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Apr 13, 2015 at 11:40 PM Post #4,966 of 6,977

I liked Crysis 2 (C2). It comes in for a lot of flack, but the only issues I had was a few very hard checkpoints.
I don't understand how the main character in C3 is here since we saw him leave effectively in C2. You have to extend to believing in artistic licence for that I think. Either way you get a blast from the character in C3. Plus it's good to be with him again, if you've played through C and C2.
Shame for folks that didn't enjoy C3.
One of the plus points about playing older games like F.E.A.R. is that you can run them in 4k res DSR on a 1080p monitor. Everything looks sharp. F.E.A.R. originally suffered some criticism for being quite plain graphically. It starts out that way, but it seems to get better as it goes along. I think the expansions did too.
Re-playing such an old game now means zooming through it, and not focusing on the graphics. They looked good to me first time years ago, on a tiny 9600M GT at 1080p.  
It needs some fixing to get running with patches, and disabling HID stuff (that seems to affect nothing) otherwise it judders. Lots of re-mapping keys also. Otherwise it's a barrage of pressing all over the kb. Like putting grenades on mouse 4, instead of 'G'. Don't have to look away from the screen.
EDIT: P.S. yep, Evolve looks good. Am going to wait for a price drop on it.
Apr 14, 2015 at 3:42 AM Post #4,967 of 6,977
The park was stunning. Yes lots of it was amazing looking. I like the story the second time I played. First time it was a bit lost on me because of the struggle I was having with playing, as said above. It's brutally difficult until you get using the bow.
Another Crysis 3 handy tip I worked out is, remap visor to mouse 4, and grandes to middle mouse.
Metro Last Light (non-Redux) is a stunner too. Easier to play and better looking than 2033.
As for an old game that's good I am playing F.E.A.R. again, and will likely do the expansions too. Then re-play F.E.A.R. 2.

I liked F.E.A.R. a lot, including expansions. fear 2 not so much.
I loved Crysis I and warhead. 2 was very CoD like and killed the fun for me in just about a few minutes.
Apr 14, 2015 at 5:22 AM Post #4,968 of 6,977
  I liked F.E.A.R. a lot, including expansions. fear 2 not so much.
I loved Crysis I and warhead. 2 was very CoD like and killed the fun for me in just about a few minutes.

F.E.A.R kind of got stale very quickly for me. The beginning of the game was absolutely incredible but the story and gameplay dies away more and more as you play it. It's like they spent their whole budget on the first few missions.
Apr 14, 2015 at 5:38 AM Post #4,969 of 6,977
F.E.A.R kind of got stale very quickly for me. The beginning of the game was absolutely incredible but the story and gameplay dies away more and more as you play it. It's like they spent their whole budget on the first few missions.

A bit.. yes. I mean, the scary parts are impossible not to get used to after some time. Its a rather common thing in both games and films.
I do have to say this game had the best scarejump of all games I ever played, when the girl rushes towards you in an Airduckt.
Apr 14, 2015 at 8:20 AM Post #4,970 of 6,977
Finished Saints Row: Gat out of Hell. Everything in it was excellent. It carried the humor of the previous entires, added some new jokes, and the powers only confirm my belief that Volition should stop trying to make a GTA-style game for a while and made superhero games. Also, excellent voice cameo for God.

The problem...is that the game is very, very short. All of that enjoyment can be finished in about four hours. I think I'll have 100% in eight.

Verdict: buy when on sale (<$10 USD).
Apr 14, 2015 at 7:12 PM Post #4,971 of 6,977
F.E.A.R kind of got stale very quickly for me. The beginning of the game was absolutely incredible but the story and gameplay dies away more and more as you play it. It's like they spent their whole budget on the first few missions.

I think I can empathise only very slightly with some finding F.E.A.R. getting a touch boring. Only because I felt bored at one point. However that turner out to be right at the end and it wrapped itself up quickly. Co-incidentally the first expansion did exactly the same. Loved it all the way through, and just as I got bored, in a flash it ended. The second expansion didn't ever get boring because it was the scariest of the three. Those creatures that came up out the floor and grabbed you, gave me the creeps badly.
Gameplay doesn't seem to die for me. Controls were tricky unless you re-map. Default T, X, G, for keys you use all the time is hard work, and drains the experience.
It's horses for course though, or YMMV as they say now.
One aspect that kept F.E.A.R. interesting was the graphics got more textured as you went along. At first it was plain walls in something like pre-fabricated buildings. The rooftops were plain too. Cupboards have 2D handles. Then as it progresses textures got good. Marble floors, textured walls, and good lighting that made plainer areas look better. You got stuff to really look at.
I am in interval 7 of the first game. If I recall correct the graphics got better across the expansions slightly too. Throughout they used good colours here and there to make interesting moments to stop and look. When I played it originally though on my laptop, the 9600M GT at 1080p would just about max it. Now and then it dipped under 25fps.
EDIT: About the disable HID devices to stop juddering. I found one aspect it disables. I can't access volume control from keyboard. Track skip or play pause, when using media players is disabled also. Have to re-enable them.
Apr 14, 2015 at 7:24 PM Post #4,972 of 6,977
Borderlands 2 - got bored from all the one dimensional shooting and fetch missions, dropped for now.  Weird since I enjoy the Diablo games but could never get really into this game.
Playing GTA IV right now, the driving controls are awful (like driving a 130 hp minivan in a foot of snow) but it's pretty fun otherwise.  I wish the color scheme was less drab but I can see the aesthetic they are going after.
Apr 15, 2015 at 9:04 AM Post #4,973 of 6,977
  Borderlands 2 - got bored from all the one dimensional shooting and fetch missions, dropped for now.  Weird since I enjoy the Diablo games but could never get really into this game.
Playing GTA IV right now, the driving controls are awful (like driving a 130 hp minivan in a foot of snow) but it's pretty fun otherwise.  I wish the color scheme was less drab but I can see the aesthetic they are going after.

