S/PDIF: Which DAPs have this output?
Aug 31, 2012 at 1:22 AM Post #16 of 27
looking at buying an android development platform like amber enhanced and building in a decent dac. its theoretically possible with something as simple as the beagleboard C4, but i'm reading inconsistent hires audio results so far with this stuff, even though the hardware is capable of it, seems driver issues are the problem
Nov 18, 2012 at 1:37 AM Post #17 of 27
Which DAP, aside from a Cowon has a S/PDIF output?  I prefer to utilize the DAC in the Leckerton UHA-6S.MKII and going with an Apple product will not allow the use of another DAC.

Yeah, I have the same question.  
My inference from the many portable devices that have a DAC is they are used to connect to laptops, not iPhones.
I, too, would prefer to find a DAP whose DAC I can bypass (with an S/PDIF-out) to use the Leckerton UHA-6S.MKII's DAC and amp.
Nov 19, 2012 at 9:53 AM Post #18 of 27
The Cowon D3 has coax digital output, and I am currently using it with the Leckerton UHA-6S mkII.

The D3 is/was a relatively overlooked player because, for an Android device, it's pretty slow and buggy. However, on paper, the D3 has everything I am looking for in a DAP:
-10+ hours battery
-digital and/or line-level output
-physical pause/play/next buttons (this is the big one, because there are many players that meet my criteria except for this)
-on-the-go playlists (because of Android -> poweramp)
-gapless (because of Android -> poweramp)
-expandable memory slot
-plug & play sync (no iTunes or Zune software needed!)
I really wonder why there are not more players on the market like this. I suspect the OP and many others are looking for the same thing. I guess we just have to wait for the Fiio X3!
One big caveat if you go this route - other than the D3 is slow and PowerAmp crashes often - there is a slight hiss problem with the Leckerton and coaxial input. What happens is, if a signal is sent via coax to the Leckerton, then is stopped, the Leckerton's DAC loses lock and emits a slight hiss. This will happen even when you simply pause music on the D3. I heard from Nick Leckerton and there is nothing that can fix the issue for now. For me it's not a deal-breaker, but I thought I'd point it out. 
Nov 19, 2012 at 3:01 PM Post #19 of 27
The Cowon D3 has coax digital output, and I am currently using it with the Leckerton UHA-6S mkII.
The D3 is/was a relatively overlooked player because, for an Android device, it's pretty slow and buggy. However, on paper, the D3 has everything I am looking for in a DAP:

Hey seekadds - is that a custom cable from the D3? I remember the options cable kit being quite long and undesirable. Yours looks great!
Nov 19, 2012 at 3:14 PM Post #20 of 27
Yeah, I have the same question.  
My inference from the many portable devices that have a DAC is they are used to connect to laptops, not iPhones.
I, too, would prefer to find a DAP whose DAC I can bypass (with an S/PDIF-out) to use the Leckerton UHA-6S.MKII's DAC and amp.

Although not cheap solutions I'd like to clarify that there are DDC/DAC/Amp combos for iDevices that can output S/PDIF  :-
1) VentureCraft Go-DAP 4.0 Optical out (max 48kHz)
2) VentureCraft Go-DAP X Optical out (max 48kHz)
3) VentureCraft Go-DAP DD Socket 1 optical and coax (max 48kHz)
4) CypherLabs Algorhythm Solo coax (max 48kHz)
Other DAPs that can output S/PDIF :-
1) iBasso DX100/HDP-R10 coax and optical (max 192kHz)
2) iRiver AK100 optical out (max ??)
Nov 19, 2012 at 3:20 PM Post #21 of 27
Hey seekadds - is that a custom cable from the D3? I remember the options cable kit being quite long and undesirable. Yours looks great!

It is the normal A/V cable that I have modified (rather poorly actually). I simply cut the video-related cables and left only the digital (orange) conductor. Then I shortened the orange wire and re-joined it with solder and heat shrink. 
Nov 19, 2012 at 4:50 PM Post #23 of 27
Dont beat yourself up - I only just noticed the 'leccy tape. Ill probably take the same route as you.

Heh, thanks. It works, but like I said, this combo hisses while paused. It's just a matter of compatibility between the Leckerton and the Cowon. See the Leckerton UHA-6SmkII thread for more details on this minor annoyance.
That said, while music is playing, this combo is pretty amazing and something I bet can give any pocketable rig a run for it's money. Coming from an iBasso D10, I noticed more improvement with multi-BA IEM's, but over-ears and dynamic IEM's sound great too. 
Nov 19, 2012 at 7:23 PM Post #24 of 27
Coming from an iBasso D10, I noticed more improvement with multi-BA IEM's, but over-ears and dynamic IEM's sound great too. 

Music to my ears. Ill be using it with a D10.
Nov 20, 2012 at 1:56 PM Post #25 of 27
Although not cheap solutions I'd like to clarify that there are DDC/DAC/Amp combos for iDevices that can output S/PDIF  :-
1) VentureCraft Go-DAP 4.0 Optical out (max 48kHz)
2) VentureCraft Go-DAP X Optical out (max 48kHz)
3) VentureCraft Go-DAP DD Socket 1 optical and coax (max 48kHz)
4) CypherLabs Algorhythm Solo coax (max 48kHz)
Other DAPs that can output S/PDIF :-
1) iBasso DX100/HDP-R10 coax and optical (max 192kHz)
2) iRiver AK100 optical out (max ??)

Cowon's D3 running Android also outputs SPDIF out of the box. However it's a pretty buggy device (almost 2 years old with 2010 hardware, and one of the first Android PMPs released, i.e. and alpha/beta device in many ways)
Nov 20, 2012 at 1:57 PM Post #26 of 27
Cowon's D3 running Android also outputs SPDIF out of the box. However it's a pretty buggy device (almost 2 years old with 2010 hardware, and one of the first Android PMPs released, i.e. and alpha/beta device in many ways)

Yea I have been using it but I am about to give it up. The fact that it can't properly recognize some ID3 tags is a major deal-breaker. 
Nov 20, 2012 at 2:20 PM Post #27 of 27
Yea I have been using it but I am about to give it up. The fact that it can't properly recognize some ID3 tags is a major deal-breaker. 

For me it's the (sometimes multiple) daily random reboots which are most irksome, although there are some other issues I have with it. Is the tag recognition problematic with just the stock app or also with 3rd party apps like Rockbox?
It's been pretty awesome to be able to use my D3 with my desktop setup for nearly 2 years now. I'll probably have to wait a few more months anyway (if the D3 keeps working) and see what's available then.
Just wanted to mention it on this thread since Cowon did show some awesome innovation to come out with SPDIF out at the end of 2010 on their first Android device. 

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