Rate the video games you're currently playing
Jan 13, 2014 at 12:59 AM Post #4,081 of 6,977
Meh, I just dropped Left 4 Dead 2. It reminds me too much of Half Life 2 and I didn't like that series very much.

Gameplay: 6/10 (just like in Half Life 2, the gameplay is pretty linear, weapon selection is limited, and it's very repetitive fighting the same 6 zombies over and over and over again, so it gets boring)
Music: 3/10 (there's not much to it, but it's a dynamic soundtrack...and that's pretty much all that's good about it)
Story: 6/10 (it's a post-apocalyptic zombie world, what can you expect? I don't understand why the "4 survivors" don't stick to other survivors encountered in the campaign such as at the bridge, but I didn't finish it so I guess I won't know)
Replay Value: 8/10 (lots of multiplayer options and different modes)
Graphics: 7/10 (it's decent, but it looks too much like Half Life 2, which is 10 years old)
Overall: 6/10

I don't understand why this game is so popular, to be honest. It felt like an extension of Half Life 2, and I thought that game was way over-hyped.
Jan 13, 2014 at 3:16 AM Post #4,082 of 6,977
I don't understand why this game is so popular, to be honest. It felt like an extension of Half Life 2, and I thought that game was way over-hyped.

Do you love FPS games? Because the actual game-play and user-input (weapons, movement, etc)  is rock solid, especially for a 5 year old game (original L4D - because L4D2 basically absorbed L4D). 
Maybe it's just not your genre?
Jan 13, 2014 at 3:45 AM Post #4,083 of 6,977
I don't understand why this game is so popular, to be honest. It felt like an extension of Half Life 2, and I thought that game was way over-hyped.

Do you love FPS games? Because the actual game-play and user-input (weapons, movement, etc)  is rock solid, especially for a 5 year old game (original L4D - because L4D2 basically absorbed L4D). 
Maybe it's just not your genre?

I wouldn't say I love FPS games, but I don't hate them either.
I enjoyed the Crysis, Metroid Prime, and Halo series a lot and I really want to play Battlefield 3 or 4 some day.

I guess Left 4 Dead 2's overall gameplay just didn't cut it for me. Team Fortress 2 and the Counter Strike series are fine in my book though.
Jan 13, 2014 at 5:04 AM Post #4,084 of 6,977
I did not have the original L4D, but I found L4D2 pretty overrated. Other than a couple of a unique zombies and the hordes of them the game felt kind of outdated and lacking imo. I never felt drawn into the game I guess.
A lot of the online modes are ridiculously frustrating to play if you do not have any friends to play with. Pretty much every team will out class you. I had the same felling in Gears of War and the Last of Us Multiplayer. Granted The Last of Us had a no party mode to even it up, and I luckily made a couple of Last of Us friends early on in which we wrecked everything (which also is not that fun).
Jan 13, 2014 at 7:46 AM Post #4,085 of 6,977
RUST (alpha) 4/10
♦ gameplay 8/10 - no obvious bugs, smooth, handles nicely
♦ GFX 6/10 - not exactly next gen, but more than adequate for a sandbox game
♦ content 1/10 - after 5-7 hours, you'll have seen almost everything the game has to offer
This game has so much potential (from the Dev of Garrys Mod), but at this early stage in development, I wouldn't recommend anyone to spend the money on it unless you really want to help fund it's development.
So far it's rock solid, but there just isn't enough content to keep it fun and engaging.
Might be one to watch for next year though.
Jan 13, 2014 at 12:09 PM Post #4,086 of 6,977
Metroid Prime

While it has FPS elements I wouldn't call it an FPS game, the first two had a reasonably easy aiming system, only the third had some kind of I guess free hand aim system,
that said how ever I ADORE metroid Prime the first one :D
Plus I can emulate and re render it in 1080p on my pc which looks AWESOME. And I would TOTALLY buy a 1080 reMake of the metroid Prime Triology if they added the Orignal Aiming scheme and made use of the Wii U's game pad [like to scan items and what not, that would be cool imo
So here's to hoping Retro makes a new Metroid Game in teh next year or released a 1080p Re Render of the old Triology! 
trust me it looks TOTALLY AWESOME sauce in 1080p, for a game that focus so heaviliy on visuals and exploration , and looked good on the orignal GC, I think a 1080p re release would sell like hot cakes
Jan 16, 2014 at 8:38 PM Post #4,091 of 6,977
Battlefield4 is a love hate thing..when you are doing good and getting loads of kills it's awesome..when you aren't it's a pile of $h!t!

It's not that its just the optimization is so bad it's not even funny, people reportedly say that it crashes out of the blue even for those on high end rigs. It brings some new features and quite a few of them annoying. The difference between BC2 and BF3 was quite substantial, the difference between BF4 and BF3 not so much.
Jan 18, 2014 at 3:48 AM Post #4,092 of 6,977
Oh man, Dust: An Elysian Tail is a pretty friggin' epic game.

