Rate the video games you're currently playing
Jun 18, 2011 at 10:36 AM Post #1,816 of 6,977
I've always been curious about Forza.
Need For Speed 9/10
Jun 18, 2011 at 10:49 AM Post #1,817 of 6,977
I remember playing Gran Turismo 3 on the Playstation 2 when I was younger. It was awesome. Probably the best driving game I've played on a console.
Jun 18, 2011 at 11:00 AM Post #1,818 of 6,977
Halo Reach: 9.5/10. Probably the best Halo game since Halo:CE
Halo 3 ODST: 8/10. Awkward pacing but good story.
Fable 2: 7.5/10. Better than Fable 3, worse than Fable: The Lost Chapters (Main game and expansion)
Bayonetta: 7/10. Weird mix of Ninja Gaiden, Devil May Cry and God of War (in my opinion), controls just feel too stiff compared to these three :p 
Jun 18, 2011 at 11:04 AM Post #1,819 of 6,977

Halo Reach: 9.5/10. Probably the best Halo game since Halo:CE
Halo 3 ODST: 8/10. Awkward pacing but good story.
Fable 2: 7.5/10. Better than Fable 3, worse than Fable: The Lost Chapters (Main game and expansion)
Bayonetta: 7/10. Weird mix of Ninja Gaiden, Devil May Cry and God of War (in my opinion), controls just feel too stiff compared to these three :p 

Agreed I actually liked Halo 2 story better but you tend to forgot that when you play Halo 3 or Reach.
Even more if your online.
Jun 18, 2011 at 11:13 AM Post #1,820 of 6,977
Agree on Reach.
Agree on Fable.
I enjoyed Bayonetta more than DMC because the story was more than just 'Dante is a jerk: the game'
Also as far as Forza goes...here's an idea about how I spend my time in Forza. I love drifting. So...pick the right car (takes quite a few hours), tune it very very meticulously (few hundred hours), paint it (with little anime girls. Takes the most time. 600+ hours), and finally I drive it a little! lol
And this is why Forza is better. 

Halo Reach: 9.5/10. Probably the best Halo game since Halo:CE
Halo 3 ODST: 8/10. Awkward pacing but good story.
Fable 2: 7.5/10. Better than Fable 3, worse than Fable: The Lost Chapters (Main game and expansion)
Bayonetta: 7/10. Weird mix of Ninja Gaiden, Devil May Cry and God of War (in my opinion), controls just feel too stiff compared to these three :p 

Jun 18, 2011 at 11:31 AM Post #1,821 of 6,977
'I enjoyed Bayonetta more than DMC because the story was more than just 'Dante is a jerk: the game'

true that- storywise, it is a lot better than DMC or NG, but i just find the controls a bit iffy; my combos just dont flow as well as they do in DMC or NG
I just got Borderlands: GOTY and Ninja Blade from the bargain bin of a local shop and started playing NB- anyone who likes NG or GoW will enjoy this OTT rip-off of the two. The campy story is just hilarious :D
Jun 18, 2011 at 11:37 AM Post #1,822 of 6,977
Best game released in 2009. IMO
'I enjoyed Bayonetta more than DMC because the story was more than just 'Dante is a jerk: the game'

true that- storywise, it is a lot better than DMC or NG, but i just find the controls a bit iffy; my combos just dont flow as well as they do in DMC or NG
I just got Borderlands: GOTY and Ninja Blade from the bargain bin of a local shop and started playing NB- anyone who likes NG or GoW will enjoy this OTT rip-off of the two. The campy story is just hilarious :D

Jun 18, 2011 at 11:44 AM Post #1,823 of 6,977
Not started playing it yet, but thanks for the heads up, I'm sure i got a real bargain considering i paid ~$25 brand new for it and it contains codes for all the expansions :D
Jun 18, 2011 at 5:08 PM Post #1,824 of 6,977
Halo Reach: 9.5/10. Probably the best Halo game since Halo:CE
Halo 3 ODST: 8/10. Awkward pacing but good story.
Fable 2: 7.5/10. Better than Fable 3, worse than Fable: The Lost Chapters (Main game and expansion)
Bayonetta: 7/10. Weird mix of Ninja Gaiden, Devil May Cry and God of War (in my opinion), controls just feel too stiff compared to these three :p 

I don't think I ever want to play Reach again after getting destroyed by an entire team of bungie employees last night; flaming blue skulls and all. Though I think bungie's dedication to their games is pretty cool, perhaps even admirable.
As for Bayonetta...

