Schiit Audio Bifrost 2
Oct 5, 2022 at 1:17 AM Post #3,601 of 4,971
Yep, thanks for that description…
I have to agree…it sounds so good even if it’s not ‘refined’ as a OG Yiggy, I can skip the ‘refinement’ with this DAC, with out a care I’m missing something musical, or meaningful.

Add a decent SET or OTL tube amp with BF2 and you’ll forget about upgrading DACs ever again. BF2 or 2/64 pairs like magic on these type of amps seriously
Oct 5, 2022 at 7:56 AM Post #3,605 of 4,971
Add a decent SET or OTL tube amp with BF2 and you’ll forget about upgrading DACs ever again. BF2 or 2/64 pairs like magic on these type of amps seriously
Add a decent SET or OTL tube amp with BF2 and you’ll forget about upgrading DACs ever again. BF2 or 2/64 pairs like magic on these type of amps seriously
Problem is my Infinities wouldn’t like it… the need power to sound their best.
It might work with my Mojo Modded AMT3’s, as they are fairly efficient.. especially for sealed bass box speakers.
Oct 5, 2022 at 8:29 AM Post #3,606 of 4,971

Problem is my Infinities wouldn’t like it… the need power to sound their best.
It might work with my Mojo Modded AMT3’s, as they are fairly efficient.. especially for sealed bass box speakers.

I was referring to headphones tube amp in this context where even Susvara will sound at its fullest capability, but yes you would need to have efficient horn speakers if you want to use a SET amp
Oct 5, 2022 at 8:32 AM Post #3,607 of 4,971
Perhaps you've already talked about this, but are there specific SET or OTL tube amps you'd recommend?

I use my Ampsandsound Forge 32/300 as my main amp with KT88 tubes and JJ 6SL7 input tubes (it’s a Mogwai Rev 1 with SS rectification)

For OTL, definitely the Folkvangr due to its ability to resolve microdetails and present them as holographic in the imaging
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Oct 5, 2022 at 11:30 AM Post #3,609 of 4,971

Filter less MB sound.
Pretty cool its direct coupled as well.
Certainly not the most detailed-but it's has rhythm and drive and very musical.
A inexpensive change of pace.
As good as the 'lil guy is-it also makes myself appreciate the OG BF2-what a great all around performer it is.
And the balance between musicality and listenability, and detail extraction.
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Oct 5, 2022 at 9:22 PM Post #3,612 of 4,971
To each their own.
Sure- no debate on that.
But the original question was why bother if you don’t need to?
As it seems even the designer feels best results are achieved by simply leaving it on.
Timibeing was simply questioning if it was reason not to purchase the BF2 if he wasn’t able leave it on continuously.
Didn’t seem like a major determent even if not ideal to enjoy a awesome product.
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Oct 5, 2022 at 11:50 PM Post #3,613 of 4,971
Sure- no debate on that.
But the original question was why bother if you don’t need to?
As it seems even the designer feels best results are achieved by simply leaving it on.
Timibeing was simply questioning if it was reason not to purchase the BF2 if he wasn’t able leave it on continuously.
Didn’t seem like a major determent even if not ideal to enjoy a awesome product.
I'll control, with ease, everything that I own. That's my philosophy in as few words as possible.

Actually, I leave my BF2 on all the time. But, the switch is at hand.
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Oct 6, 2022 at 4:23 AM Post #3,614 of 4,971
Actually, I’m still trialling the BF2 as after going back to my little Soncoz I noticed that although it was indeed seemingly immediately more resolving, the BF2 was doing something I wanted to get to know better. So I thought the best idea was to stop all this swapping backwards and forwards and leave the BF2 in the system for a while and just get used to it, then when my new Soncoz SGD1 comes I will be able to properly record the difference.

Anyway, one of the things I’m doing is listening to entire works, symphonies and the like, all the way through, just enjoying what the Bifrost does do well, which is drama and feeling. It’s already sounding like the Soncoz LA-QXD1 was presenting everything full of detail, yet flat and one dimensional, where the Bifrost is layering much better and providing a more organic picture - at the expense of that airy upper detail which is often the bit that grabs me listening to classical. We shall see what the Soncoz bigger brother can do, hopefully it will get detail and drama… who can tell? 😊

As a side effect of this I’ve squeezed the BF2 into my travelling rack, which leaves barely any space above it at all, I can’t even get my finger in. As a result it warms up pretty fast and I’m now checking whether this does indeed effect the sound over an hour or more as compared with a typical 20 minute warm up before listening. So far I did notice last night that the second piece I listened to grabbed me a little more than the first with subtle musical clues and the like, so that would be an hour or two in. I’m having a listen this morning later as well and again if the music starts to catch my attention more (usually because I hear subtle details that grab me!) after a hour or two I’ll go back the the first piece I listens to and compare. But I have to say, so far if I wasn’t being overly critical I would say that it sounds immediately involving after switch on… whether extra detail arrives much later I’m still debating. All good fun isn’t it! 😁
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Oct 6, 2022 at 4:50 AM Post #3,615 of 4,971
Just in case anyone is interested, here’s my ‘trundle’ headfi trolly! It spends the morning in the bedroom, wanders into the office in the afternoon and sometimes keeps me company by the sofa late nights… 😊

Allo DigiOne naked round the back provides the Roon endpoint, when I eventually settle on a DAC it will likely be Velcro’d to the rear!



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