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Sep 23, 2010 at 2:47 PM Post #1,111 of 6,963
Mafia II: I was big fan of first Mafia, but second is quite  disappointment. Story is short, driving is over 60% of game and is boring. But biggest problem is with DLC, creators take only half of game and release it, now we are waiting for rest of game as DLC, I hate this.
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Sep 23, 2010 at 8:16 PM Post #1,112 of 6,963

Amnesia: Dark Descent - 9.5/10. This is the best 1st person horror game I've ever played. Scares the living Jesus outa me. 
I cannot play this for more than an hour continuously otherwise I'd be shittin' my pants. Better than Penumbra series. 

Very interested in this game.
Sep 26, 2010 at 10:55 AM Post #1,114 of 6,963
Valkyria Chronices 2 (PSP) : 9.2/10
To me the first one was a 9.0/10, this game is better. It lost a bit in presentation as expected from a shift from the PS3 to the PSP, but the game still looks similar. Another downside is that it is a series of short maps connected to one another rather than one big map, they also re-use the same maps for many of the missions. There is a lot more customization of characters and tanks than before with tier 2 and tier 3 classes to unlock for each character. Also in the first one you could generally win by scout rushing. Not so much in this one, it is necessary to use commandos at first, then later a bit more of everything. This game takes what was fun of the first one and makes it better, while taking a step back in a few other departments due to the switch from PS3 to PSP, but it's an awesome game!
Sep 26, 2010 at 11:23 AM Post #1,116 of 6,963

joomongj said:

Amnesia: Dark Descent - 9.5/10. This is the best 1st person horror game I've ever played. Scares the living Jesus outa me. 
I cannot play this for more than an hour continuously otherwise I'd be shittin' my pants. Better than Penumbra series.

Very interested in this game.

Bought it a couple of hours later based on your review joomongj.
This game will indeed scare the living daylights out of you, definitely the scariest game I have ever played.
You are stuck in a (dark, ominous) castle with no idea where you are, why you're there or even who you are. You have limited light sources (an oil lamp for which you have to constantly find oil and tinderboxes to light candles) and being in darkness will make you go insane. Going insane involves hallucinations, difficulty walking and probably worse (I haven't gone too insane yet).
The atmosphere in the game is absolutely brilliant. If you step out from the light into the dark, your eyes need to adjust to the dark (just like in real life). The setting of a dark and ominous castle is excellently worked out in the effects and music. Creaking doors, sounds of footsteps above you, monster screams around the corner or in the next room, visions of monsters (or hallucinations?), people begging for their lives (are they real?). When you see or hear something scary, not only do you get scared, your character actually gets scared himself. You look around shiftily, your character whimpers and you hear a pounding heartbeat.
And sometimes you actually run into monsters. How do you fight them, you ask? You don't. Simple as that. There are no weapons in the game. The only way for a showdown with a monster to go down is for you to run, hide or die. Where do you run and hide? Into darkness, like a cupboard you close behind you in a dark room with the monster breaking the door and audibly breathing just feet away from you.
I know this probably doesn't sound all too scary, but it really is a terrifying game if you immerse yourself into it. I only play it at night for example. Survivor horror at its best. I know I've been hiding in a cupboard for minutes just because I thought I heard a monster.
Sep 26, 2010 at 11:27 AM Post #1,117 of 6,963

dragon age: awaking
8/10, its like dragon age, withouth dialogues with party and dont have a jerk like Alister.

How long did Dragon Age take you to finish?  So many RPGs these days are just too freaking big.
Sep 26, 2010 at 12:49 PM Post #1,118 of 6,963
Civilization 5: 8/10
Days seem so much shorter with this game

No more stacks of d00m is a huge plus. Nothing more frustrating to do some nice multipronged attack with tanks and stuff on a faction and he just vomits his 20+ ancient units he just had laying around on one of your cities, forcing you to build way more units then you can support. Hexagons are really nice and so are the graphics. I kinda dislike the way ideologies and religions work now. Religions were presented really simple in civ IV, but they shouldve improved that, not remove them. O, and no more Leonard Nimoy sadly (Morgan Sheppard isnt as good)!
Starcraft 2: 9.5/10
Very good singleplayer. Best RTS multiplayer. New benchmark for macro orientated RTS games, without revolutionizing anything funny enough (which is a good thing imo).
Sep 26, 2010 at 3:38 PM Post #1,119 of 6,963


