REVIEW – Audeze LCD-3 planar magnetic headphones
Nov 1, 2011 at 10:30 PM Post #91 of 533
I also agree HD800 was overrated for the most part. RMAF was the first time I heard them on rigs I liked. Only one of those rigs I would consider purchasing, but with the other options out there, not really.

Part of why I posted my raw notes, then summarized, is so people could see I'm not hiding anything. The bad with the good, just as any reviewer should do. I think Rob does a great job with these reviews, but the people who enjoy the headphones/amp/dac tend to outshine the detractors and it throws his reviews into a different light than might be intended.
Nov 1, 2011 at 10:55 PM Post #93 of 533

How is the sound stage compared to the HE-6 and T1?  Is the LCD-3 darker sounding than the HE-6 and T1?


The soundstage is a little better on the LCD-3 than the HE-6, but similar.  The T1 is a little better, IMO.  The LCD-3, while not dark sounding, is darker than the T1 or LCD-3, yes.

Thanks, appreciate your opinion on this. It definitely helps me figure out better how it will sound in my system without having listened to the LCD-3. I must say, your review gives one an insight to how a particular component sounds in a given system(s) and whether one can live with the shortcomings of the reviewed component while enjoying its stronger attributes. For eg., I know that in my system I can fix the shortcomings of the sound stage by replacing  a 12AU7 with  say a E80CC (expansive) or going to a 12BH7A for somewhere in between.
So keep on plodding!
Nov 1, 2011 at 11:20 PM Post #95 of 533


I completely respect your opinion of the LCD-3.  I don't find them to have some of the same issues you do, but understand not everyone, or even most people necessarily will hear things the way I do.
Ive attempted to try to describe what I hear as best I can.  By "transparency" I mean that the headphone imparts less of a charachter of its own than other headphones do.  So this is more transparency to the upstream gear I guess in relation to your question, I guess.
My penchant for Darth Beyers was fairly early in my headphone "career".  One of the dangers of my having been around here so long, I guess.  I don't own any anymore.  So I don't think it's fair to say I like "thick bass".  I do like to have some bass weight, however, there is no doubt about that, perhaps more than most, and I think readers can draw their own conclusions from that.  
I have also written quite a few very critical reviews.  I can point them out to you if you want, but you can start with my criticisms of the HD-800, which caused quite a stir.  I have had far worse things to say about some products, too, just look for my review on the "HeadQuarters" as one example.  I have no qualms about being very critical if I find things to be critical about.  But I also do not make up criticisms just to have some.
Anyway, I am HAPPY to have people disagree with my opinions, but thought I needed to comment on a few of the other things you said.  But again, thanks for your comments, I do appreciate them!

Thanks for the clarification.  If you believe you prefer more bass weight than most others, then I think you should include that and any other preferences in a small paragraph in your reviews.  Remember that not everybody is familiar with your preferences.  This is especially true of newbies who read these threads without knowing any better.  I'm trying to look out for potential customers out there who have to go by reviews to make their purchases.  Just a suggestion though.
I kinda remember you reviewing the HD800 and although it wasn't the first time people mentioned negatives on the SQ (see: CJ LA impressions thread), or the most harsh review of the HD800 (see: that "twisted" review, I think GuyDebord wrote it), I'll give you credit that it was critical.  I'm still not convinced that what I said isn't true, though.  I didn't say you've never said anything negative ever, it just seems to me the vast majority of your reviews are quite positive.  If I get a couple hours this weekend I might do some researching on the subject and post the results for you so you can see what I mean. :)

Are  you saying that Rob equipment is not high end? The Leben is 3K and the Redwine is 4K so where are you coming from. Based on you lopsided post I would venture to think your just trolling. Do you know if the Cavalli is better? Have you heard any of the stuff Rob has. His gear is all high end and he can probably buy and sell most people here four or five times over. Has plenty of experience and know what does and does not sound good. Sounds like Sachu has his own agenda whatever that may be and other comments coming on the R10 were equally as ridiculous as Rob has everything in house and the other one has his own agenda as well.  Rob gave an honest and his opinion on what he experienced. I think it was well written and informative and yet he attacked for no reason . Its always a mystery on this site.

Price doesn't equal high end, though I'm not saying his gear isn't high end.  I don't know as I haven't heard those amps.  Actually the AE was one of the amps I listened to the LCD3 through now that I think about it, but I can't comment on the exact performance of that amp as I didn't get to try out one of my own, more familiar, headphones on it.
I'm assuming you're referring to me, so I'd like to know what exactly is my agenda here?  I'm offering suggestions for him to improve his reviews in the future.  Are you against people trying to make progress?  Isn't the LCD3 about progress?  There are a number of people who agree with my suggestions.  I'm sorry not everybody just types "Nice review Rob!!!" and instead tries to offer advice.  I also don't see what was ridiculous about my R10 comments...I offered my views on the subject and moved on as I know people want to know how the R10 and LCD3 compare.  I never said he was wrong and he never said I was wrong.  Is there something I'm missing here?
Nov 1, 2011 at 11:35 PM Post #96 of 533
I never said he was wrong and he never said I was wrong.  Is there something I'm missing here?

