Return of the Radio Shack Fusion audio cable?
Jun 13, 2005 at 4:06 AM Post #46 of 76
I've only seen this one once and regret not picking it up then....a 3 ft Gold Series/Fusion audio cable jointed to a 3 ft S-video cable (used for my SACD/DVD player). Only $15.99.

BTW, if these cable are assembled in the US and can sell at a relative low price for a quality cable, what's the deal with Monster Cable? (Oops, maybe that should be a different thread)
Jun 13, 2005 at 4:58 AM Post #47 of 76
I am going to look carefully at my local RadioShack in West Orange, NJ for these cables. I like bargains especially for quality cables using quality materials / construction. Heh...maybe I'll review them to the Blue Jeans Cables and even the CARDAS cables!
Jun 13, 2005 at 5:21 AM Post #48 of 76

If you do get the Gold Series/Fusion cables from Radio Shack, please do a comparison on how they are when compared to more expensive cables. I don't think the Fusion cables are "giant killers", but on the other hand, what do I know?
Jun 13, 2005 at 5:43 AM Post #49 of 76

No problem. I will write up impressions and force myself to get writing formal and professional reviews on my source component, new cables (all of them that are coming this week), and power conditioner by the end of this summer or year depending on work, studying, and life.

Don't be surprised if the Cardas Neutral Reference don't sound all that dissimiliar to BJC or RS Gold ICs.
Jun 13, 2005 at 8:30 AM Post #50 of 76
The standard Blue Jeans analog cable is simply a Belden 1505F cable with Canare terminations - I find it sounds slightly clearer than the Fusion cable but not quite as warm; they are really close in sound quality/character and both demonstrate great values IMO.
Jun 13, 2005 at 2:04 PM Post #51 of 76
Having read this post, I went and bought some of these cables - only 20 minutes ago.

They didn't have the 3ft pair, but they had the 3ft pairs packaged with a video cable. I bought the set with RCA-RCA cable and one with the S-Video cable. The RCA set was only $13.99 and the other one was $16.99.

I found the 6ft pair, but it didn't have the ferrite beads. I wasn't sure if I should buy it or not.

Jun 14, 2005 at 12:22 AM Post #52 of 76

Originally Posted by NeilPeart
...I find it sounds slightly clearer than the Fusion cable but not quite as warm...

I'm pretty happy with any cables that aren't too expensive, don't pick up any local radio stations, and look reasonably cool, because IME the sonic impact of changing cables is so incredibly subtle that I usually assume I'm imagining any differences that I hear.

So, I'm a little surprised to find that the sound I thought I was hearing out of the Fusions is similar to what you're describing...I found them a tad dark. Yikes, I hope this doesn't mean I'm becoming a "cable believer"...somebody pass the kool-aid?
Jun 14, 2005 at 1:57 AM Post #53 of 76
Just picked them up earlier today. Only pair of the newer gold/fusion series I found at all in the RatShack on San Bruno here in SF. I'll compare them with my own home-brewed cables when I get a new setup...
Jun 15, 2005 at 4:53 PM Post #55 of 76

Originally Posted by fmonar
Has anyone experimented with removing the ferrite clamps? Some people say that it messes with the low end. There have been good things said about removing them from the Quail Power Cords. I am wondering if this would make these cable more comparable to the regular Belden cables offered by Blue Jeans and Heartland.

That would be an interesting experiment. I think better familiarize myself with their sound first, then mod them. They are certainly inexpensive enough that goofing up wouldn't be too painful to the wallet.
Jun 15, 2005 at 5:24 PM Post #56 of 76
Conversely, one could A/B the ferrite-containing 3 foot cords with the non-ferrite 6 foot cords (the only wildcard being the contribution of the length difference to any perceived difference in sound). I may do this later (I'm keeping the 6-footer unopened for now in case I decide to return them).

Have you guys noticed that the RCA connectors are really tight on these? I'm afraid I'm going to thrash to female jacks on my sources taking these things on and off...
Jun 18, 2005 at 4:04 AM Post #57 of 76
I was in my local RS a few days ago, but I was pressed for time, so I was not able to verify if the RS Gold ICs they had were in fact Fusion cables.

Are these Fusion/RS Gold cables offered in a Mini to RCA interconnect? I need a temporary mini-RCA IC and if the Fusion is available in this config, it seems like the solution I need.

Jun 18, 2005 at 7:19 AM Post #58 of 76
The new Gold Series/Fusion cables are just now showing up in some of the Radio Shack stores. Not even a common cable such as the 3ft version of the Gold Series/Fusion stereo audio cable is available in all stores. I am sure eventually the entire line will be replaced by the new version.

Still can't locate the 3 ft audio cable w/ S-video cable combo.
Jun 26, 2005 at 10:14 AM Post #59 of 76
I wanted to see the construction and composition of the Fusion cable so I removed the termination from one of the cables:


Interesting construction indeed – it is more complex than I would have thought.
Jun 26, 2005 at 3:07 PM Post #60 of 76
found some in a local RS last night, i plan on hooking them up and A/B'ing them with my kimber pbj cable, but they only had 6 and 12 ft lengths of RCA's, got a second cable to tear open and try as a headphone cable, although i think its a bit stiff for that

neil, how did you manage to take off the termination without marring it up to much, cause after seeing what they look like i'm definitly interested it modding one into a mini to mini cable for both my headphones and my soon to arrive maxi moy

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