Borderlands felt pure grid for me :D.
Diablo 1 and 2 I loved, but I never bought 3.
Apr 15, 2015 at 9:30 AM Post #4,974 of 6,977
Borderlands 2 rocked my world.
I was finishing off F.E.A.R. (the first one) last night. I found the crux part of the back history about Alma. I looked it up on youtube. On this vid at 2.07 it starts playing a laptop recording. It explains the part of how Alma was discovered and imprisoned. The explanation continues until 3.50 when the scientist dies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOca7SrKOrQ
It was mentioned on this thread just above somewhere that someone found the story boring. I found it a good story. (On top of that, it was the hours of combat and half-good graphics that kept me enthralled.) However, initially I was slightly confused with the story at the start of the game on my first play. Who was who, and who was controlling the replicas? The story unfolded in the telephone messages and laptop data uploaded. On this point, essentially I agreed with the story being hard work to fathom out. I got bored having to listen through the general waffle messages, just to get the plot messages. I did get the general drift though.
Now having played the first instalment for a second time, it's crystal clear. I have moved onto Extraction point.
I rate the F.E.A.R. (1) trilogy very well. (You have to patch F.E.A.R. it to get modern resolutions. Extraction point you can get resolutions by editing the .cfg. Also you have disable a few HID devices, in Device Manager. I narrowed it down to two or one out of six. Otherwise the frame rate drops to about 24fps and judders, no matter what card you are running.)
It looks better now on my 22" IPS monitor, than it did a few years ago on my 18.4" TN panel laptop. Maybe re-visit it if you still have it. It does look quite good in 4K resolution, or (2650x1440p).
Apr 15, 2015 at 9:05 PM Post #4,975 of 6,977
My first hour with the new gta 5 is very positive, the game play is great I really like the first person prospective one can set in game, and the graphics are just gorgeous this open world is very attractive, time will tell but I'd say Rockstar has a winner for sure well worth a try..
Apr 16, 2015 at 9:15 AM Post #4,976 of 6,977
GTA 5 here as well. I never played it on Xbox/Playstation either of the times it was released as I had other things I was playing and "How long can it take for them to release it to PC".
For anyone who haven't played it, and at least to some extent enjoy the GTA-esque kind of games, (first-/thirdperson shooter with a lot of vehicles and some RPG elements) I can say for sure that they will get their money's worth with the single player. Great story, lots of content, great voice acting, enjoyable characters. Graphics are beautiful, sound is great, runs really well on most decently upgraded machines, not at all a bad "console port".
Add in a really fun (load times aside) multiplayer experience and it's definitely a winner.
As I only have about 8 hours in the game thus far I don't want to give a final verdict, but definitely a quality game that I will recommend to anyone asking!
Apr 16, 2015 at 5:10 PM Post #4,977 of 6,977
Really enjoying Pillars of Eternity. Still needs some bug fixes, but nothing game breaking for me yet. Currently an 8/10.

H1Z1. I only play Battle Royal at night against a horde of overseas players from Asia. It's so satisfying winning against 130 other players, many of which are teamed up. Won my 10th match last night against a team of three.
Its has issues and is still Alpha, but it can also be addicting, silly, fun, frustrating, and entertaining all at once. I'll give BR a 6.5/10 overall, but a 9/10 for entertainment factor.

Finally Verdun. I love this WWI, trench warfare fps. The devs drop multiple patches a week. Patches legitimately change the game for the better. Been playing for 6 months now and it's not even remotely close to what it was. Giant leaps in the right direction.
Great ideas and gameplay. Has a bit of a learning curve and brain adjustment compared to other fps. Currently an 8.5/10 for its originality and strong dev team.
Apr 21, 2015 at 10:07 AM Post #4,978 of 6,977
Battlefield Hardline: 8.5/10
Being mostly a COD player, i was slightly disappointed at this game when i first played. I didn't like how it required a lot of damage to kill an enemy, I didn't like how skilled players absolutely DOMINATED the game and beginners (like me) struggled, I didn't care much for the Cop vs. Criminal thing, and I didn't understand the game modes. 
However, it has slowly grown on me and as I got the hang of it i became better and better at it and now its pretty awesome. Firstly, the story is mode is actually good. This isn't something i expected as Battlefield is more about multiplayer than anything else. This is the first fps game that i actually get excited and really enjoy doing playing the story mode, and this is not something i can say about a lot of fps games. 
Then there's the multiplayer, and damn is it good. I had a hard time adapting to the huge maps (again, coming from COD) but then it made for very enjoyable times. The game modes are absolutely fantastic, "Blood Money" and "Rescue" are my favorite. The guns are also quite impressive and, this is the one that shocked me, very realistic. I was using my DT880's to play the other day and randomly tried to fire an M9A1, and let me tell you, if you've every fired that gun in real life, it sounds very similar to the game. This isn't something we usually see from other fps games. The graphics are also pretty epic as well. 
Overall a very fun game, and easily trumps the lastest COD:Advanced Warfare (which was terrible IMO).
If any of you play Hardline on PS4, add me: MPower965 
Apr 21, 2015 at 9:18 PM Post #4,980 of 6,977
cool I'll be sure to add this one to my list, I've been a BF fan since the start... 

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