Rebel Amp
Apr 10, 2021 at 10:05 AM Post #18 of 309

Yurii Romanek​

8:52 AM (8 minutes ago)
to me

Hi FB1,

Thank you for your question. Yes, we are working on it. We ordered 10 examples and took a photo then. It looks pretty well). After that we need to redesign our website. Unfortunately, more will arrive in a 3-4 months.


Apr 20, 2021 at 3:14 PM Post #19 of 309
When you want a really awesome amplifier at around 500 USD, you totally want to know more about the Rebel AMP. As a big fan of the Rage Against The Machine, I was enthusiastic when I heard a company naming their products the Rebel AMP.

This one is green, and the color is here to stay. It also has excellent driving power for about 500 USD, pretty much enough even for HE6SE, and it works as a Pre too!

I took the time to compare it to most of the important competition, pair it with some interesting headphones, and do a full review on it! If you have any questions, I am around to help ~

Apr 20, 2021 at 4:27 PM Post #20 of 309
When you want a really awesome amplifier at around 500 USD, you totally want to know more about the Rebel AMP. As a big fan of the Rage Against The Machine, I was enthusiastic when I heard a company naming their products the Rebel AMP.

This one is green, and the color is here to stay. It also has excellent driving power for about 500 USD, pretty much enough even for HE6SE, and it works as a Pre too!

I took the time to compare it to most of the important competition, pair it with some interesting headphones, and do a full review on it! If you have any questions, I am around to help ~

THE R-Amp is an extreme HiFi value for the money.
Apr 20, 2021 at 4:45 PM Post #21 of 309
Apr 20, 2021 at 5:17 PM Post #22 of 309
Has someone done a comparison to the Schiit Jotunheim 2?
I never owned both, but while I owned the RebelAmp I tried the Jot 2 at the Schiitr. My impressions were that the Jot 2 had better detail and slam, but the RebelAmp had a much wider soundstage and sweeter midrange. Don't want to say too much, since memory tends to be very unreliable with these things!
Apr 23, 2021 at 3:29 AM Post #23 of 309
Looks like they're finally selling this in black, too


Looks great! I'm looking for a warm, thick, punchy "end game" amp for my ZMF Aeolus (I want even more warmth! EVEN MORE BASS! MORE THICCNESS!!) and I'm pretty much between this and Jotunheim 2 now. On one hand, from everything I've read it seems like the Jot 2 would be a better choice as far as sound signature goes plus it'd be nice to have the DAC in the same package for a relatively affordable total price, but I've read some concerning stuff about its quality control. On the other hand, the reviews on RebelAmp's site are also saying all the things I want to hear but I'd have to upgrade my DAC separately later on so it'd likely end up costing a lot more than the multibit Jot 2.
Apr 23, 2021 at 10:31 AM Post #24 of 309
Looks like they're finally selling this in black, too


Looks great! I'm looking for a warm, thick, punchy "end game" amp for my ZMF Aeolus (I want even more warmth! EVEN MORE BASS! MORE THICCNESS!!) and I'm pretty much between this and Jotunheim 2 now. On one hand, from everything I've read it seems like the Jot 2 would be a better choice as far as sound signature goes plus it'd be nice to have the DAC in the same package for a relatively affordable total price, but I've read some concerning stuff about its quality control. On the other hand, the reviews on RebelAmp's site are also saying all the things I want to hear but I'd have to upgrade my DAC separately later on so it'd likely end up costing a lot more than the multibit Jot 2.
I think you’re right! If punchy is what you want, the Jot 2 is probably the better pick. I wouldn’t even mess with a DAC card, but just save up for a higher end DAC, like a Bifrost 2 or even a Modius whenever you get the chance.

But if more bass and thicker sound is what you want, have you tried anything OTL? I’m using the Bottlehead Crack with my Aeolus and it sounds exactly like you describe; like an Aeolus on crack! Tons of bass, great impact, all that.

