RHA T10i Tour & Impressions Thread
Apr 2, 2015 at 3:43 PM Post #379 of 474
I haven't heard any Shure products, but I have tried many different combos of the T10i's. For example, out of my old X3, with the treble filters, these sounded full and lush. I tried the reference filters, and the mids came forward, but the highs faded behind the wall of sub bass. Now, I have found my perfect player, my Samsung S5, PowerAmp, and the bass filters. I've tweaked the EQ in PowerAmp, to pump the bass a little, upped the mids 1-2 db's and the highs about 3 db's in the upper ranges. The T10i's sound full, lush, and intimate. I use Comply Tx200 for extreme isolation, and great sound.
Apr 3, 2015 at 12:04 PM Post #380 of 474
I posted this in the deals thread, but thought I'd mention it for any Canucks reading since we so rarely get prices competitive with the States...
  For the Canadians... RHA T10i for $199.95 CAD (roughly $159 USD)
use coupon code: omgt10i
valid until Sunday

Apr 3, 2015 at 4:09 PM Post #381 of 474
Just got these today.....
These are, without a doubt, the best IEMs I have had. I have been through Westone w3s, shure se215s, and various shoddy sub-$100 IEMs.
I will compare them to the westone W3s, since they already destroy the shures in terms of everything except isolation. (Only because shures are not vented and have foam tips. Only.
But first, if you have these, and you are a basshead...search Dark Ages by Two Steps from Hell, and listen to the first few seconds. That is some EPIC bass there. Also, Remember the Name by Fort Minor. You can feel it.
Alright (for the record, I don't work for RHA, nor was I compensated for this in any way):
Vs Westone W3:
Build quality:
T10 = 5/5
W3 = 4/5
Honestly, if anyone gives the T10 anything less than a 5/5 for build quality, its BS. The ONLY other IEM that might compare to its build are the Aurisonics Rockets, but I can't say for sure. But anyways, T10s are all metal housings, have stellar strain reliefs, awesome cables, and extremely well made ear hooks. W3s have very nice plastic housings, decent but not great strain reliefs. I say this because the reliefs were where it failed. The cable actually ruptured after a few snags (completely my fault), and the copper was showing. It began to oxidize, and ultimately failed. The cable was nice, but gets annoying once it starts to unravel due to its braided design. T10 cable is much better.
T10 = 5/5
W3 = 3.4/5
T10s have been the first ever to fit my ears like a glove. With nearly all other IEMs, one side just didn't feel right. With the shure se215s, supposedly great for comfort, they never sat flush with my ear, and always had a tendency to slip out. Very annoying to adjust constantly. Also, the ear hook was very inconsistent on my right side. T10s....stock tips out of the box? Decent. Double flanges? Almost there, but slightly uncomfortable. Sony hybrids S size? Perfect. First time I have ever worn small size too. Also, RHA got their angle right, the earpiece sits flush, and doesn't have any gaps. Very very nice! W3s were alright, but their angle was somewhat awkward, and always started to slip out. Not fun adjusting....
T10 = 4.3/5
W3 = 4.7/5
T10s have some awesome isolation, but I am not sure it is even possible to get a dynamic IEM to isolate better than a BA IEM, due to venting. W3s had no venting, and I used the blue long foam tips, which would clearly lead to excellent isolation. People say etymotic has the best isolation, but this is extremely obvious. The more rubber/foam you shove in your ear, the better the isolation.
Sound quality (This is personal, you may or may not have the same opinion).
T10 = 4.8/5 (Excellent, stellar bass, and very full sounding)
W3 = 3.6/5 (Excellent detail retrieval and speed, wider soundstage, analytical)
I won't go into much detail about sound, since these are two very popular IEMs. But basically, W3 = that girlfriend that you met at church that your parents want you to have. T10 = that sexy girl you meet at the club.
T10s = 5/5
W3s = 4/5
W3s had a white box with an opening flap, nice art, and a nice selection of tips. Their case is wonderful as well, I must say! But the box was a dull white color, which was very ordinary. The red and black scheme of the W3s was very cool. (Side thought: Imaging T10s with a black oxide finish, and red RHA logo....DAMN that would be sick). Overall, W3 packaging was good, but ordinary, and boring. Just like its sound signature.
T10 was the first time my heart rate actually noticeably increased when I was opening it. The box was matte black, with some awesome faded art of the IEM on the outside. Opening the flap, I literally couldn't help but stare at the layout for at least 2 minutes. The IEMs were at the top, then you could see the Y splitter, cable jack, and the spare eartips and filters, of which there was an excellent selection. Truly amazing. Removing the T10s was awesome, I could not wait to get them in my ears. I only noticed the filters and eartips again after the first few minutes with the IEMs.
Overall, I would give the T10s a 4.9/5. The 0.1 less would be for the case, which I didn't find too useful, except to store the extra eartips. This is actually a sad excuse for not giving it a perfect score, but I don't think any item should ever get a perfect score, since there will always be something wrong. I actually use the MEElectronics M6 Pro case instead, since it zips up completely, and has a nice feel to it. Don't get me wrong, the case that came with the T10s is excellently made. It just doesn't quite seem to be paired with the right product, if that makes any sense.
If you love your bass, I cannot recommend this enough. It is really amazing. Having an awesome company and 3 year warranty backing this beautiful product is just incredible.
Oh yeah, before I forget....this review was done with no burn in :wink:
This will only get better....
Apr 3, 2015 at 5:44 PM Post #382 of 474
Guess I should mention my setup:
Source: Macbook Pro
With treble filters
Reference filters and Bass filters didn't seem to make a super drastic change as some reviews made it seem. The bass on all three is quite epic, but the bass filters add some sort of lower depth of bass hell that is plain beastly.
Apr 4, 2015 at 9:46 PM Post #383 of 474
Still lovin these! I should make a note though:

