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Jun 8, 2016 at 9:55 AM Post #5,461 of 6,977
On reflection I think I may have criticised Doom difficulty prematurely. After writing that huge post above I googled about Doom levels of difficulty. There are four levels and one that unlocks called Ultra-Nightmare; which is a waste of time.
I normally play shooter on just above middle level. The third of four. If there are five levels; it's a choice between third or fourth. 
However after a google yeasterday I noticed quite a few people find 3/4 Ultra-Violence, very difficult. Some saying they switched down to 2/4 Hurt Me Plenty. (Generally though 3/4 is the level to play Doom's previous games.)
I worry that if I reduce difficulty, then the guns may feel overpowered. What I mean is (on Ultra_Violence) when you get one enemy to deal with, the weapons seem right.  The right amount of firepower needed.
Maybe I need to just accept that it's too hard on 3rd/4th level. However if it were quick saves it would be playable. It's the checkpoints throwing you back fifty enemies that makes it hard, not once but maybe twenty times. At too many checkpoints too.
It could have been a stunning game. To some people it still will be. I think if I reduce difficulty though and replay the campaign, I will love it. (Apart from the climing, platforming, and heights; and the forced melee of course.)
It suffers from being long by checkpoints, and not by level design and story like previous Doom games. Some people are playing it in a few hours.
Jun 8, 2016 at 10:39 AM Post #5,462 of 6,977
  On reflection I think I may have criticised Doom difficulty prematurely. After writing that huge post above I googled about Doom levels of difficulty. There are four levels and one that unlocks called Ultra-Nightmare; which is a waste of time.

How does Doom's Ultra-Nightmare compare to, let's say, Nightmare difficulty on the original Quake 1?
Jun 8, 2016 at 9:50 PM Post #5,463 of 6,977
I finished Doom tonight. I can finally say it's much easier on Hutr me Plenty, compared with Ultra-Violence. I started a replay and on HmP I reached the foundry, cleared the four gore-nests, and didn't die once.
Allowing for (as they say) gitgud, I still think it was substantially easier. I feel it would get more difficult later but still don't fear it. Whereas I could, scrap that HmP game, and re-start in U-V again. However I think I'd get battered again.
NB on graphics. Settings playing with a GTX 980.
Initially I was using 1440p DSR on a 1080p monitor. This did produce occasional shimmer when fps dropped to about 45 but very rarely. All ultra-settings, 1440p, and FXAA.
However I discovered a better picture quality. I unlocked the Nightmare Graphics settings and added Nightmare setting of textures, but not shadows. Running 1080p, and add FXAA(T1). Very clear very good looking picture with serious jaggy-removal, if fractionally softened.
Adding Nightmare shadows pushed (4GB) vRAM usage to max out and caused judders, and frame rate drops.
Jun 13, 2016 at 12:23 PM Post #5,464 of 6,977
Uncharted 4 - 10/10
First few chapters I found to be a waste of time and didn't help with the story as much as it should have. I would have chopped out a lot of parts. It just dragged on too long. I have tons of patience really. I actually sort of didn't like the game much until I got too Scotland. I really disliked the auction house chapter. As the game goes on it just keeps getting better and better though. Loved the driving parts in the jungle and they reminded me of parts of "Half Life 2".
I do like climbing, but some stages were just climbing overkill. You do get sick of so many of those easy climbing "puzzles" where you are constantly looking for a box or some way to get up a hill (or elevator). Some chapters felt like a chore and were not as much fun as they should have been.
I was worried there wouldn't be enough shooting sequences in this game but I'm glad I'm wrong! Towards the end there's a ton of them. I actually found this game much harder than every other game in the series. I've only finished Uncharted 2 on Crushing, but even on "Moderate" I died in this game a ton of times. It could be due to me trying to go too fast and not sneaking enough.
There's a couple of areas where I died around 6 times. Sometimes i'd die because I didn't know where I was supposed to be going for it's scripted event. I think Crushing on this game would be impossible for me until I've played it completely through many times. In this game I felt surrounded by enemies way too much (which is a good thing).
Anyway, I think this game is up there with Dishonored, Fallout 3, Half Life 2, Fable II and Uncharted 2 as one of my favorite games. I like Uncharted 2 a little bit more but this one does many things better. I must have finished part 2 a dozen times and IMO it's a near perfect game. Didn't like part 3 enough to play through more than once.
Got the PS4 for this game and Fallout 4. Totally worth it!
The ending ran on far too long. Hated the entire epilogue and having to play that stupid Crash Bandicoot game again. They should have ended it right on the docks. Some of the story is just too bloated.

The last "boss" fight was also terrible. Stop with the timed button press boss fights already!

Took me 18 hours to finish the game. Wasn't rushing and I didn't look for treasures. I guess i'm pretty slow!

My gun accuracy is so low it's embarrassing. I'm not as good with the PS4 controller at aiming as I am with the 360 controller. The aiming doesn't seem as good as on Uncharted 2 but it's probably my imagination.
Jun 13, 2016 at 6:49 PM Post #5,465 of 6,977
Eve Online(PC)-11/10 Very harsh game not for everyone 
Cs:go(PC)-8/10 Good for casual fun
Garrys Mod(PC)-10/10 Very great sandbox 
Cod Bo3(PC)-3/10 Its a sort of good arcade game very casual just doesn't take much skill
Arma 3(PC)-9/10 Great fps sandbox 
Jun 13, 2016 at 7:17 PM Post #5,466 of 6,977
  Eve Online(PC)-11/10 Very harsh game not for everyone

