Rate the video games you're currently playing
Jun 13, 2013 at 6:56 PM Post #3,586 of 6,977
Far Cry 3 - 9/10
I just posted this earlier, but I want to post some things about it after having finished it. I'm really bored.
For me this game was fairly tough. I beat Bioshock 2, Fallout 3 and Uncharted 2 on the hardest difficulty settings. This one for me was harder than Uncharted 2 on Crushing easily.
I only had one of the ammo upgrades, so maybe that adds to it. I was only on "Medium". One part I died about 8 times in a row and I was forced to change it to easy to pass it.
There's a ton of cheap deaths for sure. Another problem is that I rarely made any attempt to buy syringes or craft them.
The storyline is lame and Jason is one character I hated. Like another person said earlier, I also wanted to punch him in the face every time he talked. He felt like Pee Wee Herman turning into Rambo. Wasn't very convincing.
The Citra thing was also a stupid storyline..
All the boss fights are TERRIBLE. What moron decided to come up with these lame ideas. CGI boss fights with button tapping should not even exist.
I'll admit that I had a lot of fun playing (rushing) through the story. The treasure hunting sections went on way too long though.
There is really no incentive to explore and craft that much. As long as you have the basics that seems like enough.
I did get 13/18 towers or so but just because of being able to get better guns. Getting up those is just annoying and no fun. Waste of time. I fell from the top a couple of times due to the stupid 1st person camera.
The skills felt mostly pointless. Only a few of them seemed helpful. Wow, being able to shoot from a wire is a skill you can upgrade? Why? I could imagine one area in the game where that would be useful.
I can't say it enough but most of the story and bad guys were awful. Especially the lack of decent dialogue from everyone. I can't believe some of the crap they came up with. It seems someone had watched too many movies.
The actual combat is OK, but Uncharted 2 did it way better. Every minute of combat/shooting in that game was fun.
Somehow the guns were not that good. There was not really anything that special until the 2nd island. I did love the shotgun that shoots 3 times in a row quickly though.
My main problem though is that everything in the game just got on my nerves and annoyed me. The fuel supply level is especially annoying.
I went with the good ending. It's kind of sad how these days we can play a video game where we can slit our girlfriend's throat with a special button press. Oh and then have sex and get stabbed in the stomach and die.

I would never let my children play this game (don't have any anyway).

Violence overdose really and by the end the game left me with a sick feeling.

Citra saying she loved me before dying was the stupidest thing in the world. Yeah sure...but yet you would have killed me.
Sooo...by the end I was so glad it was over. When it ended I was glad to never play it again.
9/10 seems too high, but for what there is that's fair. As long as you can forgive it's lame storyline. With more polish this could have been pretty impressive.
I think this game would be worth the $60, but I rented it for a few days with Redbox.

Hopefully Tombraider is better.
Jun 14, 2013 at 4:10 AM Post #3,587 of 6,977
Far Cry 3 - 9/10
I just posted this earlier, but I want to post some things about it after having finished it. I'm really bored.
For me this game was fairly tough. I beat Bioshock 2, Fallout 3 and Uncharted 2 on the hardest difficulty settings. This one for me was harder than Uncharted 2 on Crushing easily.
I only had one of the ammo upgrades, so maybe that adds to it. I was only on "Medium". One part I died about 8 times in a row and I was forced to change it to easy to pass it.
There's a ton of cheap deaths for sure. Another problem is that I rarely made any attempt to buy syringes or craft them.
The storyline is lame and Jason is one character I hated. Like another person said earlier, I also wanted to punch him in the face every time he talked. He felt like Pee Wee Herman turning into Rambo. Wasn't very convincing.
The Citra thing was also a stupid storyline..
All the boss fights are TERRIBLE. What moron decided to come up with these lame ideas. CGI boss fights with button tapping should not even exist.
I'll admit that I had a lot of fun playing (rushing) through the story. The treasure hunting sections went on way too long though.
There is really no incentive to explore and craft that much. As long as you have the basics that seems like enough.
I did get 13/18 towers or so but just because of being able to get better guns. Getting up those is just annoying and no fun. Waste of time. I fell from the top a couple of times due to the stupid 1st person camera.
The skills felt mostly pointless. Only a few of them seemed helpful. Wow, being able to shoot from a wire is a skill you can upgrade? Why? I could imagine one area in the game where that would be useful.
I can't say it enough but most of the story and bad guys were awful. Especially the lack of decent dialogue from everyone. I can't believe some of the crap they came up with. It seems someone had watched too many movies.
The actual combat is OK, but Uncharted 2 did it way better. Every minute of combat/shooting in that game was fun.
Somehow the guns were not that good. There was not really anything that special until the 2nd island. I did love the shotgun that shoots 3 times in a row quickly though.
My main problem though is that everything in the game just got on my nerves and annoyed me. The fuel supply level is especially annoying.
I went with the good ending. It's kind of sad how these days we can play a video game where we can slit our girlfriend's throat with a special button press. Oh and then have sex and get stabbed in the stomach and die.