Also, I think both the Jot 2 and Crack will bring out the highs a little more than the RebelAmp, which will make it sound, like Zeos said, “pretty,” but maybe not as engaging. With a tonality the Aeolus has, the RebelAmp does wonders with its soundstage, but the detail and overall engagement were missing for me. I feel like it’s better suited if you’re looking for something more open and spacious sounding. Still an amazing amp though, and glad to see it in black!
Apr 23, 2021 at 11:13 AM Post #25 of 309
But if more bass and thicker sound is what you want, have you tried anything OTL? I’m using the Bottlehead Crack with my Aeolus and it sounds exactly like you describe; like an Aeolus on crack! Tons of bass, great impact, all that.
I have, yeah, and I'm planning on getting a similar DIY kit at some point (but European since I live here), but I want to upgrade my SS amp first. Get something that I can reliably expect to last a long time (not sure about my soldering skills + I assume tubes have to be replaced once in a while).

But thanks for the Aeolus + RebelAmp thoughts! It's certainly starting to sound like Jot 2 is the only real choice I have here as far as SS amps go. Are the DAC cards that bad? I highly doubt I could tell DACs apart anyway so I figured the multibit card would be "good enough" for me.
Apr 23, 2021 at 4:33 PM Post #26 of 309
I have, yeah, and I'm planning on getting a similar DIY kit at some point (but European since I live here), but I want to upgrade my SS amp first. Get something that I can reliably expect to last a long time (not sure about my soldering skills + I assume tubes have to be replaced once in a while).

But thanks for the Aeolus + RebelAmp thoughts! It's certainly starting to sound like Jot 2 is the only real choice I have here as far as SS amps go. Are the DAC cards that bad? I highly doubt I could tell DACs apart anyway so I figured the multibit card would be "good enough" for me.
Yeah I’m actually not sure they are that bad hahaha

But what I’ve read (and trusted) is that you get more from a separate unit rather than a combo. In the end a DAC card is only a small fraction of what makes a great DAC sound great. The rest is implementation. And totally, the difference is subtle, but to me it makes a big difference. Like the viola part in a Mozart symphony (sorry violists). Your attention might not be drawn to them immediately, but without a good viola section, the music won’t sound anywhere near as rich or alive. I think of DACs in a similar way.

And then say you get a separate DAC and want to upgrade down the line, you could always sell it and put that money towards something else. You won’t be able to do that if it’s part of a combo.
Apr 23, 2021 at 5:21 PM Post #27 of 309
Yeah I’m actually not sure they are that bad hahaha

But what I’ve read (and trusted) is that you get more from a separate unit rather than a combo. In the end a DAC card is only a small fraction of what makes a great DAC sound great. The rest is implementation. And totally, the difference is subtle, but to me it makes a big difference. Like the viola part in a Mozart symphony (sorry violists). Your attention might not be drawn to them immediately, but without a good viola section, the music won’t sound anywhere near as rich or alive. I think of DACs in a similar way.

And then say you get a separate DAC and want to upgrade down the line, you could always sell it and put that money towards something else. You won’t be able to do that if it’s part of a combo.

Yeah, good points. And since I'm aiming for what I'd like to be "end game", a separate, proper DAC would indeed make more sense.

Hmm. Bifrost is worth looking into. Or maybe the Denafrips Ares. So many choices to make!
Apr 28, 2021 at 1:32 PM Post #28 of 309
Class A amplification is a sonic wonder.
These are great headphone amps.
Do you have any experience with Burson amps? Most of them are also class A and offer more power. Not sure how they compare.. am currently considering both for my LCD-2
Jul 11, 2021 at 11:56 PM Post #29 of 309
Looks like a neat amp, how does it compare to the now popular SA-1 or Jotunheim 2?
Jul 17, 2021 at 8:46 PM Post #30 of 309
I keep watching reviews to convince myself I need this. There was 1 bad review on youtube. I downvoted it.

Also, from Ukraine, so its kind of a home team thing. I just need it.

Thinking of all the setup possibilities but the backorder is making me sick.

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