I don't know if this is common, but my pair does seem to have some driver flex. On the right side it isn't a big deal, but on the left side it sometimes cuts out sound completely, when using any silicon single flange eartip. It seems like going from high to low pressure in the ear canal deflects the driver wall, which for some reason affects the left side much more than the right. This also sometimes causes partial channel imbalance. I can usually solve this by readjusting the left side in my ear, but it is interesting

Just sharing some more experiences! Nothing major thankfully
Apr 4, 2015 at 10:41 PM Post #384 of 474
I'm surprised your experiencing driver flex. With such a large vent on the back, I didn't think it would be an issue. I use foam tips, and readjust them after listening for a while, and I've never had the problem. May want to contact RHA, and see what they say.
Apr 4, 2015 at 11:12 PM Post #385 of 474
I may be wrong, but I believe foam tips eliminate driver flex issues due to the nature of the seal. The silicon tips form an airtight seal, which makes it easier for pressure in the ear canal to change. Foam tips, on the other hand, don't do this because of the material. At least, that's what I think is happening. I guess I'll try the foam tips! Not a huge fan of foams since they usually don't last as long, but I guess I'll give it a shot.

Weird thing is, I do get driver flex on the right side as well, but it doesn't cut out the sound completely as it does on the left side O.o
Apr 4, 2015 at 11:23 PM Post #386 of 474
Ok, just tried the foam tips, and they don't fit me at all :/

Currently using double flanges....I guess I'll contact them
Apr 11, 2015 at 12:24 AM Post #388 of 474
Is it just me or do these impress the more you listen to them? Simply amazing iems, compared them to the Bowers & Wilkins P7, these bet them easily, with the T10i I was listening to a hardcore track by Noize Supressor with the bass filters and I heard things I never ever heard before, these iems have big potential to compete with other headphones & iems $200 and up its asking price point
Apr 11, 2015 at 2:35 PM Post #389 of 474
Ok guys, forget all I said about driver flex causing problems. After a few days, driver flex is still present, but does not cut out anymore. Maybe they just need some working before they settled. They are back to epic status! Also, driver flex has no effect on quality, according to RHA rep.

Also, these definitely do get better with each listen! They only have 15 hours on them too, which is awesome. Just some advice though: I would avoid using triple flange tips with these, since it severely muddies up the sound, even with treble filters.

I let my friend listen to them, and the first thing he said was "wow da bass!!"

Truly epic pieces of art.

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