I would never let my children play this game (don't have any anyway).

Violence overdose really and by the end the game left me with a sick feeling.

Citra saying she loved me before dying was the stupidest thing in the world. Yeah sure...but yet you would have killed me.
Sooo...by the end I was so glad it was over. When it ended I was glad to never play it again.
9/10 seems too high, but for what there is that's fair. As long as you can forgive it's lame storyline. With more polish this could have been pretty impressive.
I think this game would be worth the $60, but I rented it for a few days with Redbox.

Hopefully Tombraider is better.

How is 9/10 fair?
9 is like saying it's amazing.
Your score completely contradicts your post.
For me a horrible story+ending+bad dialogue would be -2 or -3 points down right off the bat.
And another -1 because most of the characters were annoying.
The only thing that made the game fun was the gameplay/combat.
It was very satisfying.
I hope Citra had a miscarriage.
Jun 14, 2013 at 4:19 AM Post #3,588 of 6,977
Nice, I just got my copy of the Last of Us 

edit: So far it's pretty good. The stealth approach is the way to go though coz it's nothing like Uncharted with guns and ammo lying everywhere. Even if you're very used to the Uncharted shooting mechanics and pull off headshots all the time like me sooner rather than later you'll be out of ammo, so you can't expect to just shoot your way through the game.
Also, most of the climbing and exploring stuff is just straight forward get there and hit the X button to jump or the triangle to give a boost or carry a plank or a ladder - you can't just jump around like in Uncharted, so there's no constant jumping from one ledge to another Tomb Raider style. It's mainly just throwing bricks and bottles to create a diversion and good timing coz a lot of times the place is full of runners and clickers and it can be difficult to take them all down silently without being noticed. Clickers are just a PITA  to deal with as often there is more than one - you need a shiv to take them out silently and you need a melee weapon to engage in combat with them if you don't have ammo and even with a full magazine it's hard to deal with anything more than a single one and if they get too close it's one bite and you're muerto.
Overall it's like an Uncharted/Splinter Cell mix and is a bit too early to rate it.
Jun 14, 2013 at 5:26 PM Post #3,589 of 6,977
How is 9/10 fair?
9 is like saying it's amazing.
Your score completely contradicts your post.
For me a horrible story+ending+bad dialogue would be -2 or -3 points down right off the bat.
And another -1 because most of the characters were annoying.
The only thing that made the game fun was the gameplay/combat.
It was very satisfying.

Yeah, 9 is kind of high, but I don't think 9 is "Amazing". Could have given it some more thought. Maybe more like an 8.5 or 8.75. If you want to pay me $2000 i'll make you a professional 20 page review where I over-analyze the game to death

