REVIEW: HiFiman RE-262
Nov 1, 2010 at 6:24 AM Post #32 of 52
Except Bennyboy, who got sent one to trial by a kind head-fier*
*not currently true, but here's hoping.
And on the next day , everyone went out and bought a 262

Nov 1, 2010 at 7:00 AM Post #33 of 52
hey benny
don't tell me that these 2 bold statements weren't like a bullet in your back mate

( we may have found our IEM no 3 btw)
I can say with little doubt that the driver is the best dynamic driver I've listened to in an earphone so far.  I'm a fan of Denon's C700 driver, super efficient, really articulate, but poorly controlled and distorted at volume.  I'm a fan of the long throw IE8 driver, awesome bass, high output, sort of like the XBL^2 of the IEM world, but it lacks speed and softens the edge.  For a dynamic, the RE262 just seems to spank everything else out there.  It's effortless, clean, doesn't really have noticeable compression, it gets damn loud and is happy about it.  It pretty much makes the RE252 driver sound like crap, haha, and that says a lot.  The sound that is emitted is basically pure.  It's something I haven't really heard from dynamic earphones, only great home audio drivers.
So how good is the RE262?  Ha, well, let's see...  I have a RE-ZERO, UM3X, Triple.Fi 10, e-Q7, CK100, RE252, and my OK1 buds sitting in front of me.  Referencing a little Jay Z, the RE262's like show me what you got?  They have zero problem matching them.  The RE262 is a top level earphone.  It literally puts the RE252 a half step down now.  The coloration may or may not suit you, but this might be a simple matter of EQing.  What you end up buying is always dependent on personal preference.  I can only state that the RE262 is good, exceptionally good.  The driver is outstanding.  The physical form is of the value orientation that Fang seems to gear his products towards.  It's no SE535, IE8, or e-Q7, but it is smartly done, and if sound is the main concern, then it's an excellent product.  Is it the end all?  Well, it's simply one of many options.  My personal preference leans me more towards the CK100 for example as it is a more balanced device.  However, I would be hard-pressed to call the RE262 less of an earphone sound wise.  It'll just come down to personal preference though and what you main think about the coloration, which is mild but there none the less.  I can only say it's likable and that you do get used to it quickly.  The RE262 is very transparent, visceral, but also non-fatiguing even at loud volumes.  Low distortion tends to do that.
...but also the non-aggressive top end helps that too.
These are some incredibly cool earphones.  I'm not trying to stoke the FOTM here, but yeah, anyone should really seriously look at these at some point along with any other high end IEM on the market.  Yes, they'll stand toe to toe with any universal on the market.  It'll simply be a matter of preference if the RE262 will be your best pick.

Nov 1, 2010 at 7:59 AM Post #34 of 52
Yeah yeah, I know - makes one flinch to read comments like that.
BUT - all this talk of them needing an amp to shine makes me happier with my 252s.  I can't be doing with lugging an amp around anymore...did it before and its a novelty that wears thin very quickly when stuck on sardine packed London tube trains, or negotiating the peasant hordes on the way to and from work.  Give me the simple joy of a Cowon J3 and my snuggly jelly 252s and I'm a happy clappy commuter.
I'd like to try them out though, just to know what I'm missing. So hands up all you lovely people if you wanna help poor Benny out.
p.s. mate, its time you changed your signature.  Start calling for them to ban me again. I need to get a life.
hey benny
don't tell me that these 2 bold statements weren't like a bullet in your back mate

( we may have found our IEM no 3 btw)


Nov 1, 2010 at 8:45 AM Post #35 of 52
ok about the sig thing , too lazy to change it all these days
as for the 252/262 i think it;s like having to choose a really good rock chick
and an even better chick who digs lady gaga
too much hassle , if you ask me (gaga being the need of an amp)
or sth like that , i am sure you get my point and the allegory behind the whole amp/gaga thing
Yeah yeah, I know - makes one flinch to read comments like that.
BUT - all this talk of them needing an amp to shine makes me happier with my 252s.  I can't be doing with lugging an amp around anymore...did it before and its a novelty that wears thin very quickly when stuck on sardine packed London tube trains, or negotiating the peasant hordes on the way to and from work.  Give me the simple joy of a Cowon J3 and my snuggly jelly 252s and I'm a happy clappy commuter.
p.s. mate, its time you changed your signature.  Start calling for them to ban me again. I need to get a life.


Nov 1, 2010 at 1:06 PM Post #36 of 52
Originally Posted by mvw2 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
To describe the coloration of the RE262 would be to say that a softer (not less detailed) top end was chosen, less sparkly, less piercing, a warmer sense.  As well midbass and lower mids were also emphasized slightly, giving a warmer sense and a little more punch and fullness of vocals and emphasis of things like guitars/strings, and higher frequency drums.  What kind of gets traded off is some air and sparkle to the top end.  Things like cymbals don't crash and shine as much.  Deep bass is lessened which gives you less visceral, deep, shaking bass, but you have more higher bass which offers edginess and punch to the notes.  They hit harder but reverberate less which gives a little less fullness.  Your focus goes more towards vocals, guitars, and a lot of common instruments that reside mostly in the midrange.  For example, vocals and guitars are slightly dominant with these earphones.  Cymbals, triangles, and any other high frequency instruments will be quieter and warmer.  The bottom end isn't actually bad on these.  They do extend very well and retain good output, but the emphasis is in the higher bass.
So how good is the RE262?  Ha, well, let's see...  I have a RE-ZERO, UM3X, Triple.Fi 10, e-Q7, CK100, RE252, and my OK1 buds sitting in front of me.
[snip] It'll just come down to personal preference though and what you main think about the coloration, which is mild but there none the less.  I can only say it's likable and that you do get used to it quickly.  The RE262 is very transparent, visceral, but also non-fatiguing even at loud volumes.  Low distortion tends to do that.
...but also the non-aggressive top end helps that too.
These are some incredibly cool earphones.  I'm not trying to stoke the FOTM here, but yeah, anyone should really seriously look at these at some point along with any other high end IEM on the market.  Yes, they'll stand toe to toe with any universal on the market.  It'll simply be a matter of preference if the RE262 will be your best pick.