Arcade racers are not my thing. 
Just started Spiderman Shattered Dimensions - seems alright. Spiderman 3 had better controls, but the worlds are cool and there are lots of villians. 
Sep 28, 2010 at 5:13 PM Post #1,120 of 6,963


Bought it a couple of hours later based on your review joomongj.
This game will indeed scare the living daylights out of you, definitely the scariest game I have ever played.
You are stuck in a (dark, ominous) castle with no idea where you are, why you're there or even who you are. You have limited light sources (an oil lamp for which you have to constantly find oil and tinderboxes to light candles) and being in darkness will make you go insane. Going insane involves hallucinations, difficulty walking and probably worse (I haven't gone too insane yet).
The atmosphere in the game is absolutely brilliant. If you step out from the light into the dark, your eyes need to adjust to the dark (just like in real life). The setting of a dark and ominous castle is excellently worked out in the effects and music. Creaking doors, sounds of footsteps above you, monster screams around the corner or in the next room, visions of monsters (or hallucinations?), people begging for their lives (are they real?). When you see or hear something scary, not only do you get scared, your character actually gets scared himself. You look around shiftily, your character whimpers and you hear a pounding heartbeat.
And sometimes you actually run into monsters. How do you fight them, you ask? You don't. Simple as that. There are no weapons in the game. The only way for a showdown with a monster to go down is for you to run, hide or die. Where do you run and hide? Into darkness, like a cupboard you close behind you in a dark room with the monster breaking the door and audibly breathing just feet away from you.
I know this probably doesn't sound all too scary, but it really is a terrifying game if you immerse yourself into it. I only play it at night for example. Survivor horror at its best. I know I've been hiding in a cupboard for minutes just because I thought I heard a monster.

You got some guts to be playin' it at night.
Threw my hd800 on at midnight in a pitch-dark room, I turned around and what the eff where did this monster come from?!! Holy sh~. I just jumped 3 feet off my chair.

Sep 29, 2010 at 12:22 AM Post #1,121 of 6,963
I recall a friend showing me a preview/demo viewing of this game some months ago and I thought it looked brilliant. Hell, I was on the edge of my seat just watching a youtube video of someone else playing. Most horror games piss me off with the pop out "BOO! I'M A GHOSTZOMBIEDINOSAUR!" which is startling, but not scary. The suspenseful horror that creates a lasting disturbing feel is unbeatable and is what really sells the immersion of a game, movie or book. Thanks for reminding me of this game so I can try it!
Deathspank: Thongs of Justice - 8/10 - Hothead and EA are pretty much just giving us more of what we loved about the first Deathspank game that was released just a few months back and I can't really complain! Some new features would be welcome, but the first game was short enough and ended abruptly enough that it's understandable they don't see a need to focus on new features as of yet. If the next Deathspank is another cabon copy, I don't think I can be as generous.
Bought it a couple of hours later based on your review joomongj.
This game will indeed scare the living daylights out of you, definitely the scariest game I have ever played.
You are stuck in a (dark, ominous) castle with no idea where you are, why you're there or even who you are. You have limited light sources (an oil lamp for which you have to constantly find oil and tinderboxes to light candles) and being in darkness will make you go insane. Going insane involves hallucinations, difficulty walking and probably worse (I haven't gone too insane yet).
The atmosphere in the game is absolutely brilliant. If you step out from the light into the dark, your eyes need to adjust to the dark (just like in real life). The setting of a dark and ominous castle is excellently worked out in the effects and music. Creaking doors, sounds of footsteps above you, monster screams around the corner or in the next room, visions of monsters (or hallucinations?), people begging for their lives (are they real?). When you see or hear something scary, not only do you get scared, your character actually gets scared himself. You look around shiftily, your character whimpers and you hear a pounding heartbeat.
And sometimes you actually run into monsters. How do you fight them, you ask? You don't. Simple as that. There are no weapons in the game. The only way for a showdown with a monster to go down is for you to run, hide or die. Where do you run and hide? Into darkness, like a cupboard you close behind you in a dark room with the monster breaking the door and audibly breathing just feet away from you.
I know this probably doesn't sound all too scary, but it really is a terrifying game if you immerse yourself into it. I only play it at night for example. Survivor horror at its best. I know I've been hiding in a cupboard for minutes just because I thought I heard a monster.

