Recabling hd25-1 hd 25-1 experiences?
Aug 8, 2008 at 10:52 PM Post #16 of 27
Replacing the stock cable for the HD650 type makes everything slightly brighter, lighter and with the touch of reality removed. I don't understand how can the cable intended for 300 ohm headphones improve 70 ohm headphones? What I heard on my DAP and in my desktop rig was like above. I don't understand why many people think they are better headphone experts than Sennheiser in choosing the right cable for the right headphones. If HD650 one helps - the rest of the gear needs improvement, and it's rather far from hearing what the HD25-1's are really capable of with the original cable. Maybe some aftermarket cables improve something, I haven't try them but the HD650's one - no way it improves a single thing.
Aug 8, 2008 at 11:24 PM Post #17 of 27

Originally Posted by majkel /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I don't understand why many people think they are better headphone experts than Sennheiser in choosing the right cable for the right headphones. If HD650 one helps - the rest of the gear needs improvement, and it's rather far from hearing what the HD25-1's are really capable of with the original cable. Maybe some aftermarket cables improve something, I haven't try them but the HD650's one - no way it improves a single thing.

I'm certain I never indicated I was a "better headphone expert" than anyone, let alone Sennheiser...Nonetheless, it seems reasonable to gather that Sennheiser uses the "tough, detachable steel cable" (quotes Sennheiser's) with the HD25 primarily because it is a "purpose-designed, professional monitoring headphone" made with "extremely robust construction" in mind -- not pure musicality. As far as I'm aware, none of their other headphones (the majority of which are designed for musicality) come equipped with steel cabling. You think (excuse, me -- know) I don't hear an improvement with the HD650 cable? Here's another fact for you: You're wrong.
Aug 9, 2008 at 12:33 AM Post #18 of 27
I wasn't gonna post here because I'm not too sure if you are a believer (I'm not) but the thread doesn't look to bad so far despite a few kooky comments. My personal experience: no difference whatsoever switching from the stock steel to a copper HD600 cable. I used the HD600 cable for a bit because I needed the length and left-sided use for a while. I've switched back to steel because the L/R connectors are more secure, and the steel cable is nearly indestructible (I get them tangled up and caught on things all the time). And it's shorter for portable use, and has that neat screw-on 1/4 adapter for when I'm at my desktop rig.
Aug 9, 2008 at 1:23 AM Post #19 of 27
I tried the stock 600 cable on mine, and they definitely sound different. Makes them sound like a 'normal' pair of headphones, a lot more neutral. That mid-treble metallic sound (for want of a better description) disappears.
Aug 9, 2008 at 11:06 AM Post #20 of 27
The correct copper-cored cable (orig. specified on HD25-13) SENNHEISER 515640 ERSATZKABEL can be found here Yes, you simply install as the steel-cored cable you're removing.

You will never get it from SennheiserUSA (why they refuse requests for it I never learned). The only problem with ordering it from Thomann is there is a minimum order of $50, and the shipping will cost $30 - the cable itself is cheap (IIRC, something like $17).
Aug 9, 2008 at 1:21 PM Post #21 of 27
HD25-13 are high impedance headphones, hence they need different copper cable, with small gauge, high AWG number, which is enough for them due to low currents drawn.

Regarding the HD650's cable - I hear the difference and it makes things worse - further from real, convincing music presentation. What the HD650 cable adds to them is haziness, and if it's what people call musicality, then I can agree, otherwise not but it has got nothing common with real music IMHO. I don't feel the presence of performers with the HD650's cable, with the steel cable - I do. I guess Sennheiser designed its steel cable keeping in mind the headphones intended to use with these cable, same thing with the HD650's. I can understand replacing the cable between the HD600 and the HD650 as the latter is a tweaked version of the former, in regards of the cable probably, too. And they have the same impedance, of course so HD650's cable is probably better for both but my friend reported he doesn't hear a difference on his HD600's.
Aug 9, 2008 at 2:45 PM Post #22 of 27
Hmmm..... I just bought a pair of these w/ the Blue Dragon cable v3 from a fellow head-fier and they sound really really good but I haven't yet listened to them with the steel cable to listen for the difference. I will get to it sometime over the next few days. I know we all have different ears so I would like to find out where mine are in this discussion.
Aug 9, 2008 at 3:34 PM Post #23 of 27
majkel - The cable I recommended IS a correct cable for HD25-1 ......I've been using it on mine for 2 1/2 years. If you had it in your hands, you would not see any difference. According to your theories the ALO cables would be an impossibilty with iPods
Aug 9, 2008 at 7:49 PM Post #24 of 27

Originally Posted by BushGuy /img/forum/go_quote.gif
According to your theories the ALO cables would be an impossibilty with iPods

I don't see any analogy here. Some help? As I saw ALO cables, they get brown after a year, and this is why I wouldn't choose them - looks like they have poor production process and let some oxygen stay inside of the cable. But I know, it's a different story.
Aug 9, 2008 at 8:31 PM Post #25 of 27

Originally Posted by psyllium /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I tried the stock 600 cable on mine, and they definitely sound different. Makes them sound like a 'normal' pair of headphones, a lot more neutral. That mid-treble metallic sound (for want of a better description) disappears.

This mirrors my own experience with the HD-25-1 .

'That mid-treble metallic sound' describes exactly what I heard with these phones when I first bought them.
To my ears , this sonic characteristic made them (for me) fairly painful to use.

Swapping the stock cable (with either the HD650 or HD600 equivalent) smoothed the metallic treble out and actually made them listenable again.

I'm still not a huge fan of their sound ; but (for me) the improvement with either the 650 or 600 cable was suprisingly noticeable .
Aug 14, 2008 at 2:27 PM Post #26 of 27
I just spent the last the last hour or so listening to the stock cable compared to the Blue Dragon v3. The stock cable sounds grainy with shrill highs and weaker bass for the most part. When I listen to a bass heavy track it doesn't handle it very well and it becomes somewhat muddy. The Blue Dragon cable in comparison is smoooooth! It tames the highs without taking them away. It is still bright but beautiful to hear without the irritating sharpness. The mids become silky and the soundstage opens up (probably because you can focus on the music without the pain) The low end seems to reach lower and with much greater control. Overall there is no comparison between the Blue Dragon and the stock cable! I didn't think there would be that much of a difference. I still don't know if it is worth the high cost however as I have not tried the HD 600, 650 or 25 copper cables to compare but I am not as anxious to sell this cable anymore.
Aug 30, 2008 at 12:32 AM Post #27 of 27
Switched from stock HD25 to stock HD650/600 cable:

Plug: Neutrik NYS231BG
Source: iRiver H320 - FLAC files ripped from CD

To me this makes all the difference. They sound richer, warmer, more detailed. I wanted to sell them before the recable but they're perfect for me now... these are "the ones."

My first solder job on these was ****, and the sound reflected that. After a more careful, second attempt, they are lovely. Not to suggest that people who have had complaints suck at soldering... :p

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