For me my nit-picks were not as bad as I make them out to be really. The storyline of a game isn't always that important (for me). I guess it depends on how good the gameplay is.
I loved Bioshock 2 but it's story is not that good or even memorable at all (I even forget what the heck it's about).
Same with Fallout 3. If people judge it too much by it's story then they'd not really rate it that high. Judging Fallout 3 by just playing through the main storyline is the biggest mistake someone can make.
There's tons of stuff to do to do in Far Cry 3 and it felt it would have been worth $60.
Despite the weak storyline and lame characters I could never give it a 7 or even an 8. Anywhere between an 8.5 or low 9 is about right. Despite being very fun to play (yet constantly annoying), there's really not a lot of memorable moments.
BTW I think it's better than Crysis 2 at least. Haven't played part 3 yet. Crysis 2 is another one where the story was alright but I hated the gameplay in that. I just wanted to get to the end and be done with it.
I really think Far Cry 3 would be better if I had just bought it and muted the cut-scenes and took my time exploring. It did get a bit repetitive. In Fallout 3 i've spent maybe 500+ hours in that game and never once did it ever feel boring or repetitive. Even after several years i'm still finding something new.
Bioshock Infinite fans will hate me but I had more fun playing Far Cry 3 than Infinite. Far Cry 3 at least kept me glued to the screen two days in a row until 3am or so. The story isn't as bad as I make it out to be but I absolutely hated the Citra sections and all those weird "dream" sequences and CGI fights. The voice actor for Jason was totally miscast too. Am I the only one who thought he sounded like Ethan Hawke at times? They should have hired himself instead. Or Will Ferrell.
Also...in an unrelated topic..am I the only one to lost interest in Skyrim after the end? I got up to 100 hours into the game and lost interest. I got some crafts maxed and all the good gear but exploring got repetitive. I guess I should do more quests. I want to play Morrowind but the game runs so slow on the Xbox 360. Finished Oblivion about 3 times.
I really need to play more current Xbox 360 games. I only seem to play about 3 per year. Next it might be Crysis 3 or Tombraider.
Jun 14, 2013 at 5:36 PM Post #3,590 of 6,977
I'd say I give Far Cry 3 about an 8 or a high 7.
I liked it a ton first. But things got repetitive and the telepathic AI got annoying after a while, not to mention I didn't think the second half of the story was that great. It's a great looking game but has a bunch of graphical glitches and artifacts at the same time. Sound design was terrible for certain things but I was able to tweak the most annoying parts. Music was great though.
Jun 14, 2013 at 5:49 PM Post #3,591 of 6,977
Nobody thought Far Cry 3 was kind of hard at times? Man I must really suck at this game. I was only on Medium too.
Maybe getting the 2nd ammo upgrade would have made it VERY easy
It seems Iike I ran out of ammo a lot.
I've never been so constantly annoyed while in shootouts.
It's difficulty for me was like an 8/10
Bioshock Infinite was stupid easy in comparison.
If part 2 is even harder than i'm in big trouble.
I bet Uncharted 1 on Crushing would make me fling my controller. Normal difficulty on that was similar to Uncharted 2 on Crushing.
Jun 14, 2013 at 5:51 PM Post #3,592 of 6,977
Nobody thought Far Cry 3 was kind of hard at times? Man I must really suck at this game. I was only on Medium too.
Maybe getting the 2nd ammo upgrade would have made it VERY easy
It seems Iike I ran out of ammo a lot.
I've never been so constantly annoyed while in shootouts.
It's difficulty for me was like an 8/10
Bioshock Infinite was stupid easy in comparison.
If part 2 is even harder than i'm in big trouble.
I bet Uncharted 1 on Crushing would make me fling my controller. Normal difficulty on that was similar to Uncharted 2 on Crushing.

I didn't think it was hard at all, but I got all the upgrades as fast as I could.

Even with all the ammo upgrades I ran out of ammo with my SMG.
Jun 14, 2013 at 11:03 PM Post #3,593 of 6,977
Yeah, 9 is kind of high, but I don't think 9 is "Amazing". Could have given it some more thought. Maybe more like an 8.5 or 8.75. If you want to pay me $2000 i'll make you a professional 20 page review where I over-analyze the game to death

For me my nit-picks were not as bad as I make them out to be really. The storyline of a game isn't always that important (for me). I guess it depends on how good the gameplay is.
I loved Bioshock 2 but it's story is not that good or even memorable at all (I even forget what the heck it's about).
Same with Fallout 3. If people judge it too much by it's story then they'd not really rate it that high. Judging Fallout 3 by just playing through the main storyline is the biggest mistake someone can make.
There's tons of stuff to do to do in Far Cry 3 and it felt it would have been worth $60.
Despite the weak storyline and lame characters I could never give it a 7 or even an 8. Anywhere between an 8.5 or low 9 is about right. Despite being very fun to play (yet constantly annoying), there's really not a lot of memorable moments.
BTW I think it's better than Crysis 2 at least. Haven't played part 3 yet. Crysis 2 is another one where the story was alright but I hated the gameplay in that. I just wanted to get to the end and be done with it.
I really think Far Cry 3 would be better if I had just bought it and muted the cut-scenes and took my time exploring. It did get a bit repetitive. In Fallout 3 i've spent maybe 500+ hours in that game and never once did it ever feel boring or repetitive. Even after several years i'm still finding something new.
Bioshock Infinite fans will hate me but I had more fun playing Far Cry 3 than Infinite. Far Cry 3 at least kept me glued to the screen two days in a row until 3am or so. The story isn't as bad as I make it out to be but I absolutely hated the Citra sections and all those weird "dream" sequences and CGI fights. The voice actor for Jason was totally miscast too. Am I the only one who thought he sounded like Ethan Hawke at times? They should have hired himself instead. Or Will Ferrell.
Also...in an unrelated topic..am I the only one to lost interest in Skyrim after the end? I got up to 100 hours into the game and lost interest. I got some crafts maxed and all the good gear but exploring got repetitive. I guess I should do more quests. I want to play Morrowind but the game runs so slow on the Xbox 360. Finished Oblivion about 3 times.
I really need to play more current Xbox 360 games. I only seem to play about 3 per year. Next it might be Crysis 3 or Tombraider.

