable after months at sea (I didn't say good...).

I've never been to Ireland, but apparently what we get over here bears no resemblance to the Guinness pulled from a tap there. I even heard the same story when I lived in Scotland - the Guinness there was not as good as the Guinness that had not traveled off the Irish isles.
Mar 6, 2020 at 4:50 PM Post #57,325 of 159,510
have you tried another tube or LISST?

did same thing happen when switching sources with your prior pre-amp?

Did not do this with the previous pre-amp (Oppo 105D) It does it in either active or passive mode when muting/un-muting so I don't think it's a tube issue. I'm only using 1 input and I just noticed it also does it when switching between inputs as well. I also added a Bifrost Multibit at the same time I added the Saga + but I can switch between all those inputs and it's dead silent.
Mar 6, 2020 at 4:52 PM Post #57,326 of 159,510
Beer doesn't travel that well... especially over water. Hence the invention of IPA (India Pale Ale), designed primarily to stay drinkable after months at sea (I didn't say good...).

I've never been to Ireland, but apparently what we get over here bears no resemblance to the Guinness pulled from a tap there. I even heard the same story when I lived in Scotland - the Guinness there was not as good as the Guinness that had not traveled off the Irish isles.
Guinness also arrives differently from different production sites, you definitely want St James overseas from a pub that has good turnover. I hate Heineken lager in the US but love the Pilsner in the Netherlands.
Mar 6, 2020 at 5:46 PM Post #57,330 of 159,510
Are you going to trust that one guy is guaranteed 100 percent not wrong, or that maybe a large portion of the internet knows something that he doesn't. Just because he knows electronics doesn't mean he's got amazing ears or the patience to listen critically if his mind is already made up.... But it doesn't mean he doesn't either....

Some tubes are cheap. I can definitely say a difference can be heard between the 3 I have and the Lisst that fits in the same socket..

Mr cowen has shown he can almost name 10 out of 10 down to the brand and model, and those were sealed in pvc....
I don't generally trust any one person when it comes to subjective stuff, just asking the question. The listening test of tubes at the Schiitr was quite informative. But as someone in the comments pointed out, paying another $125 (or more) over the price of a reasonably priced amp for a different tube is a non-starter for me.

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