Rate the video games you're currently playing
Nov 17, 2015 at 6:42 PM Post #5,311 of 6,974
I bought Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide. I have played two maps and like it. I was defeated quite a few times on the first map but the second I did first time. It's meant as an online co-op but I am playing offline with AI co-op, and learning how to play. I think there is a lot of fun to be had with it.
Nov 25, 2015 at 8:55 PM Post #5,312 of 6,974
Not sure where to post this but I'm trying to get into the tales series cause I told my friend id try it out. Except having a hard time motivating myself to play it...

Tales series is good if you like active turn-based combat, anime-style art and storytelling, and an overall fun experience. IF you need a game to start at, I would recommend Tales of Xillia 1 for PS3.
Nov 25, 2015 at 11:47 PM Post #5,313 of 6,974
I'm playing Necrovision. Old graphics and engine from 2009. Still very playable though.
I have issue with it. Like if I try to minimise it, the screen goes all grey and nothing brings the game back. I have to use ctrl-alt-del and task manager to quit from it. Quite a few times I could not work out what to do or where to go. I had to quit, and google it.
Other than that I like Necrovision. I like for being a simple style shooter, of pick up guns, ammo, and health, and follow the story. It's difficult to rate, and I'm only about 3/4 way though. I think 76% is fair.
It took a bit of a strange turn about half way through so I need to see how it pans out.
Nov 30, 2015 at 9:11 AM Post #5,315 of 6,974
  I'm playing Necrovision. Old graphics and engine from 2009. Still very playable though.
I have issue with it. Like if I try to minimise it, the screen goes all grey and nothing brings the game back. I have to use ctrl-alt-del and task manager to quit from it. Quite a few times I could not work out what to do or where to go. I had to quit, and google it.
Other than that I like Necrovision. I like for being a simple style shooter, of pick up guns, ammo, and health, and follow the story. It's difficult to rate, and I'm only about 3/4 way though. I think 76% is fair.
It took a bit of a strange turn about half way through so I need to see how it pans out.

