RHA MA-750i Review
Mar 10, 2016 at 8:41 PM Post #286 of 382
Well I guess a bad soulder connection can happen to anyone. Nice to have the three year warranty. I've been doing a little research on third party cables for another IEM and have been very surprised by the high failure rates people have mentioned. I've never had a cable problem with a IEM, only the well known connection issue with the Senn 580.

Yes, Swawn71 was right is his interpretation; I just copied the distributor's email text in bold. We're in Hong Kong here so english can be a bit uneven -mine included-.
My phones had no visible damage, both times. The jack and the spring as well as everything else looked new. The issue was with the little wires that connect from inside to the jack pin terminal, some of those were pulled and disconnected. Both times right channel dropped. My guess is that placing the phone inside pockets with the headphones plugged and then retrieving the phone repeatedly caused the cable to pull beyond "natural range of motion" one too many times.    
Apr 28, 2016 at 11:04 AM Post #288 of 382
Hi Guys. just listening to my 750's while doing a bit of tip rolling, i notated that the mesh from the left ear piece was missing. Just wondering is this an issue with these re build and sq.
Apr 28, 2016 at 4:08 PM Post #289 of 382
Just got a pair of these. The build quality is excellent, reviews were spot on for how substantial these feel at their price point. The biggest seller was the 3 year warranty, really puts me at ease. My only two complaints so far are that the cable likes to tie itself into knots (especially while free floating in the provided carrying case) and that I might have a slight channel imbalance in my pair. While listening through my iPhone 6 I perceive more power from the left and that is throwing off where I perceive the music playing (left of center)--giving me a bit of fatigue during extended listening. I'm hoping this is all mental, but I haven't had this issue with other headphones to date.
May 2, 2016 at 9:41 AM Post #290 of 382
just bought one too, I'll make a detailed review later, but I couldn't agree more with bigredking: the build quality is amazing! The steel itself feels premium: the 750i doesnt just feel premium it looks like one too.
tbh I tested t10i before and I hoped that the sound of the 750i is more like the t10i, but there is a remarkable difference between the two (I didnt't have the money for the t10i :frowning2: ), but the sound quality is still pretty good. I have to burn it in and test it further more, but it sure sounds promising.
ps: I work at a company which distributes RHA in eastern EU and I can promise you we are customer friendly with the warranty issues :)
Jun 1, 2016 at 12:36 PM Post #291 of 382
I just purchased RHA MA750i headphones and noticed a difference between the frequency range written on the package (16 - 22000 Hz) and what is reported on their web site (16 - 40000 Hz).
Was there a change of specifications over time or is it something else?
Jun 1, 2016 at 6:48 PM Post #292 of 382
I just purchased RHA MA750i headphones and noticed a difference between the frequency range written on the package (16 - 22000 Hz) and what is reported on their web site (16 - 40000 Hz).
Was there a change of specifications over time or is it something else?

im going to go with i tihnk its a website issue, as in the web sites wrong.  there would seem to be several items showing that frequncy range and it seems an unusually high range, very high range for IEM's.  i suspect someone has typoed a website update.
however...... the frequency ranges as spec'ed on any ear/headphone are largely meaningless.  not to mention most humans hearing wont go to 22kHz and even then no music is likely to have anything in it that goes anywhere near those frequencies to begin with.  those are all before you get the frequency limitations imposed by digital data rates.
in short, id believe the box but you shouldnt care either way as its a largely meaningless figure for anything that really matters.
Jun 8, 2016 at 1:04 AM Post #293 of 382
This is RHA's response:
"Thanks for your email, and your interest in RHA. Firstly, I would like to assure you that there aren't two version of the MA750i. Within the past few months, RHA have been confirmed as conforming to High-Resolution Audio (High-Res Audio / HRA) standards as set out by the prestigious Japan Audio Society (JAS). The MA750i has been certified as capable of authentic playback of high resolution audio files. High-Resolution Audio refers to digital audio that uses higher sampling rates than those used by CDs (16bit/44.1kHz).

Previously, we didn't test our products up to 40kHz as humans can only hear up to 20kHz. However, after passing HRA, and testing the product to 40kHz, we have updated the specification on our website and the most recent packaging. Simply put, the packaging you currently possess was produced earlier than the specification being updated, however, the product is still identical."

So, I guess that sorts it out...

Jun 11, 2016 at 5:30 PM Post #294 of 382
I'm really into the RHA MA-750i for a long time and finally I decided to purchase them.
Sadly the only store in Israel that sold them is not longer working with RHA and doesn't have any left so I can't buy them

Jun 12, 2016 at 12:50 AM Post #295 of 382
  I'm really into the RHA MA-750i for a long time and finally I decided to purchase them.
Sadly the only store in Israel that sold them is not longer working with RHA and doesn't have any left so I can't buy them

proxy buy from amazon, or any oversea legit sites
Jun 12, 2016 at 12:05 PM Post #298 of 382
No there isn't any apple store.
We have authoriesed distributor of Apple that called "iDigital" and they have the exactly same look of the Apple stores but they not selling RHA.
I've found that: http://www.accessoryjack.com/rha-ma750i-premium-noise-isolating-in-ear-headphone-for-ios-stainless-steel.html
The price seems ok but the problem is that they are not authorised retailers and the warranty is 1 year instead of 3 years.
Jun 12, 2016 at 12:18 PM Post #299 of 382
Any Apple stores in Israel? At least in the US Apple stores sell RHA.

We have authoriesed distributor of Apple that have the same design as Apple stores and most of the stuff that available in Apple stores are there but not RHA :frowning2:
I saw RHA MA750i in site that called accessoryjack that selling at a reasonable price but the warranty is only 1 year and not 3 years because they are not authoriesed distributor.
Jun 13, 2016 at 10:31 AM Post #300 of 382
Acessoryjack is pretty reputable.  And they are discounting off of list price a bit, which you never find with RHA.  Personally I'd give it a shot if I was really set on these, or check listings for a used pair (don't know if the warranty transfers, I doubt it).  A few people have had a bad solder joints fail, but this generally happens early.  If you make it through a year, you're probably going to be good for a long time.  You might contact RHA, they should be able to find a way to sell you a pair and keep the warranty.

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