Your tone. It's "unbalanced," frankly.
Great review Skylab, thank you very much for it. I read it like I read any other review from an active writer: in context of his past reviews of gear that I have already heard myself. Thus do I experience, however imperfectly, the sound of equipment I have not heard before. Also, I somehow manage to do this despite what others consider Rob's consistently saccharine praise. Weird that.
Context people, context. No one quotes basic algebra every time they have a discussion on Green's Function. That would just be a waste of time.
Now a question: did the new cushy earpads have any audible effects? For example, do you think they might eventually collapse enough to significantly change the shape of the cavity itself, and thus the LCD-3's sound? Some of the show pictures seemed to show some pretty smushed leather ....
Nov 1, 2011 at 11:38 PM Post #97 of 533


Thanks for the clarification.  If you believe you prefer more bass weight than most others, then I think you should include that and any other preferences in a small paragraph in your reviews.  Remember that not everybody is familiar with your preferences.  This is especially true of newbies who read these threads without knowing any better.  I'm trying to look out for potential customers out there who have to go by reviews to make their purchases.  Just a suggestion though.
I kinda remember you reviewing the HD800 and although it wasn't the first time people mentioned negatives on the SQ (see: CJ LA impressions thread), or the most harsh review of the HD800 (see: that "twisted" review, I think GuyDebord wrote it), I'll give you credit that it was critical.  I'm still not convinced that what I said isn't true, though.  I didn't say you've never said anything negative ever, it just seems to me the vast majority of your reviews are quite positive.  If I get a couple hours this weekend I might do some researching on the subject and post the results for you so you can see what I mean. :)

I'd also encourage you to look at my comments on the Ultrasone Edition 10. If I think something doesn't sound good I have no issue saying so, as my extensive comments on the Edition 10 clearly show.
But the fact is that the majority of the products I have reviewed do sound good.  I'm not sure that's a big surprise.  I try to focus on describing the sound, as much as anything else, since what sounds good to me may not sound good to others anyway.
It isn't practical, though, for me to include a paragraph in reviews describing what I "like". I don't think that's really as helpful as you think it will be, because while I could say "I like plenty of deep bass", that has no reference meaning to anyone but me.
The fact is that for my reviews to be of any real use to anyone, it actually requires some work on the part of the reader.  People need to read my other reviews, and also read reviews on the same product by other reviewers, and THEIR other reviews, in order to really get any benefit from them, other than just reading for entertainment.  Many people of course won't go through that process, which is why I am always very careful to state that my reviews are nothing more than my opinion.  And at the end of the day, reviews really are only a good starting point for someone considering buying something.  They shouldn't be used as any sort of definitive word.
Anyway, thanks again for the suggestions.  Regardless of whether you agree with my reply, I hope you can see that it's not that I didn't consider your comments.
Nov 1, 2011 at 11:45 PM Post #98 of 533

Now a question: did the new cushy earpads have any audible effects? For example, do you think they might eventually collapse enough to significantly change the shape of the cavity itself, and thus the LCD-3's sound? Some of the show pictures seemed to show some pretty smushed leather ....

it's a good question, but I'm not sure what the answer is.  Clearly the earpads impact the sound - all earpads do.  But since they are not removable, I can't swap out my old firm LCD- 2 pads to compare.  Not that I would want to, as the pads on my older 2's are far less comfortable.
Nov 2, 2011 at 12:23 AM Post #99 of 533
Skylab - great review and thanks. Have you returned the Dark Star yet? If not can you please try it out with the LCD-3 since Maxvla thought it was the best LCD3 amp. I myself will be content with the Leben. Maybe it is time to do another round of tube rolling to see what matches the LCD-3 best? Some darker sounding tubes perhaps? Just a suggestion. :)
Nov 2, 2011 at 1:12 AM Post #100 of 533
Rob, thanks for the effort.  When you catch your breath I was wondering if you could post a little something about the LCD-3 and the Mini Torii.  Although the 3 is not in my future and the Tori is being considered I am very curious to know how the Mini Torri holds up with the 3.   Even a little something about the Lyr and the 3 would also be interesting...
Nov 2, 2011 at 1:52 AM Post #101 of 533
Great review as usual, probably going to cause me to get a pair :)
Nov 2, 2011 at 1:57 AM Post #102 of 533
WarriorAnt - if you are not going to get the LCD-3, I seriously suggest you turn to Stax gear for upgrade. I have read a lot of your posts in the old LCD-2 thread and sincerely suggest that. But I bet you will still get the LCD-3 eventually. If you truly won't, try Stax. 
Nov 2, 2011 at 2:02 AM Post #103 of 533

WarriorAnt - if you are not going to get the LCD-3, I seriously suggest you turn to Stax gear for upgrade. I have read a lot of your posts in the old LCD-2 thread and sincerely suggest that. But I bet you will still get the LCD-3 eventually. If you truly won't, try Stax. 

Googleli, your'e way too busy now with the LCD-2 and the LCD-3 coming.  Send me your STAX for a while and I'll keep them well oiled until you tire of the 2 and 3.  PM me for my address. Don't worry I'll pay shipping both ways.
Nov 2, 2011 at 2:06 AM Post #104 of 533
I'd love to but I still listen to my 009 daily at home. :)  But frankly speaking, the LCD2 is getting much more head time being part of my office rig. Sometimes I just wonder whether I should switch the rigs - but bringing a 30+ kg  CD player and Stax amp to office is a bit awkward to say the least...  
Nov 2, 2011 at 3:10 AM Post #105 of 533

I'd love to but I still listen to my 009 daily at home. :)  But frankly speaking, the LCD2 is getting much more head time being part of my office rig. Sometimes I just wonder whether I should switch the rigs - but bringing a 30+ kg  CD player and Stax amp to office is a bit awkward to say the least...  

What kind of a job do you have where you can bring in your rig and listen? I want me a job like that! 

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