Rate the video games you're currently playing
Jan 31, 2011 at 10:55 PM Post #1,306 of 6,977
oblivian was fun...untill you realize its nothing, litterly the entire game is built on a paper thin story and could totaly happen with out you being there. 
Feb 1, 2011 at 12:23 AM Post #1,307 of 6,977

Dragon Age Origins ... 6/10, maybe itll get better . i just cant seem to got hooked.
Elder Scrolls: Oblivion ........ i have absolutely no idea why did i wait sooooooo long to try this game. 9/10!

I played Morrowind a lot more than Oblivion because until recently none of my systems could run Oblivion.  Both are great games if that sandbox style is for you, I absolutely loved it.  As for the storyline, I didn't think it was too bad.  NPC interactions could definitely be better, you often feel like you're a god in a world of retards, but it's still a great feeling xD
I played Dragon Age too, starting out as a mage I thought the first hour was awesome.  For some reason I really enjoyed the setting in the tower and stuff.  But unfortunately as soon as you get out the story turns rather generic... so I wouldn't rate it quite as high.  I also got stuck very fast...
I've been playing SC2 which I just got last week.  I suppose it's nice, I can definitely see what Blizzard was going for.  You definitely use more units and buildings which is cool, I know in SC1 90% of my TvP games I didn't make a single barracks unit and often times no starport units either (if the game doesn't go late-game).
Unfortunately, I don't know if it's just because I'm playing at a very low level (only gold as of now), but I do sort of see a lack of "micro".  Terran seems to pretty much be able to attack-move into the other guy's base now, throw in a few pdd's or emp's and the rest is just macro.  I really miss the siege and mines and stuff.  I also haven't seen any heavily skill based builds, like reavers, 2 fact vults, fake doubles, or even mutas.  I don't think it's even possible to win outright with something like 3 hatch mutas against someone of similar skill with amazing muta micro.  Static defenses also suck (not sure if this is good or bad), the days when you would be safe from an early push with just 3-4 sunkens and some zerglings seems to be over and expos with even 5+ cannons are sitting ducks.
Feb 1, 2011 at 12:43 AM Post #1,308 of 6,977
I hold my self from ordering SC2 and instead put a pre order for diablo III (seems like is never gonna come out) thing is i cant play SC online as much as i wanted to, does it still worth if i only play the campaign? 
I got disappointed when i hear they will be splitting the 3 campaigns in 3 different releases, seemed quite  a greedy move imo.
and as for Oblivion,  im still playing it, dragon age, not so much. but i will finish it.
before these two, i played and beated Fable in about 9 days, playing only nights after work. it had certain something, it felt kind of narrow story wise, no matter if you were good or bad the game alway went its way, only thing that changed was weapons and your look... and maybe who was or wasnt still alive. but it still felt awesome, my first one of the genre after diablo II years ago.
Feb 1, 2011 at 1:07 AM Post #1,309 of 6,977
If you play offline only, you're missing out on a huge part of the game.  There are some torrents/downloads available that allow you to play the SC2 campaign offline, maybe you even could do that with a guest pass.  I won't comment about the ethics but honestly I don't think blizzard would care at all.  Getting SC2 for the campaign only feels like playing a MMORPG on an offline server to do some of the quests on your own...
The campaign was pretty good though, it's more than just some levels like in SC1.
Feb 1, 2011 at 10:29 AM Post #1,310 of 6,977

I've been playing SC2 which I just got last week.  I suppose it's nice, I can definitely see what Blizzard was going for.  You definitely use more units and buildings which is cool, I know in SC1 90% of my TvP games I didn't make a single barracks unit and often times no starport units either (if the game doesn't go late-game).
Unfortunately, I don't know if it's just because I'm playing at a very low level (only gold as of now), but I do sort of see a lack of "micro".  Terran seems to pretty much be able to attack-move into the other guy's base now, throw in a few pdd's or emp's and the rest is just macro.  I really miss the siege and mines and stuff.  I also haven't seen any heavily skill based builds, like reavers, 2 fact vults, fake doubles, or even mutas.  I don't think it's even possible to win outright with something like 3 hatch mutas against someone of similar skill with amazing muta micro.  Static defenses also suck (not sure if this is good or bad), the days when you would be safe from an early push with just 3-4 sunkens and some zerglings seems to be over and expos with even 5+ cannons are sitting ducks.

