Rockit Sounds R-50 Reviews and Impressions
Jun 29, 2012 at 10:27 AM Post #361 of 1,205
I made my own tips.. It's a combination of comply S-400, the stock small, and the GR-07 foam filled Hybrids.. It isolates superbly, goes really deep into the ears, and sounds aaasum! 

But i gotto say, the stock tips are class A cheapos.. man, seriously, these kinda tips come along with 10$ "iems"

The stock tips aren't that good but when I first got them they worked ok for me but then I tried other tips and BAM the SQ got much better.
Jun 29, 2012 at 10:32 AM Post #363 of 1,205
Ok, those are good. As long as you're not using any small bore ones.

See I thought sense the Atrio foam tips had a small bore it would hurt the soundstage but it doesn't at all, it gives them a larger sound.
Jul 1, 2012 at 8:37 AM Post #365 of 1,205
You may want to try Comply foam T100, Tx100 or Shure Olives.

I bought the Comply foam T-100 tips, they didn't work for me - The bass becomes thinner and recessed. Mid comes forward, take center stage. Sounds weird. So I am back to using the largest stock tips. They work the best for me, better isolation, and they make the sound fuller and much much better. Now I am contemplating to get some Shure Olives or Atrio dual flanges.  
Jul 1, 2012 at 10:54 PM Post #367 of 1,205
My Review's Up!

Nice review and glad you like them.  I've been tryin to tell people these things are the real deal and can hold their own against $400 IEM's.
Jul 2, 2012 at 6:35 AM Post #368 of 1,205
I wish I saw this before I purchased the Jvc Ha-Fxt90 
.I might go with the R 11 Or R30 for running outside on the road,whats everyones thoughts on those two who has tried them out?Would they be comfortable for running?
Thanks guys

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Jul 2, 2012 at 6:44 AM Post #369 of 1,205
I received mine on saturday but was up Liverpool competing in the national school championship. Got home last night late and managed to quickly get the unboxings videos done but no listening. My R-Shield unboxing is up and i am not quite sure even the unboxing shows off how high they are!

Jul 2, 2012 at 6:45 AM Post #370 of 1,205
Passing review is that they aren't that great for the price and not worth buying, especially compared to the amazing value of the R-50.
I wish I saw this before I purchased the Jvc Ha-Fxt90 
.I might go with the R 11 Or R30 for running outside on the road,whats everyones thoughts on those two who has tried them out?Would they be comfortable for running?
Thanks guys

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Jul 2, 2012 at 7:09 AM Post #371 of 1,205
I received mine on saturday but was up Liverpool competing in the national school championship. Got home last night late and managed to quickly get the unboxings videos done but no listening. My R-Shield unboxing is up and i am not quite sure even the unboxing shows off how high they are!


Far out! when you took them out of the box I was O_O They're the biggest ear cups I have ever seen. Military grade alright check 'em out. Those things are massive! They would  be one of the only things to survive an atomic bomb! lol I want to know how they sound! 
Jul 2, 2012 at 7:24 AM Post #372 of 1,205

Far out! when you took them out of the box I was O_O They're the biggest ear cups I have ever seen. Military grade alright check 'em out. Those things are massive! They would  be one of the only things to survive an atomic bomb! lol I want to know how they sound! 

same here, for prospective i will do a video today of all my cans comparing cup sizes with these so people get a better idea, i do like it as i said in the video for its quirky ness but when they are on your ears the look even bigger and i am not sure if i would want to be seen in them ahah,they have actually messed with my head.
Obviously i have been very busy having been away and a lot of new things to try, i have not had a proper listen and probably will wait until they are fully burned in until i do nut last night i listened too two songs while being exhausted and they didn't seem to do anything hugely wrong to my ears and the time, i will not underline the few faults i found until after burn in (if they remain) but that all seemed promising for $70.
One thing though, they may beat Etymotic IEMs in terms of isolation!!!
Jul 2, 2012 at 8:33 AM Post #373 of 1,205
My R-50 Unboxing Video:

I have been doing some comparing with these and the Grado GR8s and they are of a similar technical level, in fact from the little time i have compared i can't get to which is on is better, bare in mind i have just started listening so have had 3 songs a/bing so far. I can say though they are VERY good for the price already!
Jul 2, 2012 at 10:24 AM Post #375 of 1,205
Hi guys, any idea how the R50 compares to the Ety HF5? Thanks.

I fortunately for you have both earphones but have not had enough time to compare. I will say you won't be disappointed by either but so far i think the R-50s are the way forward. 

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