Haha! I remember watching some friends play Eve, surrounded by spreadsheets, calculators, and getting into arguments with guild-mates who "weren't doing their job."
I played City of Heroes and drank beer while shooting lasers from my fists.
Jun 14, 2016 at 1:54 AM Post #5,467 of 6,977
  Eve Online(PC)-11/10 Very harsh game not for everyone 
Cs:go(PC)-8/10 Good for casual fun
Garrys Mod(PC)-10/10 Very great sandbox 
Cod Bo3(PC)-3/10 Its a sort of good arcade game very casual just doesn't take much skill
Arma 3(PC)-9/10 Great fps sandbox 

Pretty much hated COD BO2. Zombies was a joke.
I tired Arma 2, but it was beyond a joke. 23 fps with a GTX 980. Some common bug I can not work out how to fix. The game was pretty lame too, in the start anyway; I played about two hours.
P.S. Sorry folks if I went on about Doom too much. In the end I kind of liked it for its graphics and loved the guns. I think I just kind of wanted it to be a bit deeper, rather than arena madness. I like arena games, like UT and Quake arena. I just wasn't expecting it in Doom 4 after Doom 3.
Jun 14, 2016 at 2:14 AM Post #5,468 of 6,977
MLB The Show 16 - 10/10 - I haven't been able to put it down since release.. RttS mode is my go-to and so much fun. Pitched my first perfect game the other night!
Jun 17, 2016 at 3:16 PM Post #5,470 of 6,977
My since apologies to Doom and Head-Fi. I gumbled earlier of a massive lack of supplies and health which forces melee kills.
However today, for the first time I used the chainsaw on a zombie. I discovered it causes a huge drop of ammunition. (I just never bothered with the chainsaw because it's never been a weapon I used in Doom 3. I like guns, is the reason why.)
Anyway I have played Doom campaign quite a lot since I bought it two weeks ago. I still feel agrieved about some aspects. Like today I climed the first section of the tower. I died at the final jump, by missing the ledge I was jumping to. For some reason the double jump-boots did not work, at that moment. I was thrown back to last checkpoint, which meant climbing the whole thing again. It's not funny when you are acrophobic (scared of heights) and it affects PC games too.
Jun 19, 2016 at 7:11 PM Post #5,471 of 6,977
The Last of Us Remasted - 6/10
Sorry guys, but I really hate this game! This is a very early impression since i'm only 5-6 hours in. I know most people loved it.
The story is OK, but i've felt like i've seen this done before in a million other movies.
Don't like the gameplay and the controls are terrible. In the Uncharted series they were perfect, but they seem to have taken a step back here.
Graphics are pretty ugly and I have my TV calibrated to perfection but it still seems like everything is still too dark.
Why do they always have the characters move so slow? I know I can run, but that's what ruined Gears of War for me. Some areas I do seem to walk faster though, but still annoying.
I hate having to hold a button just to move faster. The control of the character reminds me of "Red Dead Redemption" or the early Tombraider games (ok, maybe not THAT bad).
The intro sequences were good but I find the game just very dull/boring. Can't really get into it. It doesn't help that I hate it's characters (so far).
It's not that I hate stealth based games, but this one is a bit too slow going for me. I have tons of patience too.
I'll keep playing and see if my impression changes.
Thinking of trying "Witcher 3" next..
Jun 19, 2016 at 10:08 PM Post #5,472 of 6,977
  The Last of Us Remasted - 6/10
Sorry guys, but I really hate this game! This is a very early impression since i'm only 5-6 hours in. I know most people loved it.
The story is OK, but i've felt like i've seen this done before in a million other movies.
Don't like the gameplay and the controls are terrible. In the Uncharted series they were perfect, but they seem to have taken a step back here.
Graphics are pretty ugly and I have my TV calibrated to perfection but it still seems like everything is still too dark.
Why do they always have the characters move so slow? I know I can run, but that's what ruined Gears of War for me. Some areas I do seem to walk faster though, but still annoying.
I hate having to hold a button just to move faster. The control of the character reminds me of "Red Dead Redemption" or the early Tombraider games (ok, maybe not THAT bad).
The intro sequences were good but I find the game just very dull/boring. Can't really get into it. It doesn't help that I hate it's characters (so far).
It's not that I hate stealth based games, but this one is a bit too slow going for me. I have tons of patience too.
I'll keep playing and see if my impression changes.
Thinking of trying "Witcher 3" next..

6/10 doesn't equal hate I think.
But I agree entirely.  Naughty Dog games just have your common AAA movie plot and characters, and they skimp on the gameplay and level design too much.  Overly linear, not very interactive at all (Uncharted especially), very run of the mill console shooter mechanics and an overall lack of gameplay depth (casualized gameplay).
Jun 22, 2016 at 5:29 PM Post #5,474 of 6,977
Black desert online 7/10
League of legends 8/10
Overwatch 9/10

BDO is a huge commitment of your time but pretty fun if you like pvp

If anyone plays league add my smurf. Kissmygochu on na. My main is hoogin
Jun 24, 2016 at 2:41 AM Post #5,475 of 6,977
I've found that by knowing developers I enjoy their games more. Naughty Dog? Sure, I'll sit down with some popcorn and enjoy me some Uncharted. TLOU was a little more, although after hearing the hype I expected something different. Still a fantastic game, if you understand the devs.
Bioware? More along the lines of RPG. Dragon Age and Mass Effect are games that I still play today and it's reached the point where I'll buy a Bioware game just because it's Bioware. CD Projekt? Dude. Just get the Witcher series. All of it. Do it. Do it now. You can be forgiven for skipping the first Witcher, but really, start with the Witcher 2.
I still have a soft spot for the Deus Ex franchise and I'm really anxious for the new one to come out in a couple of months. The first Deus Ex was what got me back into gaming and I still like listening to the NPCs today.

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