your description makes it sound somewhat westone or perhaps shure like. is that a fair assessment or do they significantly differ? tia.
Nov 1, 2010 at 1:36 PM Post #37 of 52
I think you may be able to hear them for yourself in the NY meet since Fang will be attending iirc.
Nov 1, 2010 at 2:03 PM Post #38 of 52
I wouldn't call the RE262 a replacement for the RE252 though.  They are both geared differently.  A person who owns the RE252 shouldn't feel bad about not having the RE262 or visa versa.  Yes, I will say the driver is better in the RE262, but the RE262 is also more colored than the RE252.  Yes, I would call the RE262 a half step better overall, but that's also not an "oh my god I must sell my RE252" kind of statement.  I can say the same about the Custom 3 being a half step down from the best, but guess what, they are still incredibly good in their own right and is still one of the top few I'd own.  Everyone will have their own reasons for owning whichever headphone product they own or intend to own.  It's all personal preference.  I have both sitting in front of me, and I can think of valid reasons to own either one over the other.  There is better, and there is better fit.  Better fit wins over better any day of the week.  You really do need to stick with the best option that suits your personal taste.  Just plain better only gets you so far, but it won't make you like the product.
The RE262 Westone like?  No, I wouldn't say that.  Then again the only Westone experience I have is the UM3X.  Shure?  The only Shure I've used is the SE530 and I get the mid-centric correlation, but the presentation of both are significantly different.  I am curious what I'd call the most similar to the RE262 out of all the earphones I've used.  I don't know.  There really isn't a "this earphone sounds just like earphone X but with a little different frequency response." 
Nov 1, 2010 at 2:30 PM Post #39 of 52
Not 15, 17, the cost does seem and indeed is excessive but I have part-time work, which partly funds it, and I don't spend much on clothes or games. I also justify it to myself, knowing that it is a hefty figure, as unlike an Xbox 360, if I've grown tired of the headphones I can just resell them at a slight loss - whereas by the time anyone is sick of the 360 they'll be aged unwanted machines.
Anyways, the dba-02s and 262s are very different phones indeed, but I've never tried a coloured (if that's remotely accurate) phone like the dba's at all, if I'm taking a dip I'd rather jump right in and save myself wondering if there was any better.
Nov 1, 2010 at 3:24 PM Post #40 of 52

 if I'm taking a dip I'd rather jump right in and save myself wondering if there was any better.

in that case your only option is the jh3a!

seriously though, you won't know these things from reading on these forums. you really have to learn by spending time listening to live music, especially unamplified music, and then listening to a lot of gear that reproduces music to get a good handle on what different equipment does sonically. obviously the majority of the public is not that interested and just buys something and gets on with their life. that's really not such a bad choice......
Nov 1, 2010 at 5:23 PM Post #41 of 52
Most albums sound nothing like unamplified live music. Where the hell you gonna hear that anyway? Can't remember the last gig I went to where there was no PA. Unless that blind guy who whistles in the tube station counts.

in that case your only option is the jh3a!

seriously though, you won't know these things from reading on these forums. you really have to learn by spending time listening to live music, especially unamplified music, and then listening to a lot of gear that reproduces music to get a good handle on what different equipment does sonically. obviously the majority of the public is not that interested and just buys something and gets on with their life. that's really not such a bad choice......

Nov 1, 2010 at 5:29 PM Post #42 of 52

Most albums sound nothing like unamplified live music. Where the hell you gonna hear that anyway? Can't remember the last gig I went to where there was no PA. Unless that blind guy who whistles in the tube station counts.

Largely agree.  Can't remember the last Jazz concert I went to that was unamplified.  I guess I'll have to go back to the concert hall next time they play something I want to hear.
Nov 1, 2010 at 5:36 PM Post #43 of 52

Most albums sound nothing like unamplified live music. Where the hell you gonna hear that anyway? Can't remember the last gig I went to where there was no PA. Unless that blind guy who whistles in the tube station counts.



Nov 1, 2010 at 5:48 PM Post #44 of 52
Bah I only go (or at leasst try) to unamplified live music because of the purity of the notes, unless I have no choice because of my liking of the artist. These are Jazz, Clasical and Folk concerts thought. Also while most albums sound nothing like unamplified live music the goal is to try to get as close as possible imo.
Nov 1, 2010 at 6:08 PM Post #45 of 52
Most albums sound nothing like unamplified live music. Where the hell you gonna hear that anyway? Can't remember the last gig I went to where there was no PA. Unless that blind guy who whistles in the tube station counts.

my point is that to have a clear idea as to what music reproduction should sound like one must know what music actually sounds like, else the reports here are merely people sharing their tastes in gear. nothing wrong with people liking something, but informed opinions contribute to more informed discussions. the signal to noise ration here isn't always great as there's more of the former going on than the latter.
btw benny, i posted a question to you in another thread and would be interested in your thoughts. (

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