Review: Fischer Audio's DBA-02
Jun 8, 2010 at 1:29 PM Post #526 of 4,469
If anyone needs anymore CK10 comparisons ask today since they might be gone tomorrow evening.
Jun 8, 2010 at 2:12 PM Post #528 of 4,469
The DBA 02 are fairly new and I'd rather not sell these so soon. Also I do like the CK10 a lot and are my favorite phone but I do need the funds. I literally just got these so will hold onto them for a while. Also the treble spike can be annoying sometimes and I'm lazy to EQ and don't want to bother with that. I'm hoping the day after I sell them I don't regret that too much.
Jun 8, 2010 at 2:31 PM Post #530 of 4,469
Just received my DBA-02's from Ethan yesterday.
I've re-read this thread (while listening to them) and have to agree completely with LFF's, rawster's and other reviews in this thread. I have pretty limited IEM experience (see my signature), but these are excellent! I would consider myself a "non-analytical" listener, but these aren't too aggressive for me, although I seem to be adjusting the volume up and down more than with other IEMs.
Hard to characterize anything distinctive about their sound signature - guess that's what more articulate reviewers call "natural, transparent, and uncolored" - but they are certainly not boring! My only (extremely slight) negative SQ comment would be that one track from KT Tunstall sounded a little bit bright, but I haven't otherwise noticed any treble harshness, including on some piano and female vocal tracks that can induce fatigue to me with other IEMs. I'm certainly enjoying even more texture, details and space in the music than what the M9P provided, while still retaining the musicality and engagement that I've preferred from the NE-7M, with no tendency toward the NuForce's or MEElec's occasional dominant bass, although bass impact is there where appropriate. To my ears, they have the best attributes of both those IEM's without either of their drawbacks.
I play these direct from either of my portable sources with no EQ, and find that they use the same mid-volume setting as the NE-7M (a notch or two less than the M9P). They sound equally good with both sources unlike the NE-7M (preferred with BB) and M9P (better with iPod Classic). They are quite comfortable with a good seal in my ears using the supplied medium tips, although I'm usually a "large tip" guy. The twisted wire seems less prone to tangling, with minimal if any microphonics, but it is a trifle long as noted previously. Just wish they came with a pushbutton/mic option so they could be my do-it-all IEM.
A track from one of my favorite albums, "Might Rearranger" by Robert Plant, just showed up in Shuffle All. Absolutely great bass, mids, vocals, treble, soundstage, imaging and presentation! Now a very different track from Plant's buddy, Alison Krauss - every bit as good. Here's Mark Knopfler's "Remembrance Day" from his latest "Get Lucky." One of my favorite parts of this track, the background vocals from the children's chorus (I believe these are the band members' kids), is perfect. Now I'm listening to Patty Griffin from "Downtown Church" and can clearly hear the fabulous effects they created by recording in a big old church in downtown Nashville. Haven't heard any genre yet from my eclectic collection that doesn't shine with these DBA's.
Jun 8, 2010 at 3:14 PM Post #531 of 4,469
It does indeed look like an ER6i but the good thing is that it doesn't go into your ear as deep as the ER6i so it is much easier to take out of the ears compared to the ER6i.
@dfrost: nice to see that others have started getting theirs in the mail. I also wouldn't consider first impressions and such as a review :p It will take a while until that happens.
Jun 8, 2010 at 4:58 PM Post #532 of 4,469
Got them in the mail. I tried the medium tips which didn't seal well enough and went straight to my UM56 custom tips. I am very impressed with the sound right out of the box. I'm gonna need some time with them for me to make my assessment. So far, so good.
Jun 8, 2010 at 7:12 PM Post #533 of 4,469
Mine came in the mail today too. So far i really like these. I was shocked at how easily they were to slip in and fit right out of the box for me, and i have small ears and more times than not have to fight to get a proper fit/seal. These fit me as easily as my Klipsch X10 and feel just as light and comfortable. Oh, and i cannot, simply cannot, get these to produce any microphonics, even cable down. I love that.
My initial impressions are that these are quite detailed, but balance their signature between detail and fun extremely well. Detail wise I'd say about on par with my CK10 and a little easier on my ears with tracks that are notoriously bright. These DBA's to me have a much better soundstage, and imaging is slightly behind the CK10, but that's not saying i think it doesn't image well, not by a longshot. The Eagles "Hell Freezes Over" is a great listen through the DBA's.
My biggest fear was that they might be bass light, but that's not the case. I personally find them to be about on par with CK10 quantity wise, so not a basshead phone but not all that shabby. Honestly,about perfect if you want to maintain balance. And the bass so far seems to be fast, clean, deep and tight. 
I'm looking forward to really getting to listen to these over the next few days and form some good solid opinions. I already know they were worth the wait. Now if only my Arrow amp would arrive.....