Gameplay: 9/10 (brawler-like gameplay with a bunch of ways to execute attacks and chain combos; fully customisable keyboard layout also makes gameplay super smooth; enemies are kind of repetitive on the other hand)

Story: 9/10 (it's probably not a novel storyline, but it's not something I've seen in a while, if at all)

Art Direction: 10/10 (sure, the characters are all animal-based, but the artwork as a whole is absolutely stunning, and even more so considering one guy did pretty much the whole game!; I would give it a 9.5/10 because the character portraits are blurry on a Retina Display, but that's trivial)

Replay Value: 8/10 (lots of quests, crafting, collectables, and pure brawling make it a fun game to play again)

Music: 9/10 (it's got a really good soundtrack, not perfect, but definitely one of the better soundtracks I've heard in a game)

Overall: 9.2/10 (a fantastic game)
Jan 18, 2014 at 3:57 AM Post #4,093 of 6,977
playing guild wars 2 now
i would rate it 9/10 really love pvp
Jan 18, 2014 at 9:39 AM Post #4,094 of 6,977
Oh man, Dust: An Elysian Tail is a pretty friggin' epic game.

Gameplay: 9/10 (brawler-like gameplay with a bunch of ways to execute attacks and chain combos; fully customisable keyboard layout also makes gameplay super smooth; enemies are kind of repetitive on the other hand)

Story: 9/10 (it's probably not a novel storyline, but it's not something I've seen in a while, if at all)

Art Direction: 10/10 (sure, the characters are all animal-based, but the artwork as a whole is absolutely stunning, and even more so considering one guy did pretty much the whole game!; I would give it a 9.5/10 because the character portraits are blurry on a Retina Display, but that's trivial)

Replay Value: 8/10 (lots of quests, crafting, collectables, and pure brawling make it a fun game to play again)

Music: 9/10 (it's got a really good soundtrack, not perfect, but definitely one of the better soundtracks I've heard in a game)

Overall: 9.2/10 (a fantastic game)

Yea I do like it, and I'd add the Voice acting in there as well, I like it! Fidget lawl... make me chuckle 
Jan 18, 2014 at 3:30 PM Post #4,095 of 6,977
watch a buddy playthrough 'The Walking Dead: The game - Season 1"
over all I would give this a 7/10.
The game its self plays more like a visual novel with some interactive shooting parts; mostly on rail. I don't have a problem with this type of game play and it adds a much more cinematic quality too the game. The voice acting is alright; the set pieces are pretty solid; the one thing I didn't understand until later is why its cell shaded...I will get to that with spoilers.The game, that I saw at least has three different shooter aspects; full first person but almost like an arcade shooter, first/third person point and click on targets, and on rails. The story was pretty good through out the game and the characters were well written.....certainly MUCH better than the show; and everyone isn't covered in 45 miles of plot armor.
The bad things.....well mainly its construction and simplicity; it plays like a puzzle game 85% of the time, a stealth game 5% of the time, and 10% of the time its a shooter. The problem I have with this is that the puzzles were just mind numbingly easy..now I understand it is supposed to be a more realistic game so they cant have all these wacky puzzles; but even something in the realm of resident evil's "find X key to get Y key, but before that you have to move things out of your way with z thing". One last gripe I have with this game; and its the main one, the engine or what ever thats running this was fairly poorly optimized on consoles and everyone time you would make a move or even start a cut scene it would always freeze up right when you selected it, sometimes getting him killed....other than this I'm not really sure what to say.
Try the game, its worth it in my opinion. The game doesn't fall into the hilariously stupid pitfalls the show does and the characters are genuinely likable...well most of them; but you get to deal with them later. The writers on Season one urgently need to replace the writers on the show...because the game outshines it like a mag-light versus a flickering candle.

Okay...the reason why I believe this game SHOULD be cell-shaded...and why it was smart they did. Good lord; this game was fairly dark....not incredibly but fairly; until near the end of the first season where is just nails you in the gut with a mack truck hauling bricks. You find a house...yadda yadda yadda, you check the house, someone might have bean attacked in the house, you find them, they are staring at the decrepit and malnourished...he starved to death; you find the zombie body of like a six year old boy that starved to death twisting on the attic floor. You then have the choice of making the person who found him( in my friends case a man that his entire family died about two hours ago in story) or  your self to kill him. Have that...IT MAKES YOU F*&KING BURY HIM IN A GRAVE HIS DOG WAS IN! I'm not talking a "select the grave, and it does it" Were talking it makes you take each shovel of dirt and throw it over the pathetic and just gutwrenchlingly sad body in the ground. Then...later in the story; the main character has to cut his own arm off and rescue a little girl he was caring for from a kidnapper before he turns into a zombie. so yeah....it gos from 0 to suicide blues from out of nowhere. After watching this I thought to me self "if this were realistic.......this would be the most terrifying and darkest thing in gaming history".
so yes, I give 'The Walking dead: The Game - Season 1' a 7/10, its not perfect...but it was damn good.

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