San Jose Meet - Sat August 6
Jun 29, 2005 at 12:08 AM Post #121 of 259
Can someone bring Jecklin floats or some Fostex cans... Id love to hear those, Fostex being Petruccis studio can of choice...

Jul 1, 2005 at 7:16 AM Post #122 of 259

Originally Posted by NeilPeart
I met sleestack (Richard) and he’ll be the perfect host for this meet; a more passionate music and audio fan you will not meet.
I cannot wait to see all you Bay Area head-fiers again (Christina, Ti, Chris, Frank, Bruce, Clarke, Justin, Eric, etc.) and check out all the cool gear. Meeting Ray is always a blast (he’s hilarious and his antics from last year’s SoCal meet are not forgotten) and the legendary Tyll of HeadRoom will be special indeed. I’ll be toting:

Headamp Kevin Gilmore Blue Hawaii electrostatic amplifier
Sennhesier HE90 Orpheus headphones
Stax SR-007 “Omega II”
Grado HP-2 with Joe Grado Ultra-wide bandwidth cable
Sony Qualia 010

Those last five items are courtesy of Alex (ayt999 – he will be in Japan during the meet), who is also lending Scrith the Grado PS-1 with the balanced cable and Sony MDR-R10 for the benefit of the community – what a guy (I’ll get a HeadRoom mug for him).

mother of pearl, I've wanted to hear the BH/007 combo for ages now. I can tell I'm going to be hogging all the stax at this meet
(including the baby brother 313/404).

Oh, by the way, if you desperately need a place to stay, I live in the apartments directly behind the hotel where the meet is, so PM me.

edit: <sigh> Looks like I'm back in the headphone game. I'll bring some etys. . . and possibly a headamp AE-1.
Jul 2, 2005 at 9:21 PM Post #123 of 259

Originally Posted by Spektrograf
I don't mind helpin' out with setup/tear-down if you still need hands. PM me to let me know!

You've got PM!


Originally Posted by Spektrograf
Also, if there is any interest, I don't mind video doc'ing the event. If anyone wants to play the part of the "host", I'd be more than happy to coordinate, bring the equipment, be the shooter, and edit down.

The only thing I ask is that my company gets credited for the production.


Of course, this is contingent on a green light by Sleestack and the management at the venue...

You're right, we'd need to make sure you're not violating any of the hotel's policies, but as long as that's cleared I think this would be cool. Your company could just host it on their site as an example of "event coverage" and we could link to it from the meet impressions thread.

I bet that, if enough positive things are said, some of the businesses coming could use parts of the video as promo material.

You could probably get some good running commentary from Tyll, Ray, and any of our more outgoing members, but if you need an official host, I nominate NeilPeart!
Jul 3, 2005 at 8:35 PM Post #124 of 259

Originally Posted by Sleestack
A few reminders form the host:

Sorry about charging $10, but keep in mind that that the collection will only cover about 25% of the actual cost. I am covering the rest out of pocket b/c I don't want the hotel to take a loss. A small lunch buffet will be provided.

No dress code, but a wedding will be going on the same day in the main ballroom. I would appreciate it if people did not wear tank tops.

Please try to stay within the designated rooms. I can't have people conducting informal listening tests in the lobby. There should be plenty of space.

If you want to stay the night, I can offer you an employee rate, but you have to contact me directly.

We will have the main conference room downstairs. I am opening up a smaller conference room upstairs. I want to use that room for some of the higher-end setups and for dedicated listening comparisons.

We do have a bar for those who are inclined to drink, but you will have to pay for your own drinks. For those inclined to engage in other "activities," please take it to your car and park somewhere discrete rather than out in front.

I am going to need some members to be responsible for setup and general cleanup. Nothing major, but I can't leave the place in shambles.

Other than that, just keep in mind that all of the employees know me and know that I am holding some sort of event. In other words, I always have to set an example, so I would appreciate it if you would all be respectful toward the staff. One last thing... don't steal my towels.

in my opinion, you should divide the cost of the event by the number of people and charge that for the entry. all you are offering with this event is very generous, thank you.

just wanna remind you in case your getting stressed out here, that i can also help with cleanup or whatever if needed

Jul 3, 2005 at 10:52 PM Post #125 of 259

Originally Posted by rhythmdevils
in my opinion, you should divide the cost of the event by the number of people and charge that for the entry. all you are offering with this event is very generous, thank you.

just wanna remind you in case your getting stressed out here, that i can also help with cleanup or whatever if needed


I'm very fine with picking up most of the tab. Anything more than $10, will prevent some people from coming, which would defeat the spirit of this type of event.