Finished Necrovision. Rating dropped from 76% to 58%. The last three quarters of it were rough. It needed regular quitting to check a walkthrough. It had enemies that were large that made the whole screen shudder. It had effects from a weapon that blinded the whole screen. Another weapon made the image judder and frame rate judder. It was generally a pain in the neck to finish, and I don't know how I did it. In the first half of the game, when he was battling soldiers and undead it was good. After the decent into the underworld it just got worse hour by hour.
Dec 2, 2015 at 1:23 PM Post #5,316 of 6,974
I picked up Rainbow Six Siege as soon as it was released and I've so far sunk about 6 hours into it. Initial thoughts? HUGE potential but it needs lots of balancing and bug fixes. Shotguns are incredibly overpowered and it seems that, if you can aim, rushing the enemy with one on the defensive side is far too easy. Also, I think the Price is too high as well. At $40 I think this game would make more sense. As it is, for me, 7/10 because I'm still having a lot of fun. I could easily see this becoming far better after subsequent updates as well. If you're thinking about picking it up, I would recommend waiting a bit for the updates.
Dec 3, 2015 at 5:35 AM Post #5,317 of 6,974
I picked Shadow of Mordor on friday.
I have been playing it for most of the weekend.
-Graphics: 8/10. Great potential, needs great rig. My laptop with a 570M cant play it over medium with playable frame rates (25-30 range).
-Combat: 8/10. Similar to the batman games but I actually like it a bit more. The batman games were in many cases boring repetitive combat. Here you get that 2, but simply put, less often.
-Ambient: 7/10. So far, there is constant pressure on you to keep your guard up as there is almost no areas where you are safe. It does feel like mordor.
-Inventory/Items: 4/10. There is very little in terms of items. You dont change your gear, only upgrade it with runes, and those are relatively similar to one another. Your swing speed never changes, and while that worked in Dark Souls, Dark Souls had many weapons to choose from, here you dont.
-Controls: 4/10. Here is the thing, the controls are fine, for the most part, but there are 3-4 things that are a real pain in the ass:
A) The "drop down from ledge", "jump on enemy and drain him" key are on the same KEY! This means, if you are in sneak mode, and you target the enemy (sometimes you target it even if you dont have it on screen!), you will jump on him, if you go out of sneak mode, you drop down the ledge. This problem increases by the fact that you have to hold the sneak key in order to STAY in sneak mode (my finger was falling off after 5 hours of holding it). There are a few more examples, but that one is the worst one.
B) The combos are mostly useless in big crowds, and most of the game will have some: The coolest combos can only be made vs 1 enemy alone since if there are many of them, they will break you out of it. Particularly bad are finishers that give you a short time to do extra damage to a stunned enemy, but leaves you open to taking damage yourself for a LONG time (worst is taht the finishers are different length depending on the animation AND also sometimes will relocate your character so its random to know if you will get hit or not).
C) Parkour has some problems: The character wont always do what you expect them to, so after some time, you will start to play "slower" to avoid jumping the wrong way.
That breaks the flow of the game at times.
Overall, its a combat game that has some problems. It is however quite fun to play if you are ok to take a cheap death from time to time (if you are the type of player that frustrates quickly, this game might not be for you).
Even thou this is mostly a combat game, and the controls are sometimes bonkers, the game does feel responsive and exiting so overall I would recommend it for steam sales.
Overall 7.5/10, and not higher because I think it could have less problems rather easily.
P.S. The nemesis system is AWESOME, but its something that might actually not be for you, so I dont add it as a point for better or worse, but it is true what they say, it gets you invested in taking down particular orks, and feels great at many times (When you suddenly find a weak ork captain after you improved a lot and take him down in 3 seconds flat you feel like a bad ass, but same way that guy alone could take you out if you are reckless, so it does have a lot of fun involved to it).
Dec 3, 2015 at 5:49 AM Post #5,318 of 6,974
@catspaw I have to agree with much of that. I liked SoM a lot, and would rate it about 8.5/10. I think combat is better than Batman also. If you get a bit overwhelmed you can slow time with elf-shot. I always upgraded ways to get more elf-shot.
The beauty of SoM for me was that it never got boring. If it felt to have slowed a little, I would do a main-mission, and it pepped the game along. Otherwise I was happy running around for hours doing side quests and slaying uruks.
I can't remember the issue you have with controls. One control which took me ages to work out was escaping by jumping up a cliff. If you run up to a cliff or wall, you expect to be able to jump then jump to the next grab. However it doesn't work and often I found myself being caught up to by uruks. The answer was more simple than I though. When doing this escape manoeuvre, simply run up to the wall and hold forward key. The game then performs the first jump for you. Followed by character control of the next jump to a higher place.
Dec 3, 2015 at 6:15 AM Post #5,319 of 6,974
The controls would be simply improved if you could separate those keys, but due to pad limitations, many actions are binded to the same key and that is almost always bad.
Dec 3, 2015 at 8:16 AM Post #5,320 of 6,974
If I recall correct, on PC many different actions were bound to the 'E' key. I think this is what you are describing.
I said in my review of SoM, on Steam and Metacritic that the first three hours were fun. Then the next three were not. Then after that it was fun again. The three difficult hours were because it made you master the controls you gradually learned in the first three hours. However it made you learn by turning up the heat in the game.
Dec 3, 2015 at 9:49 AM Post #5,321 of 6,974
E and spacebar (run/jump/dodge/climb, increase speed by tapping when jumping over an obstacle with a specific skill)
Dec 6, 2015 at 9:49 PM Post #5,322 of 6,974
I played on pc and used a Xbox controller which really is perfect for this game, no same key or transition issues. Also this game to shine graphically needs some muscle and a card with a lot of Bram. If you have a gtx titan or 980 or similar this game (SoN) looks gorgeous
Dec 7, 2015 at 6:39 AM Post #5,324 of 6,974
I just got a ps4 and played The Last of Us for the first time. What a great game!! Now playing a lot of Destiny and Bloodborne. Both a lot of fun

%There are a few games that I am sad to have only on consoles and the last of us and bloodborne are two of them.
In terms of the Last of us, I just watched a full playthrou by someone with no commentary and to be frank, its mostly a movie (gaming elements and mechanics are rather limited) so... :D.
Still, 2 bad these are "exclusives", but Im sure as hell not buying a console for a handful of titles, just as I dont buy a game on PC that I wont be playing.
Dec 7, 2015 at 7:05 AM Post #5,325 of 6,974
  %There are a few games that I am sad to have only on consoles and the last of us and bloodborne are two of them.
In terms of the Last of us, I just watched a full playthrou by someone with no commentary and to be frank, its mostly a movie (gaming elements and mechanics are rather limited) so... :D.
Still, 2 bad these are "exclusives", but Im sure as hell not buying a console for a handful of titles, just as I dont buy a game on PC that I wont be playing.

I want to play those two games too. The Halo series hurts me that it's not on PC after Halo 2. However there is just no way I am buying each console just to play these games. On top of that you have to buy the next gen consoles for the next gen games. Plus often older games are not compatible with new gen consoles.
I have tried playing Elite:Dangerous. The controls are very bad. I watched a youtube vid of how to get the controls working. However it was made for the Alpha version of E:D. I can't work out how to make the changes for the current version. I only have about 20 minutes playing time left on Steam before I lose the refund status. I really want to get it going though because it looks such a good game. At the moment I rate 2/10.

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