Jun 18, 2011 at 5:30 PM Post #1,825 of 6,977


I don't think I ever want to play Reach again after getting destroyed by an entire team of bungie employees last night; flaming blue skulls and all. Though I think bungie's dedication to their games is pretty cool, perhaps even admirable.
As for Bayonetta...


 happened to me during the beta 
Love Yahtzee'z review BTW, not sure how i missed that one before buying the game; absolutely hilarious ending 

Jun 18, 2011 at 10:28 PM Post #1,826 of 6,977

Haha, I used to play GW pretty hardest-core. I was hailed as the best infuser(tomb) in the game by many during my prime. Even to a degree where people would recognize me when I joined pug and they would tell their guildmates that I joined their party. I was one of the less than 20 people w/ a phoenix emote back in 2007. Now it's a dime a dozen w/ dragon emotes and stuff but meh..but then that was a long arse time ago. I used to play 16 hours a day way back when I was in school. Haha, I really took good use outa my summer vacations. Good old days. Wish I have time to play games as much as I did back then. A cropped screenshot of my total number of hours played:



GW is fun and all, but how did you ever find enough stuff to do for that long? Granted, I wasn't really into the PvP, I played mostly PvE and had the best everything and ran out of things to do so I got bored. I quit shortly before expansion 1 and moved on to WoW. After I ran out of things to do in WoW, I raided quite heavily in EQ2 for quite some time. I quit about 2 years ago and haven't looked back.

I'm kinda looking forward to GW2 however. I feel that it's both casual and interesting enough that I can play more casually. I hope they have an an auction house.

It was all pvp. If you like to play competitively against other players, you know pvp never gets old. there were core people I I used to play w/ on a daily basis. I remember holding hoh regularly and good runs went up to 3x times in a row w/ my regular buddies. If you remember way back, 3-monk backline was the norm w/ 1 prot, 1 woh, and 1 sb/infuse. I was the sb/infuser back in the days. I rose to fame after beating players who were known to run spike builds like r spike, necro spike, rit spike, searing flame spike, lightning orb spike, fast mes spike, degen spike, mo spike, sin spike, holy strike spike, smite-off-of-pet spike, standard war + ele + shatter enchant spike. You name it I infused against all.
I had occassions where they tried to kill only me to -60 dp because they felt they wouldn't stand a chance if they don't have me down and in other occassions I had teams where they would lose hope as soon as they see me and go, "ah crap. They have xxxxx. Just resign guys. It's gg. " and they would resign spike b/c they knew as long as I"m infusing they don't stand a chance. Hahaha, like I said good old days. Pvp never gets old. I still do some ra runs on my mo and derv from time to time. Recent nerf to derv left a bitter taste on my mouth so I rarely play anymore. Meh.
Haha, I used to play GW pretty hardest-core. I was hailed as the best infuser(tomb) in the game by many during my prime. Even to a degree where people would recognize me when I joined pug and they would tell their guildmates that I joined their party. I was one of the less than 20 people w/ a phoenix emote back in 2007. Now it's a dime a dozen w/ dragon emotes and stuff but meh..but then that was a long arse time ago. I used to play 16 hours a day way back when I was in school. Haha, I really took good use outa my summer vacations. Good old days. Wish I have time to play games as much as I did back then. A cropped screenshot of my total number of hours played:



GW is fun and all, but how did you ever find enough stuff to do for that long? Granted, I wasn't really into the PvP, I played mostly PvE and had the best everything and ran out of things to do so I got bored. I quit shortly before expansion 1 and moved on to WoW. After I ran out of things to do in WoW, I raided quite heavily in EQ2 for quite some time. I quit about 2 years ago and haven't looked back.

I'm kinda looking forward to GW2 however. I feel that it's both casual and interesting enough that I can play more casually. I hope they have an an auction house.

I thought I had much fewer hours, but I just checked, and I have almost 6000 hours spread over 2 accounts... GW had me hooked for quite a while. And I wasn't even into PvP at all! What did I do then? Mostly speedclearing, getting GWAMM and 50/50 HoM scores on both accounts, buying all available elite armors, weapons, etc., just pretty much completing and getting anything that can be completed / gotten in PvE. Now that I have done all of that, I can finally say I'm done with GW, at least the PvE side. Now the wait is for GW2

I pretty much have done all that. FoW armours on my rit, mes and elite armours on the rest of my chars. But pve got boring real quick after 5-6 months. Then I got into the world of pvp and realized, "holy shI#! this is so much more fun and more challenging" and pvped exclusively for the next 4-5 years. I'm also waiting on GW2. Looking foward to seeing how they managed to transision the old tomb system into that of GW2.
A couple of screenies showing off my past good runs. I had better runs but lost most of them during hdd reformat, but I still got my phoenix. You might have heard of me if you've been around long enough. xD

Jun 19, 2011 at 11:17 PM Post #1,828 of 6,977
The skate series is one of my all-time favorite "casual games." I can just play those games for days trying to screw around with the physics. So fun and chill. Or trying to break every bone in the player characters body.
Jun 23, 2011 at 9:16 AM Post #1,829 of 6,977
Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven - 9.9/10. No commentaries required.
Space Rangers 2 - 9.5/10. "Space Rangers" is a series of two TBS by a Russian game developer Elemental Games (the team of these games' developers is now known as Katauri Interactive, a developer of the '08 King's Bounty, a remake of an '90 game). These games are not very popular outside Russia due to bad advertising and a "casual" name. It is a 2D space TBS with numerous text quests. It is quite hard for me to describe it as I haven't played any similar ones, but I strongly recommend these TBS to anyone. I hope that the translation is good as humorous dialogues and text quests are a great part of the game. Games have no multiplayer so you can simply torrent them, but if you always buy games, you can get them both on Steam for $25.

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