Any help with setup and cleanup is welcome. Thanks.
Jul 4, 2005 at 8:30 PM Post #126 of 259

Originally Posted by Sleestack
Any help with setup and cleanup is welcome. Thanks.

Suggestion: A few days before the event, post a suggested time/location where volunteers shall assemble to help with setup. Cleanup is easier: volunteers can just hang around at the end of the event.

Your generosity (both in effort and $$$) is greatly appreciated. If you have any suggestions on how to reward you (a bottle of diluted alcohol maybe? what vintage? do you prefer red or white?), please let the community know.
Jul 5, 2005 at 6:12 PM Post #127 of 259

Originally Posted by clarke68
You're right, we'd need to make sure you're not violating any of the hotel's policies, but as long as that's cleared I think this would be cool. Your company could just host it on their site as an example of "event coverage" and we could link to it from the meet impressions thread.

I bet that, if enough positive things are said, some of the businesses coming could use parts of the video as promo material.

You could probably get some good running commentary from Tyll, Ray, and any of our more outgoing members, but if you need an official host, I nominate NeilPeart!

Thanks for the comments, clarke68!

Definitely need an on-cam host... just makes things THAT much more interesting. Any takers?

If anyone else is interested in having the event shot, definitely express yourself here because I'm looking to gauge interest before I commit a lot of time and resources to doing this.

If anyone has any objections, please let me know here or via e-mail, since this event is a get-together and not a commercial trade-show, I don't want anyone uncomfortable.

Jul 5, 2005 at 7:21 PM Post #128 of 259

Originally Posted by Spektrograf
Thanks for the comments, clarke68!

Definitely need an on-cam host... just makes things THAT much more interesting. Any takers?

If anyone else is interested in having the event shot, definitely express yourself here because I'm looking to gauge interest before I commit a lot of time and resources to doing this.

If anyone has any objections, please let me know here or via e-mail, since this event is a get-together and not a commercial trade-show, I don't want anyone uncomfortable.


Film away. I have no problem with that. Just don't start filming random hotel guests. I don't want to scare them away.
Jul 5, 2005 at 8:45 PM Post #129 of 259
My source list has changed again. I will be bringing the following:


Maxed Singlepower MPX3
Musical Fidelity X-can v3
EAR Yoshino V20

CD players:

Meridian G08
Onix CD-1
Underwood hi-fi modded Denon 3910 w/ Ultimate Upgrade


X-DAC v3/X-PSU v3/X10v3
Perpetual Technologies P1-A/P3-A and Monolith power source

K1000s w/ Equinox
HD650s w/ Equinox
ATH W1000s

Wondering if I really want to do deal with the hassle of bringing:

VPI Super Scoutmaster w/ Grado Statement
Ray Samuels XR-10B
Denon 5910

Not bringing (unless someone really wants me to):

EAR 864
Meridian G57
Parasound C1
Parasound A51
Denon PMA IVR 2000
Jul 7, 2005 at 8:57 PM Post #131 of 259

Originally Posted by andrzejpw
I'm having some trouble with the mapquest directions, can you guys help?

hah, i love how our meet is just adjacent to gish road :p i always make a joke when i pass that exit. if youre going north on 101, get off at the gish road exit, which spits you right onto gish road going towards the hotel, then take a right at 4th street and youll see the hotel. if not just ask someone in the area. keep in mind the airport(for reference purposes) is slightly west of that picture. see ya there!

Jul 8, 2005 at 4:53 PM Post #132 of 259
Mikhail from Singlepower might send out some more amps and even attend the meet.
Jul 8, 2005 at 7:00 PM Post #133 of 259

Originally Posted by clarke68
Well, you know how much I've been wanting to hear your Levinson/Genesis front end since the last meet...what do you say, dig it out of the wall unit for the clarkester?

clarkmeister, you might get your wish afterall. No promises though. This get-together is becoming a big gathering with all these gears coming into town. I am tempted to make sure that my Rudistor and Cyber 20 get some exposure as well. It all depends on if I have time that week to get everything packed up.

I've finally got some chance to focus on the Rudistor this last couple days. I'm playing with some NOS tubes right now to try to get it to sound the way I like it....
Jul 9, 2005 at 4:39 AM Post #135 of 259
Ugh, my last week in July trip has just been moved to Aug. 3-7. Why do trips always coincide with meets? I think this is 3 out of 4 in the last couple years. Damn. Anyway, sorry guys. Subtract the Scott Nixon.

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