9/10 isn't amazing?
So what would you call 10/10?
I think you'd end up owing me for reading a 20 page review you wrote.
I hate whenever I see this.
People misusing game scores.
All I see is 8 being just "meh", 9 being just "good", and it just jumps right to 10 being godly.
When it's clear a game lacks a good story, has bad characters/voice acting, bad writing, VERY repetitive side quests, and only decent gameplay, I don't think giving it a 9/10 is anywhere near justifiable.
Like you said, a game should be judge solely based on it's story.
Just like it shouldn't be solely judged amazing by one single aspect.
I also don't think nitpicks mean what you think they do.
But it's your opinion, so I can't judge.
I just feel all those "nitpicks" you mentioned are big aspects of any game.
Aspects which Far Cry 3 didn't do a good job at.
I agree on Fallout 3, a short story, but huge everything else.
Been playing Skyrim for about a week.
It's not bad, but it's over hyped.
My only real deal with it is that the main story quests all seems to involve going into some dingy under ground place.
I hear games from the Fallout and Elder Scroll series have a huge modding community so I might try that after finishing enough of the game.
Also, do you have a decent PC?
I'd assume it would run better on a decent PC.
And if it's a good one, you might be able to mod it so it has better graphics.
Nobody thought Far Cry 3 was kind of hard at times? Man I must really suck at this game. I was only on Medium too.
Maybe getting the 2nd ammo upgrade would have made it VERY easy
It seems Iike I ran out of ammo a lot.
I've never been so constantly annoyed while in shootouts.
It's difficulty for me was like an 8/10
Bioshock Infinite was stupid easy in comparison.
If part 2 is even harder than i'm in big trouble.
I bet Uncharted 1 on Crushing would make me fling my controller. Normal difficulty on that was similar to Uncharted 2 on Crushing.

I don't think more ammo would make it that much easier, but it would be a life saver for sure.
What I did at times when I felt I would be overwhelmed was grab a sniper, take down 2 or 3 pirates, then rush in Rambo style.
Jun 15, 2013 at 12:41 AM Post #3,595 of 6,977
How about we stop critiquing everybody's opinion on a game and stick to doing reviews. We don't need 4 paragraphs of why you think someone is wrong about a game. It's making this thread annoying.
Jun 16, 2013 at 4:12 AM Post #3,598 of 6,977
Oh man I forgot how much fun Super Smash Brothers Brawl + Project M is. 10/10 for multiplayer only.

I used to LOVE Ness in Melee. It's too bad they nerfed him in Brawl. He's still fun to combo with though.
Tom Nook vs Phazon Ike in Dark Link's room:

Mega Man vs Gordon Freeman in the real Skyward Sword Skyloft stage (the one in Smash Brothers WiiU/3DS has more of a Twilight Princess look):


Jun 16, 2013 at 10:11 PM Post #3,599 of 6,977
Tomb Raider
Hard to rate. If you try to be objective 6/10.
But all the stolen ideas from Uncharted/lost do work well enough. Animations, combat is fun. I ran PS 3 version but the visuals still did it´s job splendid. Not to far off Uncharted 3 actually. Same engine? Though a bit to easy on hard and running gamepad. Can´t imagine how easy it will be on keyboard but the platforming is maybe harder for that setup at least.
Mini bosses is a disaster. The tombs surprisingly extremely easy and with no real depth? The game is called Tomb Raider :wink:
Story wise I think it´s a bit clumsy told. Maybe the time has run away from Crystal Dynamics but at least I got through this game with a smile and I will probably get any coming sequel. 9/10 in casual fun factor. I do hope they ramp up the difficulty in the sequels, make the tomb section bigger and better and perhaps not go all to crazy about loot everywhere. And get more subtility in the story telling but this really isn´t their strong suite I believe.
Jun 17, 2013 at 5:18 AM Post #3,600 of 6,977
Currently playing the last of us, its a masterpiece and you all should believe the hype. Its the best game of this generation :)

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