There is definitely a lot more micro involved the further you go up in the leagues. Heck, you cannot be a good Brotoss withouth at least decent micro (those force fields can be game changers if used correctly), and there are quite a few more skill based builds that happen in plat and diamond (at least IME). For example its rare to see good use of infestors because its not that easy to use them good, but are also one of those units that can give you huge advantages with good micro. But I agree, mutas are not game ending units in SC2, but you can also transition pretty nicely from them after harassing.
I think its nice that static defenses aren't that good (although never underestimate having a photon cannon to fall back to give you a little edge in a battle), it makes the game more dynamic IMO.
Feb 2, 2011 at 7:34 PM Post #1,311 of 6,977

Technically it isn't a game, but the Duty Calls parody of Call of Duty (and similar) games is just plain awesome. It was released as publicity for Bulletstorm, and it definitely got the game in my radar. I think you can download it freely, or personally I would recommend watch the TotalBiscuit What video of it here:
Feb 3, 2011 at 4:43 PM Post #1,312 of 6,977

Homeless said:

Right now I'm playing X-men Legends rise of apocalypse on xbox...I enjoy just fine. I really liked the first x-men legends and so far this one holds up to that one. The cinema cut scenes are awesome...I'm only about an hour into the game but i'd give it an 8/10 so far...

also playing EA's NHL 2006...ok, now I have not really liked EA's NHL games for a few years, but kept playing them because i could NOT stand the ESPN game...well 2006 is vastly improved over previous years, but having said that it isn't perfect. I needed to do a lot of adjustments to the sliders to get the game to come of as I wanted. I'm about half way through my first season and really like it thus far. 7.5/10

I'm playing others as well but because I work full time and am taking a course as well I only play probably about 2 hours a week total so It's not worth me commenting on games I haven't really played much of...

Thanks for your sharing! I understand this part, It helps me out of the problem, It's comprehensive.
Feb 3, 2011 at 9:32 PM Post #1,313 of 6,977
I just got Minecraft. Good god, i can't stop myself. It's crazy.
10/10 for addictiveness, so compelling (somehow).
Feb 3, 2011 at 9:48 PM Post #1,314 of 6,977

I just got Minecraft. Good god, i can't stop myself. It's crazy.
10/10 for addictiveness, so compelling (somehow).

Ah, many hours I have wasted on it. Well, not wasted since I enjoyed that time.

Feb 3, 2011 at 10:19 PM Post #1,316 of 6,977
After I watched the Duty Calls parody thing, I decided to give the BulletStorm demo a chance on the 360, and it actually looks pretty interesting. The whole engine (aiming, movement feeling, etc.) doesn't seem to be as good as either CoD or Halo, but it didn't seem to break the game, at least for the demo. And the whole killing with skills actually looks very very interesting, since there seems to be a lot of ways to kill enemies, and added to that the arcade style point system that rewards you for cool kills, it could make for a very very good game. I might pick it up for the PC once it is released (or at least try the demo in the PC to see if the controls are better there).
Feb 3, 2011 at 10:54 PM Post #1,319 of 6,977
Feb 3, 2011 at 10:57 PM Post #1,320 of 6,977

Alright, after all this time I think you are the one that has convinced me to try minecraft... I might have to blame you for the time lost

You're screwed, bud.

Since that is on top to my current addictions to Halo Reach, Red Dead Redemption and SC2 (watching and playing it), you are definitely correct.

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