Rhapsodio thread
Aug 21, 2016 at 1:58 AM Post #616 of 2,292
I have decided to buy a CIEM, and after reading your comments I want to try both the JH Angie and the Rhapsodio Solar. Although Sammy suggested me that the Galaxy model could be better for the Metal music I use to listen to, I am not a fan of dynamic drivers.

I want to try both IEM universal versions before taking the decision to order the CIEM. The Angies are now oncoming, but I cannot find a second hand Solar. I'm considering buying them brand new, but I know I will loose a lot of money if I have to sell them in case the sound profile is not of my taste. If I like them, Sammy has offered me the reshelling into customs for an aditional money. I wish I can try them soon, but it seems that they are so good that the owners don't want to sell them.

Honestly, the Angies are still my favourite all around IEM. Hopefully the V2 Angie's carry the quality the first gen held. Still, you can't go wrong with either or. Looking at the reviews, both the Solar and Angie are amazing. Top notch picks my friend :beers:
Aug 21, 2016 at 2:16 AM Post #617 of 2,292
Honestly, the Angies are still my favourite all around IEM. Hopefully the V2 Angie's carry the quality the first gen held. Still, you can't go wrong with either or. Looking at the reviews, both the Solar and Angie are amazing. Top notch picks my friend :beers:

You are the first one I've heard that prefer the Angie over the Solar. That confirms me the need to try both before deciding which custom I should order. Thank you for your sincere opinion.
Aug 21, 2016 at 2:18 AM Post #618 of 2,292
You are the first one I've heard that prefer the Angie over the Solar. That confirms me the need to try both before deciding which custom I should order. Thank you for your sincere opinion.
I wouldn't say "prefer". Seeing how I have no listening time with the Solars, I can't tell you my thoughts on them. Regardless, I had PLENTY of time with the Angie's and I loved every second of it. Im torn between buying the new Angie or the Solar myself :joy:
Aug 21, 2016 at 2:24 AM Post #620 of 2,292
I wouldn't say "prefer". Seeing how I have no listening time with the Solars, I can't tell you my thoughts on them. Regardless, I had PLENTY of time with the Angie's and I loved every second of it. Im torn between buying the new Angie or the Solar myself :joy:

I understand. It's going to be difficult to decide. Maybe I have to buy both...and forget the comparatives.
Aug 21, 2016 at 2:31 AM Post #622 of 2,292
Human brain is funny thing. If you will listen long enough any highly evaluated IEM, you will love them, but it not mean, they are  best in class. I got long time side by side Noble Savant and K10u. I loved both a lot for different reasons, but objectively, K10U are better. Now I have two models from Rhapsodio and one from Empire Ears. That last one is one of lowest models in EE line, but at these days I do listen it most of my time and I love it. Is that mean, that is better than RDB MK4 or Solars? No way. It is not. And, if I have to keep just one from all IEM I ever owned, it will be Solars. Beyond any doubt. Solars versatility to music and source is fenomenal.
Big problem only  is, that at these days is too many good items to choose and that is hardest work.
Aug 21, 2016 at 3:05 AM Post #625 of 2,292
Can anyone confirm if the Solars are easy to power. As in, would a S6 Edge suffice? Someone else said their iPhone pairs well enough but i'd like some reassurance.

Very easy to power. Even more so than Angie, which is not too difficult either.

If you are interested, here is a snippet from my Solar review, comparing it with Angie.

Jerry Harvey’s Angie has been my closest companion for so long now. She sings with a voice I fell in love with upon first hearing it. Even after weeks and weeks with nothing but Solar in my ears, when I come back to Angie, I don’t know which I like more. Each does a couple of things better than the other.

My preference is to keep Angie’s bass attenuators at 2:30, giving her a warm, bassy profile, without losing detail or air.

Although Solar has two drivers more than Angie, note thickness and weight are about the same, both much fuller than the IM03. Angie is capable of nearly the same volume of bass, but Solar reaches deeper into the sub bass and the lows come off fuller and richer because of it. Amazingly, Solar also possesses FAR greater air in the presentation. Even when I turned Angie’s pots all the way down, Solar sounded brighter, with a better sense of space and atmosphere. This is likely due to Solar’s outstanding treble. I’ve always praised Angie for having clean, well-extended highs, but Solar adds some real sparkle to its top frequencies, and that makes a world of difference here. It brightens the stage up, revealing details Angie might miss.

So you may think by the above paragraph that I clearly favor Solar, but as I’ve said, it’s not quite so easy for me. Angie is smoother and lusher. Probably owing to its lack of sparkle. Every detail is not highlighted, rendering a more forgiving melody. Angie is not dull or muddy. FAR FROM IT. Though compared to Solar, she’s certainly the easier, more euphoric monitor. She pours honey in my ears and I love her for it.
Aug 21, 2016 at 3:08 AM Post #627 of 2,292
I'm going to try first the Angies, as they are already coming, and I'm waiting to find a good offer to buy the Solar and try them as well. But I'm not sure this will happen, and considering that what I really want is to order a custom IEM, I will have to think it twice before buying a new pair of universal Solar just to try. So I hope I can find a way to try both, because if not the Angies will be the selected ones for my first (and probably last) CIEM.
Aug 21, 2016 at 8:04 PM Post #629 of 2,292
Does anyone have experience with the ADEL A12, or U12? I'd love to read a comparison.
Aug 21, 2016 at 8:53 PM Post #630 of 2,292
I demoed the A12 and A10 for a week and ended up buying the A10. But because A10 is very much like the A12 (except for the mid-bass and lower mids), I can offer some insight.
A12 has a light, feathery and airy sound, except for the mid-bass which hits hard. From what I read, Solar seems to possess a more energetic character. Both seem to have an enhanced mid-bass. Although A12's bass hits hard, it sounds a little light and textured because of the ADEL module. Lower-mids should sound similar on both because of the enhanced mid bass that adds thickness and warmth. A12 has a very lush and full-bodied mids as opposed to Solars slightly recessed mids. Solar should also have relatively brighter and sparkly treble, as the A12's treble can sound subdued without sparkle, but is smooth and detailed.  A12 is not a highly resolving/detail oriented IEM, where as, Solar seems to play the game with the big-boys in that aspect. Instrument separation, and imaging is A12's strength. Not sure how well Solar does that. A12 is not great with speed. It handles slow tempos very well. Everything about A12 is smooth, organic, relaxing and forgiving.
Overall, A12 is a lighter affair (except for the mid-bass).

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