Rega Ear?
Apr 7, 2003 at 9:43 PM Post #2 of 7
I don't believe many here have heard it. Here's a previous thread on just that topic.
BTW.....the search function on this site is excellent. You'll be reading for days.
Apr 8, 2003 at 1:18 AM Post #3 of 7
I heard a Rega Ear about two weeks ago. It did not sound too bad, I do think it sounded as good as my X-CAN, but it sounded pretty good. It had a lot more low end control than the X-CAN however, most likely due to the purely solid-state design. The build quality was high, it was definitely a very solid little unit. Just for additional reference, I listened to a pair of Beyerdynamic DT-250s and HD600s via Cambridge Audio D500 cd player.
Apr 8, 2003 at 12:13 PM Post #4 of 7
I have the Ear. Very clean, clear, open and dynamic. Plenty of gain. Very taut in the bottom end. Sometimes seems to lack bottom but what it is lacking is the bloat and wooliness common to some other amps. Slightly forward in the upper midrange. These attributes make it a great match with the Sennheiser HD600 and Beyer DT-431.

I'll be bringing it to the next local meet (tentatively in May).
Apr 8, 2003 at 4:14 PM Post #5 of 7

Originally posted by Beagle
I have the Ear. Very clean, clear, open and dynamic. Plenty of gain. Very taut in the bottom end. Sometimes seems to lack bottom but what it is lacking is the bloat and wooliness common to some other amps. Slightly forward in the upper midrange. These attributes make it a great match with the Sennheiser HD600 and Beyer DT-431.

I'll be bringing it to the next local meet (tentatively in May).

Can you explain what you mean by "bloat and wooliness"??(No Offense Intended)
Apr 8, 2003 at 8:20 PM Post #6 of 7
Hmm...looking at the internals, its not that much different than some of the DIY opamp based amplifiers. I mean obviously there's more too it but it seems to use a Burr-Brown OPA op amp...

Beagle, where in canada are ya dude? I wouldnt mind heading to one of these "meets"

anyhow back to work....

Apr 9, 2003 at 5:52 AM Post #7 of 7

Very taut in the bottom end

That was my strongest impression, a very quick and controlled low end.

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