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Apr 16, 2018 at 12:44 AM Post #5,926 of 6,973
To me it is different enough from the others. The map reveals itself as you walk across or drive across. You fly planes and helicopters and can battle in them. Hunting and fishing as well as having animals in your party to command to attack enemies. You have to talk to locals to reveal things on maps and quests. I like being able to purchase aircraft and cars of your choice or unlocking different ones with different missions and iti s nice having someone on the guns while you drive or not being alone on missions.
That does sound fun. It sounds like they changed the feel of it enough to make it fresh. I like the fact that you have to talk to the locals to reveal things on the map.

My next game purchase is God of War 4. Comes out in 4 days I believe? Can’t wait to play it
Apr 16, 2018 at 2:14 AM Post #5,927 of 6,973
Dragon age: inquisition 9/10. Wish I didnt buy THE DLC a bit redundant and 100h extra lost
Apr 16, 2018 at 8:17 AM Post #5,928 of 6,973
I keep trying with the EA Origin demo of Dragon Age: Inquisition. However I am not getting on with it very well. You can play for six hours, and I only played about 3.5 hours of that, over a few tries. I wish I did get on with it, because sometimes it goes on sale for a very good price.

I found combat boring, and very hard. I set my character up as rogue I think; bows and daggers. If I attempted to fight with daggers against any enemy, I was very quickly overpowered. If I used bows, I was constantly backing off. Either being hit by range attacks or chased around by a sword enemy. Either way, going through lots of health potions or just dying. It left me thinking that I just hadn't worked out how I was supposed to play it. .... Swapping weapons bows - daggers, couldn't be done without going into inventory.
Apr 16, 2018 at 8:55 AM Post #5,929 of 6,973
Are you going out alone? You are supposed ro camping up with three companions. I also played as a Rogue and focused om flanking with daggers. Usually hade one warrior acting as tank and one offensive mage and one healing/defensive mage. Warrior drew most heat and let me get on with my flanking and special attacks that so big damage. Also some areas has tougher enemies then others and its important you level up. If you have enemies way above your level its better to run :wink: There is good guides. The combat dont require amazing timing or strategy like dark souls once you get a hang of how it works its easy.
Apr 16, 2018 at 10:00 AM Post #5,930 of 6,973
Are you going out alone? You are supposed ro camping up with three companions. I also played as a Rogue and focused om flanking with daggers. Usually hade one warrior acting as tank and one offensive mage and one healing/defensive mage. Warrior drew most heat and let me get on with my flanking and special attacks that so big damage. Also some areas has tougher enemies then others and its important you level up. If you have enemies way above your level its better to run :wink: There is good guides. The combat don't require amazing timing or strategy like dark souls once you get a hang of how it works its easy.

Well initially I was with a party, and it was fine. Then I reached a town sort of place, where I had to go off and look around. (Go find blacksmith upgrader type stuff.)

After that I was alone, but not by choice. I thought it was the design of the game. ... However it seems you mean it wasn't. Maybe I should go back and see if I can get someone the party to come along.
Apr 16, 2018 at 10:06 AM Post #5,931 of 6,973
Yes never alone. In camping sites you can change your party or when you leave skyhold.
Apr 18, 2018 at 10:44 PM Post #5,934 of 6,973
Just recently Played through the game Prey. If you are or were a fan of the System Shock games (and to a lesser extent Deus Ex) give this game a go.. i totally enjoyed it more than i thought i would.


I loved this game! I got kind of bored of it toward the end but I think it’s because I wasn’t only playing it, and wanting to play something new. But it’s a great story and very fun gameplay
Apr 18, 2018 at 11:15 PM Post #5,935 of 6,973
I loved this game! I got kind of bored of it toward the end but I think it’s because I wasn’t only playing it, and wanting to play something new. But it’s a great story and very fun gameplay
I was actually one of the ones miffed they recycled the name from the previous game.
but i had some extra steam wallet money after selling some PUBG shorts in the market.. for $180 lol... i bought my entire wishlist.. which didnt actually include this game, i had just enough left after my wishlist to buy two other games, and this was one of them... actually looking forward to playing through it again!

Apr 18, 2018 at 11:52 PM Post #5,936 of 6,973
I was actually one of the ones miffed they recycled the name from the previous game.
but i had some extra steam wallet money after selling some PUBG shorts in the market.. for $180 lol... i bought my entire wishlist.. which didnt actually include this game, i had just enough left after my wishlist to buy two other games, and this was one of them... actually looking forward to playing through it again!

$180 for PUBG shorts!???? That’s insane....

Glad you made out and could then buy your wishlist. So cool!
Apr 19, 2018 at 12:33 PM Post #5,938 of 6,973
Thanks, i never win anything, but i've made a lot of money off the pubg market.. at least i did, when i used to play the game regularly.
i'm playing it regularly on Xbone now. (I am kind of addicted to it). I am finally getting better at it since I have messed with the controls more. That is one area of the game (controls) that annoys me. I wish it were more straight forward like COD or Halo sensitivities. The game really impresses me with its sound though, and also their general attention to realism is through the roof.

I read yesterday that bullet drop is all independent on the different guns (similar to Battlefield) the differ bullet types all shoot at different speeds as well. There is WAY more then that but I would need to start a PUBG thread to take the time to talk about all of it ha.

Like I said before God of War 4 comes out tomorrow (technically when it just turns over to Friday I can start downloading it). I will probably put the PUBG away to play that.

I don't look forward to games as much as I used to. I am getting tired of shooters and that seems to be the majority these days. It has to be fresh for me to enjoy a shooter now. My next game I am looking forward to is the new Red Dead Redemption.
Apr 20, 2018 at 10:37 PM Post #5,939 of 6,973
I was Ok with Prey, but toward the end I got bored and confused. Ended up giving up. It was the amount of googling that Prey needed, that wore me down I the end. Like so often when you needed to do something, I had to google what to do, or where to go. Spoiled it. ... Agree with the use of the Prey title too. The original Prey was nothing like the new Prey, and so unrelated it didn't seem quite right. .. Still, I bought it and had a lot of good times with it.

Played 'Lords of the Fallen' just recently. Good game. Could have used a map from explored areas though. New areas were large and very confusing sometimes. Easy 8/10 though. Looked good, played well, good combat, and it made me want to play more as I played it. Only about twenty hours long so not too long to get bored, but more would have been nice.
Apr 27, 2018 at 2:49 PM Post #5,940 of 6,973
Dead Island: Riptide ....................7.4/10

Started off just like Dead Island. All melee weapons, and not a gun to be found. Hated the melee, for many reasons. One reason being that your reach with a weapon was equal to zombie's reach.

Second half of Riptide and guns came along. Then it became the kind of zombie game I wanted. A sort of Walking Dead type game, albeit in the Dead Island unusual graphics. All wrapped up in the usual 'go do' quests, in more or less open world.

To be fair, once guns came along, I could not stop playing. The guns were far more effective than in Dead Island. Either that, or because I brought my character over from Dead Island, my character upgrades helped a lot. However overall, I think Riptide was balanced differently. Like shotgun, head-shot, one shot kill. In Dead Island it took a lot of shots. Same for all the guns.

Would I recommend Riptide. Probably not as you might need to have all of Dead Island's upgrades to make it playable.

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