Sep 29, 2010 at 1:42 PM Post #1,123 of 6,963
I can´t imagine the hardware requirements can be much to talk about in this case... the graphics are on indie level pretty much but they do their job.
I played the sequels Penumbra: Overture and Black Plague with the Novint Falcon controller http://home.novint.com/
I will come out as a shill but I am not getting payed for it
But seriously this 3D mouse with force feedback in combination with Penumbra where you can touch just about everything and feel the resistance in mats... The weight when you lift a rock. The different textures of rock and wood, the contours and all just make you totally connected to the game world.
Sadly there is just no other games that showcase this controller like this but it was an experience I have never got in gaming before or after. I will get Amnesia sooner or later. The only reason I haven´t gotten it yet is because I can´t give up hope Novint would get on it again. Such a missed opportunity that they aren´t
As for the scary part I was litterary paralyzed at one point in black plague. And I find myself a battle hardened gamer having played the alien vs predator, Shale bridge cradle in thief 3 for example. Just about no horror movie ever scare me the slightest but that was insane.
I would buy it (Amnesia) but I think my computer's not up to snuff...

Sep 29, 2010 at 1:47 PM Post #1,124 of 6,963
metroid other m:9/10

as a metroid fan since the nes days i just simply love what nintendo and team ninja did with this game. it feels more of a metroid game to me than the prime series ever did. great fluid,easy combat system. perfect fluid transistion between first person to third person perspective. atmosphere is great and the sound and music fits perfectly in every scene.  back tracking is there but item location is showed on the map but even tho some items are still hard to find and need a little scouting to locate. 

downside i have to say was the first person puzzles. they fit the moment in a way but just felt kinda weird and some were little annoying in finding what to look for specificly. voice acting was good but the written script for the voice acting could of been lot better done and is corney at times,but overall voice acting was good. story made sense on what was going on and had little twist to it during the game.

the thing got some fans mad was the authorization of samus's weapons instead shooting random walls and magically locating'em or earning after a boss battle. it took time to get use to but once you do, it makes perfect sense once you understand why samus  is taking orders from her previous CO(Adam) during the operation. Adam was a highly respected father figure to samus due to he was the only person who understood her and looked after her at the time when she joined the federation. samus never knew her parents. they were killed and mutilated during her childhood so adam is looked up to and greatly respected not only as her CO but as someone that is closest to. this is what most metroid fans don't understand and take the whole authorization out of context saying it's sexist cause she is taking orders from a male figure.

i say i am very happy what nintendo and team ninja accomplished with other m. brought the oldschool fast paced side-scroller back but in 3d and it works flawlessly. never had so much fun with speed running since the old days with super metroid. i just can't understand all the love/hate relationship this game is getting cause i personally think even tho it has some small flaws that it's one the greatest metroid games since super metroid. sorry for the long write up but this is how ipersonally feel about the game. 
Sep 29, 2010 at 1:58 PM Post #1,125 of 6,963
i just started playing that but i only play at the middle of the night and dark out cause horror games are no fun during the day. personally think this is the best horror game out and makes every so called horror games since the psx look like a walk in the park with rainbow unicorns and flowers. really autonishing game. it doesn't really scare me but makes me feel very,very paranoid and on edge. feels great and been awhile since i ever got a rush of adredalin from a horror title especially now that i'm in the basement and some crazy ass demon is chasing me everytime i hit the water. 
Amnesia: Dark Descent - 9.5/10. This is the best 1st person horror game I've ever played. Scares the living Jesus outa me. 
I cannot play this for more than an hour continuously otherwise I'd be shittin' my pants. Better than Penumbra series. 


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