Jun 8, 2010 at 7:20 PM Post #534 of 4,469
Glad to see peoples' orders are arriving and that everyone that has spoken is happy with them.
For everyone who ordered but was in the second shipment, that box has arrived today and your orders should ship out within the next few days.
Also, we are officially sold out, so Treoo would be the only place remaining (provided they aren't sold out yet) if you want a pair from this batch. More are in production, but I don't have a date on their finish yet.
Jun 9, 2010 at 1:20 AM Post #535 of 4,469

I had the PFE, though it was around a year ago. Similar to the CK10, it has a treble spike that does not exist in the DBA-02; it is more balanced.
The DBA-02 has similar sparkly highs, with a more present mid and bass. Bass is more on the DBA-02. Overall I'd say the DBA-02 is like a more refined and more balanced PFE with a neutral, natural sound and is a bit more engaging without losing the detail the PFE is known for.
One thing I noticed with the PFE is that it kind of fell apart with more complex music though I believe this is because I had no amp to use at the time. I think, from people's experiences, that amping would have helped.

thanks for the input, i do sometimes use the PFE with portable amp but i find it just a little improvement yet i cant really comment since i only had a decent amp.
even though i like the PFE sounding, still its hard to find if those can match a multiple driver goodness.
i mean just as i auditioned a UM3X from a friend and find it sound more like my eterna but with all the advantage of BA and multiple driver, i got the feeling that everything its not about how much driver it got but how it will sound despite its a single or multiple driver because for my ears it sound the same song but with advantage here and there.
Jun 9, 2010 at 5:08 AM Post #536 of 4,469
How is Dba-02 to listen electronic music, especially trance? Can we say it has sparkling highs and decent bass, 'cuz i'm just looking for this kind of 'phones.
Don't know if anyone has both, though i need something has lesser bass impact than Turbine Pro Gold and more crisp than its highs. Also i like Sleek SA6s' highs with enough bass. Its highs sounded silky/so smooth and satisfied me when port was on "bass + , treble ++" position.
Would Dba-02 offer me a better option under these circumstances? Or should i head towards Ck10 for trance music like many does in forum?

Jun 9, 2010 at 11:07 AM Post #538 of 4,469
@okur: I do like my CK10 for trance better but the DBA 02 are good at trance as well. The trance I listen to is more about speed than bass. I don't own the Golds but I did have a month long loan of them and these have less impact than the Golds..actually most phones have less impact. The highs are also better but whether it can be too little impact if you prefer the impact of the Golds. These are more neutral than bass heavy.
Jun 9, 2010 at 12:14 PM Post #539 of 4,469
Thanks for reply rawrster. I'm also looking for some speed rather than bass impact, but i don't want to tolerate a decrease in quality of bass. As i understand from previous pages, dbas have a good instrument seperation at overall. And you tell it has better highs than Gold does telling "The highs are also better...", i got it right? "It sounds good" (to me).
  Gold's mids are very nice to me, though i want some more sparkling treble. However, i hope Westone 3 is not the only one which includes these specs related to my concerns, because i can't afford it.

Hope i will have a chance to try out dba-02. Is there any good news from Russian side like they are about to be done with production?!

Jun 9, 2010 at 12:14 PM Post #540 of 4,469
Damnnn I am just drooling to get these phones. Rawrster when you said that the DBAs shine in mids-trebles, I take that to mean that their sound sig is similar to the Westone UM1s, just with tighter bass/better imaging & soundstage? Hmm and anyone has any comments on the instrument separation on the DBAs?

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