Rate The Last Movie You Watched
Aug 6, 2012 at 5:53 AM Post #10,636 of 24,690
Battleship - 7/10
If you can see past the "AMERICA, **** YEAH!!!!!!" additude of the movie - and take the movie for what it is: mindless action - then battleship is a great movie. If you're expecting awesome acting and a great story, go see something else.
Aug 6, 2012 at 6:17 AM Post #10,637 of 24,690
Blade (1998) 5/10

This movie is your standard action movie. It's nothing I've already seen dozens of times already, only the names has changed. The dialogues are cheesy, and the characters undeveloped. The fighting scenes are more dancing than fighting. But it stays entertaining, without dragging on. It's a good rental.
Aug 6, 2012 at 11:43 AM Post #10,638 of 24,690
Battleship - 7/10
If you can see past the "AMERICA, **** YEAH!!!!!!" additude of the movie - and take the movie for what it is: mindless action - then battleship is a great movie. If you're expecting awesome acting and a great story, go see something else.

You got that attitude from the movie?  With the US and Japan working/training together off the cost of Pearl Harbor? 
  Well, I second your score and impressions.  Solid fun from Hasbro better than a lot of movies released around its time which shouldn't have been the case.
Aug 9, 2012 at 3:23 AM Post #10,642 of 24,690
The Wave: 9/10
German film based on Ron Jones' social experiment The Third Wave. 
Aug 9, 2012 at 8:28 PM Post #10,643 of 24,690
The Dark Knight Rises 9/10
Really liked that movie, also had great expectations that did not let me down.
Great comeback from the batman but it was really the ending that I found most interesting.
Especially Robin getting into the batcave and Alfred on his vacation in Florence.
Great movie!
Aug 10, 2012 at 12:11 PM Post #10,646 of 24,690
Total Recall (2012) - 3/10
I had high hopes for this movie as a mystery cyberpunk sci-fi thriller like the Deus Ex games but it turns out to be just another predictable action movie with no substance and no original content. It was crap.
Aug 10, 2012 at 1:21 PM Post #10,648 of 24,690
Yes, some movies shouldn't be re-made.
This article morphed a review of it to an indictment of our election this fall--or something like that.
Aug 11, 2012 at 8:48 AM Post #10,649 of 24,690
Sin City: Recut  9/10

Directed by: Frank Miller, Robert Rodriguez, Quentin Tarantino

Featuring: Bruce Willis, Mickey Rourke, Jessica Alba, Maria Bello, Clive Owen, Nick Stahl, Powers Boothe, Rutger Hauer, Elijah Wood, Rosario Dawson, Josh Hartnett, Benicio Del Toro, Jaime King, Devon Aoki, Brittany Murphy, Michael Clarke Duncan
It may not be for everyone, but I really enjoyed the re-cut version. It was spliced into four separate stories, more true to form to the original Miller books. This film has an over the top visual style (also true to form to the books) for a "crime thriller", and it totally works.

Aug 11, 2012 at 4:02 PM Post #10,650 of 24,690
Lords of the Rings: Fellowship of the Rings - 9.25/10
Why do all the female characters in this movie only whisper when they talk? Is that in the book? Why do I find that annoying? Nitpick much? Maybe all female elvaan's talk this way?
What the studios do for this series is ridiculous and all for getting the most money they possibly can. They're greedy.
release regular dvd version...wait a year..release extended version on DVD only in a rip-off boxed set..wait 6 months and release the extended versions in overpriced fancy-pants DVD versions.
Now it comes out on Blu-ray and they do the same thing. I bought the blu-ray regular versions for $5 each at Christmas and now the only way to get the extended versions is buying the $99 boxed set AFAIK.
I also did another back to back viewing of "Bridge on the River Kwai" and "Guns of Navarone". "Bridge.." is the better movie, but Guns has better dialogue and characters and is a tad more entertaining.
The Bridge..  is a near perfect movie. I probably watch it once a month. I've viewed "The Great Escape" so many times now that i've gotten sick of it.
I also got a chance to see "The War" on TV recently. Kind of annoying and some parts are kind of pointless. The sound editor should have been fired! For every explosion and gun-shot they crank up the bass to MAX.
I'll rent it and watch the entire series. So far "World War II in HD" is a lot better. I haven't finished "The World At War" due to it's crappy audio. It's almost impossible to hear it.

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