SAT scores came....
Apr 25, 2006 at 4:10 AM Post #46 of 50

Originally Posted by Veniogenesis
Pretty good. It's got a very down-to-earth feel to it. I found the folks there to be friendly and simple; it's perfect since that is the way I like it.
It's different from the other schools I'm considering in that it's what I call a good, well-balanced school.

That actually sums up Northwestern really well. It's a pretty laid back place, very down-to-earth, as you described it. We'd certainly love to have you here.
More head-fiers is never a bad thing.
Apr 25, 2006 at 6:56 AM Post #47 of 50
I scored well on the ACT/GRE, and although I'm now a graduate student at the University of California, San Diego, I think the scores reflect very little on my abilities as a scientific researcher.

For instance, my scores on the practice GRE could fluctuate as much as 150 points, depending on my mood and state of mind (fortunately, I was able to concentrate when I took the real test). If anything, I felt that it was testing my attention span rather than any verifiable skill set. If one closely examines the type of questions asked on the GRE, they are actually quite easy; nearly any adequately educated individual could answer all the questions correctly if they were provided a reasonable amount of time.

This is perhaps why many graduate schools do not take "high" GRE scores in lieu of a middling undergraduate record.

Apr 25, 2006 at 12:44 PM Post #48 of 50

Originally Posted by marvin
High IQ is not the be all, end all in life. Hard work is a great equalizer.

Ain't that the truth. I knew plenty of people in college who were probably not as "smart" as me, but busted their butts ALL THE TIME to do everything they could for their classes, and most finished up in the 3.8-4.0 range. I was pretty happy with A's and B's, especially if it meant I could spend one or two hours studying and 8 hours doing something else instead of 10 hours in the lab or library. I finished up with a 3.4 and did a hell of a lot more than just study.

Even now, I work with a girl who is basically the one non-geek in the group. She hates doing the low-level, highly technical stuff, and really doesn't have the background for it. But she works 10x harder than the rest of us, which is the only thing that keeps her from drowning in assembly code
Apr 25, 2006 at 4:53 PM Post #49 of 50
In the old days I got a 710/630, but the punchline is, this was 5hrs after finishing my 22nd beer at the friday night kegger.
I REALLY contemplated killing the gum popper sitting next to me, but he was the class president!
Apr 25, 2006 at 8:17 PM Post #50 of 50

Originally Posted by raisin
In the old days I got a 710/630, but the punchline is, this was 5hrs after finishing my 22nd beer at the friday night kegger. high school too...hardcore man

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